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论文价格: 免费 时间:2018-03-02 17:19:33 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
The original creativity of Greece on people-oriented thought and philosophical thinking, scientific spirit, Democracy and the spirit of art and literature laid the foundation of western civilization. Roman has important historical contribution to the global spread of Greek culture. Ancient Rome made the Greek ideas of the small area to become a global thought by the extension of the empire and the spread of culture. In other words, Ancient Rome made Greece worldwide. If there is no the spread of Roman, Philosophy is still only regional thoughts in ancient Greece.(Tamás Adamik, 1990)
The ancient Roman gave birth to the " the spirit of world" of the west,and it has its advancement and limits. Because the spread of the culture of Roman, the savage Romans did not make society into a permanent darkness, while it made the western hemisphere bright. (Brad Inwood, Fred D. Miller Jr, 2007) Certainly, the expansion also has other profound ideas. In Rome people's concepts, the Roman Empire belonged to the whole world essentially. Subsequently this view was spread to the Christian church, so Christian also took itself as Catolicismo surpassing Buddhism and Islam. The ancient Rome spread the global idea to become the logic that the globalization is equal to the wholesale westernization.
In short, Roman played an important role in the development of western culture. The development of all aspects of western culture almost originated from Roman. To some extent, without Roman, Western culture will not develop, or to the purpose it will not develop so rapidly and completely.
Boris Stilman, Vladimir Yakhnis, Oleg Umanskiy, 2011, The Primary Language of ancient battles, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 157-176
Brad Inwood, Fred D. Miller Jr, 2007, Law in Roman Philosophy, A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics, pp 133-165
Daniel De Moulin, 1987, The Roots of Western Surgery, A history of surgery, pp 1-33
George Mousourakis, 2012, Sources and Historical Development of Roman Law, Fundamentals of Roman Private Law, pp 1-84
James M. Farrell, 2011 ,“Above all Greek, above all Roman fame”: Classical Rhetoric in America during the Colonial and Early National Periods, International Journal of the Classical Tradition, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp 415-436
Michele Fornaro, 2009, Nicoletta Clementi, Pantaleo Fornaro, Medicine and psychiatry in Western culture: Ancient Greek myths and modern prejudices, Annals of General Psychiatry, October, 8:21
Michele Melaragno, 1991, Domes: From Ancient to Islamic, An Introduction to Shell Structures, pp 13-55
Paul J. Burton, 2013, Pax Romana/Pax Americana: Views of the “New Rome” from “Old Europe,” 2000–2010, International Journal of the Classical Tradition, Volume 20, Issue 1-2, pp 15-40
Pierre V. Vignais, Paulette M. Vignais, 2010, The Roots of Experimental Science from Ancient Greece to the Renaissance, Discovering Life, Manufacturing Life, pp 7-47
Susanna Elm, 2009, Roman Pain and the Rise of Christianity, International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, Volume 44, pp 41-54

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