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On the Chinese Translation of Brand Names in English论品牌英文名称中

论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-04-15 17:03:12 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

On the Chinese Translation of Brand Names in English论品牌英文名称中文翻译英语商标的汉译
The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture

摘 要商标名的翻译是一种跨文化交际形式,不管是中文商标的英译还是英文商标的汉译,都会涉及到语言规律、文化心理、审美情趣等方面的因素。商标翻译者在遵循翻译原则的同时,也要注意一些商标翻译的文化禁区,并且...)

As the result of gradual extension of commodity exchange in China’s market, and the further development of economic globalization, the brand names, as the legally registered name of emblem of http://www.ukassignment.org/   commodities, are playing crucial roles in international trade. More and more enterprises have come to the realization that one of their most valuable assets is the brand name associated with their products, so it is important to do well in the translation of English brand names.

This thesis intends to approach brand name translation from the angle of the theory “correspondence in meaning and similarity in function”, combined with the principle of “beauty in sense, form and sound”. After discussing the typical translation instances of English brand names, the author studies several methods and techniques of brand name translation. This shows translation of English brand names needs comprehensive ability including language, culture and art, as well as creativity and imagination. Based on detailed analysis, the author holds the view that trademark translation aims at reaching the goal of cultural accommodation for publicizing their products, so English brand name translation should conform to the conventional language, and consider the factors of culture and aesthetic psychology in target market. At the end of this thesis, the author points out existing problems of trademark translation in China and also disposes some suggestions to solve the problems.

Key Words: English trademark; brand names; Chinese translation; translation method;products
摘 要

指导留学生国际市场专业论文自中国成为WTO的正式成员国以来,越来越多的中国企业有机会走出国门,在国际舞台上展示自己的风采。同时他们也意识到一个不可忽略的问题,那就是:要进入国际市场,吸引国外消费者的眼球,除了提供优质的产品和服务之外,拥有一个得体的品牌名称也至关重要。要在日趋激烈的国际竞争中获得消费者的青睐,就必须慎重地处理品牌名称的翻译。可以毫不夸张地讲,这关系到一个产品能否在目标市场获得消费者的认可。 应该说品牌名称的翻译是一门综合的艺术,它不是由源语到目标语的简单替换,它需要融合多方面的知识,比如翻译理论、历史、文化、美学、心理学、社会学,要解读译语受众的民族心理、价值取向、宗教信仰、审美习俗等。它既要与商品内容紧密相关,又要有鲜明的视觉效果,使人眼前一亮,印象深刻。所以对这个话题的研究不但属于语言范畴,更属于文化范畴。 已经有许多学者涉猎此项研究,比如,王燕希在《广告英语》中谈到了这个话题,他所提到的基本方法有:缩略法、组合法、词缀法等,但没有把它作为一个专门的问题来研究,只是作为广告的附属物,并没有给人留下深刻的印象。朱亚军在《商标命名研究》一书中总结了品牌名称的构成特点及各种方法,但并没有从...As China became a formal member of WTO, more and more Chinese enterprises have the opportunities to grow and prosper in the world market. In the process of exploring onto the world stage, Chinese enterprises have come to the realization that one of their most valuable assets is the brand names associated with their products or services. Having an eye-catching but appropriate brand name has been proved to be a powerful weapon in the increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, many Chinese enterprises have tr...

1 化妆品的名字体现了历史和西方文化传统

已成为引导世界潮流的全方位化妆品牌LANCOME(兰蔻),其构想来自于法国中部的一座城堡LANCOSME。由于城堡的四周重满了玫瑰,充满浪漫意境,而Armand Petitjean本人更认为每个女人就像玫瑰,玫瑰也就成了LANCOME兰蔻的品牌标志。

