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论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-01-19 11:44:08 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网



在申请就读MBA的过程中最重要的文件就是essays。Top B-School录取的标准有这么几项:有份量的工作经验、优异的GMAT成绩和出色的essays。若是你已经达到了700分以上或是接近700分,那么你就应该花大力气把短文写好,使你在众多的申请者中脱颖而出。

 Top B-School一般安排至少五个人评审每一位申请者的材料。如果他们一致欣赏某一位申请者的材料,他/她就基本上被录取了。每一位审读者都要读几百份,甚至数千份申请材料。阅读每一份材料的时间只有短短的几分钟,所以如果你写的短文不能吸引他们,你就会被淹没而丧失机会。

  因此,你千万不能把短文写得乏味。不论是在北美还是在中国,申请者普遍的错误是试图猜出提问者需要的答案,然后采取迎合的态度,写出四平八稳、不偏不倚的文章来。这样的文章往往过于概括、笼统,缺乏新颖生动的细节。用英语的术语说,你不能使用generalities和platitudes,你一定要依赖specificity。  怎样才能展示自己的独特性(uniqueness)呢?

 商学院的录取评审者十分强调“有质量的工作经验”(quality work experience)。所谓“有质量”就是说,申请者应该在这样的工作经历中学到或有机会展现领导能力、管理才干或潜在的管理才干。值得注意的是,这样的能力和才干,并不像大学的平均成绩或GMAT成绩那样有具体的数字做标准。你到底是不是有能力和才干,在很大程度上取决于你自己的表达。在叙述自己的成就的短文中,你不能笼统他说你在管理工作中遇到了许多挑战,因为我们可以说所有的工作中都有挑战,没有一样工作是容易的。你应该非常具体地叙述是什么样的挑战。在叙述中要有具体的人物和情景。

 十分不希望给读者留下一个错误的印象,即为了生动和具体,在短文中一味地叙述或是讲故事就可以了。生动和具体的例子是用来说明你的某种品质或某种观点的。比方说有一位申请者讲到他的母亲怎样含辛茹苦,在极其困难的经济条件下培养他上学。他可以把这一经历写得生动而感人,但评审委员会想知道的是有这样的经历、这样的母亲给他带来了什么影响?换句话说,他应该说明苦难的经历造就了他的坚强的性格,或者说他母亲的牺牲使他成为一个有责任感的人,等等。由此我们知道,在写作短文的时候,应该把叙述和分析结合在一起。  短文的内容




 大学生活和业余生活:1)我在校园内参加过什么活动?这些活动是如何锻炼了我的领导能力和管理能力?2)我在大学本科时学到的知识和技能对今后的MBA学习有什么帮助?3)我在大学期间最重大的成就和最大的失误是什么?这对我有什么影响?4)我的朋友们对我有什么感觉?5)我为我的性格感到骄傲吗?为什么?6)我最严重的个性缺陷是什么?7)我有什么业余爱好?8)在我的一生中谁对我的影响最大?为什么?9)在我的一生中有什么重大的事件帮助塑造了我的价值观?  常见的短文问题分类


 Briefly describe your career progression to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg. Why are you seeking an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, how have your professional experiences influenced your desire to continue your education, and what are your plans and goals after you receive your degree?
 Please discuss your long-term career goals and the role the MBA wil1 play in those plans. (Duke's Fuqua School of Business)



 Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such. (Harvard)

 Tell us about one or two accomplishments in your life that are not presented elsewhere in this application. Why are you proud of them?
 (三)比较难处理的道德问题(ethical di1emmas)。尽管我们认为没有哪所商学院声称教授“伦理学”,但许多学校开设有关课程,让学生对工商管理中可能出现的难处理的道德问题有初步认识,并促使他们思考以后工作中遇到类似情况时应如何处理。如哈佛商学院开设诸如“管理中的道德难题”等选修课,在弗吉尼亚大学,职业道德被视为MBA教育的基础,全体一年级学生都要学习有关的必修课程。#p#分页标题#e#

  Describe an ethical dilemma that you have personally encountered. What alternative actions did you consider and why? Do not tell us what you decided to do. (For purposes of this question, ethical is defined as "in accordance with accepted principles of conduct".) (Stanford),
 What is the most difficult ethical dilemma you have faced in your professional life? Articulate the nature of the difficulty. Upon present reflection, would you have resolved this dilemma in a different manner? (UVA)6



