presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式


论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-10-19 22:08:23 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


Brief Interpretation
“Artspace are looking for a group of students to create a promotional multimedia tool. Your ideamust be unique and promote their new space as much as possible, they want to highlight both thefantastic architecture of their new location at Soars Works and promote the vibrant community thatuse it in order to fill the remaining studios and spaces. Yours ideas and creativity are welcome.”After reading the brief above and researching into your company our team G5 Creativity agreed on3 main points you wish use in order to for fill the aim of filling the remaining studios at Soars Works.The points you wish you advertise are:1. The new studio at Soars Works2. The amazing architecture of the new studio3. The vibrant community within Artspace and at Soars Works.Aim: To fill the remaining studios at Soars WorksOur team also agreed that many types of multimedia could be used to create the successfulpromotional multimedia tool you are looking for.
What is Multimedia?
Multimedia can come in many different forms. The majority of what you see and hear are forms ofmultimedia like text, pictures, music, sound, videos, films and animation.We have therefore created a mixture of initial design ideas that incorporate different types ofmultimedia. So that you can get an understanding of what we can do and what you want.

Design Ideas

Virtual Tour of Studio Space
Created by: Dave Gyte
This storyboard represents the proposed idea of having a virtual tour of potential studio space, inuse. It shows how the tour will circle the room and highlight points of interest.

Storyboard for Media Advertisement
Created by: Matthew Launder
Scene 1. 5 Sec. Mid-level shot panning right tohigh close up.The ArtSpace Building is shown and the cameramoves closer to the building and to the right wherethe studios are. This shows the viewer where thestudios are and also gives them a perspective ofhow big the studios will be.Narrator speaks about the building and the studios.
Scene 2. 5 Sec. Mid-level shot circling room.The studio is shown and the camera moves in acircular motion to show the whole of the studio.Narrator speaks about studio and possibilities.
Scene 3. 5 Sec. Mid-level shot circling room.Leading from scene 2 the studio is shown and thecamera moves in a circular motion to show studio.Once a full rotation of the studio has been complete,the studio changes into scene 4, a decorated andfull studio.Narrator speaks about studio and possibilities.
Scene 4. 5 Sec. Mid-level shot circling room.Following scene 3 the decorated studio isshown and the camera keeps moving in acircular motion to show the entirety of thestudio. After 5 seconds the studio changesagain into scene 5 to show another decoratedand full studio.Narrator speaks about studio and possibilities.
Scene 5. 5 Sec. Mid-level shot circling room.The second decorated studio is shown and thecamera keeps moving in a circular motion toshow the entirety of the studio. Two differentstudios have been shown to show the viewerthe possibilities and potential the studios have.Narrator speaks about studio and possibilities.
Scene 6. 5 Sec. High close up panning downleft to Mid-level.The ArtSpace Building is shown again and thecamera moves oppositely to scene 1 to endwhere the film started.http://www.ukassignment.org/essayfw/ Narrator speaks about the building and thestudios and finishes with a hook or a slogan toso that the advert becomes more memorable.The narrator will be explaining the dimensions of the studio and what they are primarily used for.For scenes 4 and 5, the studios that are pictured are not accurate. The scene wouldbe of the studio is Scene 2 and 3 but decorated and furnished.


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