西方文化是个体取向,强调个人意识。用人名或姓氏作为品牌名称,以显示对产品发明人、企业创始人的尊重与纪念,从而体现个人价值。如世界顶级化妆品品牌EsteeLauder,由Estee Lauder雅诗兰黛和JosephLauder约瑟夫兰黛建立的雅诗兰黛公司的前身,现在已经发展成为全球最大的护肤、化妆品和香水公司。#p#分页标题#e#

以创始人命名的化妆品还有:Mary Kay玫琳凯,Chanel夏奈尔或香奈儿,Arden雅顿,Dior迪奥等等,这些品牌在全世界都极为畅销。

2 化妆品的汉译名要考虑汉语文化


又如,Christian Dior公司在1985年推出了Poison香水,中文译作“百爱神”,其义妙不可言。“百爱”让人联想到“三千宠爱于一身”,“神”是美的化身,此译迎合了中国女性追求温婉、娴熟的心理。若直译成“毒液、毒药”,销量势必会受到影响。

3 化妆品汉译名的审美情趣







又如,Be True是一种洁肤化妆品,被译为“冰纯”,从英文中的两个音节译为汉字的两个音节,而且语意较为贴切,令人具有冰清玉洁、纯洁无瑕的清爽之感。



又如,流行的口红品牌UP2U,采用了英文与数字灵活组合的形式,同Up to you的发音一致,此商标加入了网络时代的新元素,广受时尚青年的喜爱。

A number of international brands of cosmetics and the Chinese translation of the origin of the name of
Amy is a woman's nature, while the pursuit of beauty and desire is to buy goods never power. Market, so many world-renowned cosmetic brand, the name of their styles, you know the story behind the big brand names and cultural connotations do?

A cosmetic name reflects the history and cultural traditions of the West

Has become the leading all-round global trend of cosmetic brands LANCOME (Lancome), the concept comes from the middle of a castle in France LANCOSME. As the weight around the castle filled with roses, romantic mood, but Armand Petitjean I also think that every woman is like roses, roses have become a LANCOME Lancome brand identity.

Western culture is an individual-oriented, emphasis on individual consciousness. Employer name or last name as the brand name, to show the product inventors, founders of the respect and commemoration, reflecting personal values. As the world's top cosmetics brands EsteeLauder, by Estee Lauder Estee Lauder and JosephLauder • Joseph • Lauder • Lauder Ascott established the company's predecessor, and now has become the world's largest skin care, cosmetics and fragrance companies.

There are named after the founder of cosmetics in order to: Mary Kay Mary Kay, Chanel Chanel or Chanel, Arden Arden, Dior Dior and so on, these brands are extremely popular in the world.

2 Translation of names to be considered cosmetic Chinese Culture

Foreign products into the Chinese market have a clear positioning, so mark translation must be based on the Chinese language and cultural basis. For example, a kind of lipstick English to Chinese, the "KissMe" translated as "Sunkist beauty", and not directly translated as "Kiss Me" is implicitly advocates, taking into account the characteristics of the Chinese nation. "Sunkist" and "Knight" are homonyms, and the "beauty" combination gives a Hero-beauty of the association, taking into account the Chinese consumer psychology at the same time, also demonstrated the performance of the content to be KissMe.#p#分页标题#e#

Again, Christian Dior's Poison launched in 1985, fragrance, Chinese, translated as "100 Eros" and its meaning fantastic. "100 Love" reminiscent of the "beloved" and "God" is the embodiment of the United States, this translated to meet the Chinese women seeking gentle, skillful psychology. If the straight translated as "poison, poison," sales is bound to be affected.

3 Translation of the name of cosmetic aesthetics
Women's beauty products in the translation of the mark when, in addition to reflect the attributes of goods, but also as far as possible formal beauty, artistic beauty and creativity of the perfect unity of the United States, in giving poetic feeling of the I-like, to stimulate consumer desire to purchase the purpose of .

Beauty of Form
Beauty of Form refers primarily to the phonological trade names beauty and shape America.

For example, the American cosmetics company Maybelline, Translation named "Maybelline." "America," suggesting its function, "Lotus" suggesting its effects, both draw upon sound, but also draw upon justice, and the sound loud, it means beautiful, after all, a superior quality.