  How would you describe the strengths that you bring to situations requiring leadership? What areas of your leadership competence do you hope will undergo further development? (Harvard)
FDescribe a significant leadership experience, decision-making challenge, or managerial accomplishment. How did this experience affect your professional/personal development? (UVA)( ?9 S' [9 h# u$ G: E5 U8 D& K
 List your involvement in community, extracurricular, and professional activities. Please indicate the dates of your involvement, the scope of your responsibilities, whether you were elected or appointed to leadership positions, and the offices held. (University of Chicago)

  What one nonprofessional activity do you find most inspirationa1, and why? (Wharton)

  For fun, I ________. (Kellogg)



 Describe the characteristics of an exceptional manager using an example of someone whom you have observed or with whom you have worked. Illustrate how his or her management style has influenced you. (Tuck)


 What character traits do you consider your strengths? (HBS)

 I disappoint myself when I am ________. ((Kellogg)

  What would you like for the Admissions Committee to know about you, that might not be apparent through the materials in your fi1e, before we make a decision? (Duke University's Fuqua School of Business)

  What e1se would you like to share with the Admissions Committee that is not presented elsewhere in your application? If you feel that your credentials and application represent you fully,then do not feel obligated to write anything more. (Wharton)(Optional)2
  Is there any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Board in understanding you better and in considering your application? Please be concise. (Harvard)



As a international corporation, it’s important to have a good leader to manage overseas companies, when hire a overseas manager, we must very careful. So as vice president of human resources for a global manufacturing, I have three candidates to be responsible for the company in Chile, all of them have advantages and disadvantages.
Candidate A’s best advantages are individual and he can speak Spanish, we know that Chile locate in South America, its offical language is Spanish, so if he ge to Chile, he could communicate with local people well. And also ,he has been working since he graduated from school two years ago in operations management, it means he has experience to work, he is young, he has a lot of room to show his ability, he is more creative than the olds and he has no obsrtuction of familiy, he can go to Chile anytime. But he nver travelled aboard, that’s his disadvantage, I won’t doult his ability for work, but I will doult his life in foreign country, it is helpful that he can speak Spanish for him, but I think he may not know the customs in Chile, this may limit the development of corporation. And more, he just has two years experience for work, that’s not enough to manage a company in aboard. When our company wants to develop a new market in Chile, if he takes charge of it, it will waste a lot of time and resources on it. He needs a experienced people to help him.
Candidate B has a technical college education and has worked for the company for the past 18 years, moving up from the factory floor to a management position at headquarters, that means he knows every detail of company. If he hire as the manage of Chile, he will soon operate the company well, and also he has travelled extensively for the company., he knows how to open up new markets for the company, and keep the market well and knows how to manufact products. And next, he also has many disadvantages for this job, first he has got married and has three school-age children., it will be a trouble for him. Because it’s hard for everyone to leave his family, if his family go to Chile with him, the education for his kids will be a problem. Also , he does not work outside the home, that’s to say, he has no experiences about working aboard for a long time, when he work aboard, he may not be familiar with local life, he may take a long time to adapt it, and it will influent his work. He also can not speak Spanish, it will be very hard to communicte with local people, if he ask a traslator go with him, it will be a waste. The more, he has worked for the company for the past 18 years, compare with young people, he lacks of energy and creative ability, he could be a good manager in a corporation, but as a manger in a new market, it’s really hard for him
Candidate C also married but he has no kid. The person has a university education and has worked for the company for the past 18 years. He also has the same advantage as Candidate B, his theoretical knowledge is the best, and he need not worrid about the education of his kid, he can ask his family go to Chile with him. He has travelled extensively on company business. He knows a lot about company’s business, it is helpful when he wants to open up a new market. In business, still he is a lawyer, he can soon pay attention on local lawyer, it’s importantto help company to survive in Chile. A company wants to have a good future in other country, the manager must know local customs and laws. Still he haso has his own disadvantages. Because he is a lawyer but not a manger, if he could mange the company is unknown, though he has worked in this company for 18 years, what he cares is just lawyer. And he can’t speak Spanish, either, when he go to Chile, it will be hard for him to communicate there. He also needs a assistance there, it also will be a waste for the company. And we are a manufacturing company in Chile, he may has no experience to make products
In all, three andidates all has their advantages and diadvantages. No one is perfect, as vice president of human resources, what I need do is to arrange them to the best position. Here, I think all of them are suit for this position, I can’t make them perfet, but if they can learn, they will do a good job there


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