Another example is Japanese Skin Care Clean & Clear, product originally intended for "clean and fresh" and its Chinese translation, called "Clean & Clear", which can make use of the original name of the homonym, but also just right to the use of the Chinese language in the pairs of sound, the sound crisp read, fast-paced, as the translation of teenage skin care is most fitting.

Follow the principles of shape US translation skin care products are: French skin care products Clarin, its Chinese translation entitled "Clarins", "Jiao", "Yun" word embodies the feminine beauty, coupled with "poetry," appeals to the imagination, to women left a good impression. Similarly, LANCOME Lancome, Ardor Ya Dai, VICHY VICHY, Avon Avon, Arche Yaqian, Olay Olay, Menard Menard, and many other translation adopted the "Fang", "Dai", "Poetry", "blue" , "Jade", "pose" and other characters, to meet the majority of women in consumer attitudes, which undoubtedly will bring about a better business results.

Artistic beauty
Artistic America mainly refers to the name of the product can engender a rich associations.

For example, skin-care brands in Europe, one of the three translations of BIOTHERM name "Biotherm", can be described as the perfect combination of sound-shaped Italy. Trade names source language rich in content, Bio-meaning the life of the skin,-therm is the mineral hot springs, because the mountains in southern France, there is a mineral hot springs, it has the human body, especially the skin has a special effect, but BIOTHERM products Organic active factor PETPTM is extracted from this mineral hot springs out. Translation of its name, the "Bi" reminiscent of the clear water and blue sky, "Europe", "Spring" to refer to the product's birth, the trademark design of Youyi mainly blue tones, but also gives a fresh and natural, elegant pure feeling.#p#分页标题#e#

Again, Be True is a kind of cleansing cosmetics, has been translated as "pure ice" from the English translated into Chinese characters in the two syllables of the two syllables, but a more appropriate semantics, it is a 冰清玉洁, immaculate refreshing of the sense.

Creative America
Creative US trade names used mainly refers to the performance of creative practices, real and vivid reflection of the attributes of goods and effectiveness.

For example, the American cosmetics company Revlon Revlon came from the description of Concubine Yang Li Bai's "Qingping, the word": "Cloud would like to spend like clothes capacity, Spring Rotary threshold Revlon." Citing the classical meaning equal emphasis on sound, giving a kind of elegant, colorful sense of .

In another example, the popular lipstick brands UP2U, using a flexible combination of English and digital form, with the same pronunciation Up to you, this mark a new era by adding a network element, widely loved by the fashion of young people.

In short, successful women cosmetics trademark of translation can not only convey the meaning mark, more strengthened, sublimation, to the realm of beauty, so that goods a second life. Whether browsing or buying cosmetics, but also has become a kind of beauty enjoyed.

1)双关 运用这一方法,不仅把中英文商标译成读音与原词大致相同的文字,而且使译名与原名有相似或相等的内涵。
A、 过英文,中文的含义,传达出企业或产品的愿望。例如:
Nestle雀巢,舒适安卧的意思,又能让人联想到待哺的婴儿,慈爱的母亲和健康营养的雀巢奶粉。 #p#分页标题#e#
Future cola非常可乐,非常快乐,未来的可乐。
Great Wall长城既能说明产品由中国制造,又象征人类奇迹,独一无二。
MAZDA 松田,拜火教中的光神,松田公司采用这一名称,希望能效法这位光神,为汽车工业带来光明。
NIKE 耐克,希腊神话的胜利女神,象征胜利。
ANGLE 安吉尔,保护神。

2)、头韵 运用头韵的修辞手法,使商标名称达到双声叠韵的效果,听起来不仅响亮,而且顺口,在不断的重复中,更容易记忆。例如:
HISENSE海信,源自于high sense高度灵敏。
Frestech新飞,源自于fresh technology保鲜技术。Irico彩虹电子,源自于irix corporation彩虹公司。
Haier海尔,与higher谐音,象征着更高更好。 Youngor雅戈尔,与younger谐音,象征着更年轻。缩略词如GM,IBM,KFC,NEC,TCL,LG等,这类商标在翻译过程中,采用直接借用的方法,同样达到简练,独特的目的。
Kiss me奇士类口红,既巧秒风趣的说明使用口红的动态,又暗示使用这种口红奇特的美。
Pantene潘婷,既说明这种洗发水含有多种维他命,又让人联想到一位美丽的黑发女郎 。

海鸥Seagull,熊猫Panda,双星Double Star,三枪Three Gun,白猫White Cat,英雄Hero,花花公子Playboy,鳄鱼Crocodile等,


[1] intended to take into account tone and form of God are prepared. Naming and translation of such trademark generally use the pun (pun), alliteration (alliteration), cutting (clipping), homophonic (homophony), anthropomorphic (personification), to be sound (onomatopoeia), hyperbole (exaggeration) and other rhetorical devices, combined with Chinese and English are two different cultural backgrounds of common ground and similarities, directly to the spirit of enterprise products, quality, features, aims to express such ideas, to reach a deep and unique purpose, so that people associate the enhanced understanding of the product.

1) The pun using this method, not only in English and Chinese pronunciation of the original trademark to the word roughly the same text, but also translated and the original name similar or equivalent meaning.#p#分页标题#e#
A, than in English, Chinese meaning, to convey the aspirations of companies or products. For example:
Strong, English meaning strong, robust, and translated in Chinese as the Zhu Jiang, Zhiqiang, representing the medical equipment and children's food, the former contains a wish you good health and strong meaning, the latter meaning both smart and healthy.
Quick crack, English meaning swift, fast, and translated into Chinese language reminiscent of this drug can be rapidly overcome the disease.
Youngor Youngor a Younger euphony, containing I wish people are more elegant, more young desire.
Peak Pick only reveals the excellent quality of products, but also want to reach the highest point of the Olympic Movement.
B, than in English, Chinese implications, suggesting that the characteristics of a product. For example:
Fort Ford, is also the metaphor refers to a best-selling brand-name goods vehicle.
Pioneer Pioneer stereo, a symbol of this product is a pioneer in audio industry.
Tide Tide, laundry detergent foam hand, shows the rich, also hinted that such a detergent is a trend and trends.
Nestle Nestle, comfortable lying on the meaning of security, but also to be reminiscent of feeding babies, loving mothers and health and nutrition of the Nestle milk powder.
Llaurier music courtesy of Elite, both winning, excellent, outstanding meaning, but also shows a happy and elegant use of the product.
Canon, Canon, both as a symbol of product has the power, such as artillery and rapid, but also showing that a product quality and fully functional.
Future cola is cola, very happy, the future of Coke.
C, through the English, Chinese implications, indicating product quality. For example:
Great Wall Great Wall Chinese-made products from both shows, but also a symbol of the human miracle, unique.
Signal-cleaning promise, illustrate the product is excellent, and the marked, but also demonstrated that it tooth cleaning.
D, through the English, Chinese implications, indicating the product raw materials. For example:
Coca-cola Coca-Cola, American Guide to medicinal plants, fruit trees, nut production in Africa. Through these unique raw material, illustrate the unique taste.
Soybean Weiwei soy milk that soybeans.
Olive oni, refers to an olive
E, the use of poetic or have rich cultural connotations of the name of the product has a certain symbolic significance. For example:
MAZDA Matsuda, Zoroastrianism in the Light of God, Matsuda company adopts the name, hoping to emulate the light of God, in order to bring light to the automotive industry.
NIKE Nike, goddess of victory in Greek mythology, a symbol of victory.
ANGLE Angel, protection of God.

2), alliteration alliteration of the rhetorical devices used to make brand name to achieve the effect of double-voiced vowel rhyme, it sounds not only louder, but also easy to read, in the constant repetition and easier to remember. For example:#p#分页标题#e#
Coca-cola Coca-Cola.
Clean & Clear Clean-clear. Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce.
3) the use of cutting, the homophonic and the abbreviated usage, so that trade name concise, unique, easy to convey the information. For example:
SONY Sony, derived from the Latin Sonus voice.
HISENSE Hisense, derived from the high sense a high degree of sensitivity.
Panasonic Panasonic, pana - the whole, the whole, in short, Italian, - sonic voices. Throughout the term to express all the sounds.
Frestech a new fly, fresh technology derived from the fresh-keeping technology. Irico Rainbow Electronics Rainbow irix corporation derived from the company.
Haier Haier, with higher harmonics, a symbol of higher and better. Youngor Younger, and younger homonym, symbolizing the younger. Acronyms, such as GM, IBM, KFC, NEC, TCL, LG and so on, such trademarks in the translation process, the use of direct borrowing methods to achieve the same concise, unique purpose.
4) the use of anthropomorphic (personification), to be sound (onomatopoeia), hyperbole (exaggeration) and other rhetorical devices, so that trade name vivid. For example:
Kiss me Sunkist class lipstick, both clever seconds humorous description of the dynamics of the use of lipstick, but also suggests the use of such lipstick strange beauty.
Pantene Pantene, both illustrate this shampoo contains a variety of vitamins, but also reminiscent of a beautiful brunette.
Pentium Pentium, vivid portrayal of a style of computer-information age of electronic technology rolling trend.
Kodak Kodak, reminiscent of pressing the shutter of the moment, with a dynamic voice.
Whisper Whisper, whisper-like pro-both as soft and delicate care, but also refers to safe, comfortable treasure.
Supor Supor, and euphony, which means excellent.
Crest Crest showing that a product is the best it makes one think of cleaning products are excellent defender

[2] paraphrase that, according to the literal meaning of the English or Chinese translation. Such translation is based on national culture, focusing on one aspect of the cultural connotations. For example:
http://www.ukassignment.org/   Seagull Seagull, Panda Panda, Double Star Double Star, three guns Three Gun, White Cat White Cat, Hero Hero, Playboy, Playboy, crocodile Crocodile, etc.

[3] transliteration, both according to the pronunciation of English or Chinese translation. Agreed that the same translation, such translation has also focused on one aspect of the cultural connotations. For example:
Shangri-la Shangri-La (Shangri-la, and in isolated places). Jeanswest Jeanswest (cowboy), GREE GREE (strengths, outstanding, endorsed, authorized). TOP Top (the best thing, essence). Sharp Sharp (sensitive and sensitive). Lux Lux (beautiful, luxurious, luxury, high-quality, and the sun), Power28 activity 28 (strength, vigor). Wei Chuan Weichuan, strange sound Qisheng, Yasuji music ANERLE, Konka LONKA, Chunlan Chunlan, Changhong, Changhong and so on.#p#分页标题#e#

[4], founder of the enterprise or the goods or the inventor or origin of goods as a commodity name, the passage of the nineteenth century, has been extended so far, enduring. Such names is more focus on its commemorative significance and social values, translated in the form generally used by convention.
1). Derived from the company's name trade names, such as:
2) derived from the business or goods or the inventor, founder of a trademark, for example:
Chanel child CHANEL, Li Ning, LI-NING, Yue-Sai YUE-SAI, Ford FORT, Mercedes BENZ, Colgate-Palmolive COLGATE, Cadbury CADBURY, Cheng Ming Ming CHENG MING MING, Sassoon SASSOON so.
3) derived from the place of business or product brand name, for example:
Nokia NOKIA (a small town in northern Finland, the name of the first Nokia to build this place)
Longines LONGINES (Switzerland, near the Saint according to Mel a small village, Francis Long and David created a watch factory in this).
Qingdao Beer QINGDAO, Shanghai SHANGHAI, and so on.
Santana SANTANNA, refer to the California wine rich in valuable "Santana valley", although this car is not produced there, but the metaphorical of the sedan will be as the valley is often blowing strong, cold as the cyclone swept the globe. Of course, both the number of trademark names, but also reflect the characteristics of commodities, such as Nestle NESTLE.
摘 要

Trademarks, commonly known brand, is the distinction between the different producers or operators of goods produced or operation marking, this marking usually constitute a separate text or graphics, or text and graphics together constitute. Trademarks mentioned in this article refer to trademark the words, or known brand name. Trademarks of goods plays a crucial role in the competition. As the market's rapid economic development, as well as market competition becomes more intense, the flow of information between countries of the world faster and faster. So how to mark the translation is more vivid, with the performance of present? This article from the different characteristics of the mark in English start with the status of a trademark, as well as language translation of some problems, summed up several of translation and translation that need to pay attention to issues and principles, so that the translation of trademark language is more vivid, expressive power, to enable consumers to purchase a greater desire to enhance the product in the market more competitive. #p#分页标题#e#
商标宣传是国际市场推销商品和进行竞争的一种重要手段,而培养名牌商标是进一步开拓国际市场的重要环节。因此,做好商标的翻译,其重要意义是不言而喻的。随着世界经济体系的全球化和中国加入WTO,产品的进出口日益增强,因此也导致了商标的翻译越来越受到重视, 在翻译理论和实践的基础上不断得到丰富和发展,尤其是更加注重了中西方的文化差异。本文从商标命名的重要性、文化特色和语言特点的角度探讨了商标翻译的主要方法,并提出了在翻译时应注重中西文化信息的互通,从而使翻译出的商标名称与原文的商品在音、形、意和美等珠联璧合、异曲同工,在商品交流的同时亦可实现文化的交流。

关键词:商标 翻译 方法 文化


Abstract: The trademark propaganda is an important mean of selling goods and competition for the international market, but cultivating brand name is the important links to open up the international markets. So the importance of a good trademark translation is self-evident. With the globalization of the word economic system and China's entering WTO, the products of importing and exporting strengthen day by day, it has also led to the translation of the trademark has been gaining attention, it gets a continuously enrich and development from the translation of theory and practice, especially paying greater attention to the sino-western cultural differences. This paper mainly discusses the methods of the trademark translation from the importance of trademark、 culture characteristic and language characteristic, concluding that translation should focus on the exchange of cultural information, so that the translation will be similar with the original goods in the sound、shape 、meaning and so on, while the commodity exchanges will also achieve cultural exchanges.

Key words: trademark translation method culture





前 言…………………………………………………………………………………………………12

一、商标翻译的重要性 …………………………………………………………………………12

二、商标中的文化特色 ……………………………………………………………………………13

三、商标语言的特点 ………………………………………………………………………………14#p#分页标题#e#

四、商标翻译方法 …………………………………………………………………………………15

(一) 英汉商标翻译……………………………………………………………………………16

(二) 汉英商标翻译……………………………………………………………………………17

五、总 结……………………………………………………………………………………………18

参考文献…………………………………………………………………………………… ………19

致 谢…………………………………………………………………………………………………20

我国现在有些商标词的翻译只是直接按照字面翻译成英语, 没有考虑其民族文化差异, 译出来的东西有悖于西方文化。我国商标词英译时大概存在四种情况:
11 译名不符目的语文化。例如, 英国人不喜欢大象、颇喜欢熊猫; 意大利人和西班牙人喜欢玫瑰花, 忌用菊花; 在中国文化中, 龙是皇权的象征, 所以中文商标词有很多的是以“龙”为商标词的, 而英语中的“龙”(dragon) 则是一种邪恶的动物, 是凶残肆虐的, 应当消灭。因此, 英语中没有以“龙”为商标词的。又如在中国传统文化中,“蝠”与“福”谐音, 所以蝙蝠也因此而被当成是吉祥. 有些商品就用“蝙蝠”来命名,如“蝙蝠牌”灯和“蝙蝠牌”吊扇等。但英语文化中把蝙蝠当做疯狂而眼瞎的吸血动物, 没有一点吉祥之意, 所以, 当此类商品销至英国时自然不受欢迎。
First, existing problems in the translation of brands in China
Today, some of the translations of the Chinese brands are from the literal meanings of their characters without the consideration of cultural differences; therefore, the translations are sometimes not consistent with the western culture. There are four situations in the translation of Chinese brands.#p#分页标题#e#
11 the translation does not apply for the culture of the target language. For instance, British people dislike elephants but pandas; Italian and Spanish are in favor of roses while chrysanthemums are their taboo; in Chinese culture, dragon is the symbol of royalty, thus many Chinese brands consist of the character of dragon, while in English, dragon is an evil monster that is vicious and deserve eradicated. As a result, there are no mentions of dragons in any English brand. Another example would be that in Chinese tradition, bat is harmonious with luck in pronunciation, so that bad is also considered auspicious. Some products are named after a bat such as the Bat light and the Bat fan. However, in western culture, bats are crazy and blind animal that feed on blood with any sense of goodness. In this way, products mentioned above are surely not popular in Britain.
The problems existing in the translation of trademarks in China

Nowadays people translate some trademarks into English literally, without taking the cultural differences into consideration, so what comes out is against western cultures. In general there are four situations existing in the translation of trademarks:
The translated terms are not corresponded with the target culture. For example, British don't like elephants, while they are fond of pandas; Italians and Spanish prefer roses and avoid chrysanthemum; in Chinese culture, dragon is the symbol of imperial power so there are quite a few Chinese trademarks containing the Chinese character "dragon", while "dragon" in English is a kind of evil animal, fierce and cruel, which should be wiped out. Therefore, there is no trademark with the character "dragon". Another example is that in traditional Chinese culture, "bat" is the partial tone of "fortune" so that bats are regarded as auspice. Thus some products are named after "bat", like "bat" lamps and "bat" celling fans. However, in English culture, bats are considered to be crazy and blind bloodsuckers, without any sign of auspice. Definitely, those prodcuts can not be popular when sold to Britain. 一 我国现在商标翻译中存在的问题
我国现在有些商标词的翻译只是直接按照字面翻译成英语, 没有考虑其民族文化差异, 译出来的东西有悖于西方文化。我国商标词英译时大概存在四种情况:
11 译名不符目的语文化。例如, 英国人不喜欢大象、颇喜欢熊猫; 意大利人和西班牙人喜欢玫瑰花, 忌用菊花; 在中国文化中, 龙是皇权的象征, 所以中文商标词有很多的是以“龙”为商标词的, 而英语中的“龙”(dragon) 则是一种邪恶的动物, 是凶残肆虐的, 应当消灭。因此, 英语中没有以“龙”为商标词的。又如在中国传统文化中,“蝠”与“福”谐音, 所以蝙蝠也因此而被当成是吉祥. 有些商品就用“蝙蝠”来命名,如“蝙蝠牌”灯和“蝙蝠牌”吊扇等。但英语文化中把蝙蝠当做疯狂而眼瞎的吸血动物, 没有一点吉祥之意, 所以, 当此类商品销至英国时自然不受欢迎。#p#分页标题#e#
Translation of brand names is a form of intercultural communication. However we translate the Chinese brand names into English ones or translate the English brand names into Chinese ones, language laws, cultural psychology, aesthetic interest and some other factors will be involved. The translators should also pay attention to some cultural taboos and choose appropriate method to translate. Of course, brand name translation is not a simple thing.
Sometimes the good translated name likes the inherent one, when we translate brand name there is something we can do to strive for perfection. One good kind of commodity adding on a good name is http://www.ukassignment.org/  not different with improving on perfection, and its charm is infinite.
Key Words
Translation of brand names; principles; methods; cultural taboos;
摘  要


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