1 Introduction介绍
The business is Thai food Kitchen, which strategy is about the unforgettable experience in this Kitchen. From the point of an entrepreneur, the report would like to analysis the business position and business environment. In the part of the external environment of the business, the opportunity and threat, which the kitchen faces in the term of the operation; also in the internal environment: strength and weakness, the kitchen suffers in the process of the operation. According to these factors, the business strategies for this kitchen will be made decisions in the process of the business operation. Due to the competition of the business for serving industry eating, the new model for this kitchen would like to highlight, “experience kitchen for Thai food”, this model would like to provide fresh food and cooking space for people who are willing to get cook experience. In the process of the cooking experience, Nok could provide the mentoring services. In the general, the revenue of the kitchen could from the profit margin from the food (fresh vegetable, meats and others), experience fees from cooking experience and also consultant fees in the process of the cooking.
2 Analysis of the current position 现状分析
2.1 Value chain Analysis价值链分析
A value chain is a series of activities or processes which aim at creating and adding value to an article (product) at every step during the production process (Porter 1985). That means value chain analysis is dedicated to analyze the activities or processes in the process of the production for the kitchen.
In a case of Nok’s kitchen company tries to achieve advantage by identifying value added activities to customers, in particular reacting to customers wants regarding its final produce. It also puts an emphasis on customer service responsiveness, increase the ability to customize and tailor the menu it does that by taking procurement process very seriously, it sources it produce from local suppliers and the main criteria all the produce has to be fresh. Company spends more resources on its supplies in order to deliver additional value to customers. The right combination of responsive customer service and fresh produce gives company a sustainable differentiation advantage.
Primary activities:
1. Inbound logistics include foods, cooking equipment and others. According to the business model, which I am designing to the kitchen, the relationships with suppliers are quite important. In the term of the supply, the foods, cooking equipment, and dishes and others are all in the list of purchase. Due to the experience for the Thai food cooking experience, the kitchen would insist the higher requirement on the Thai-local spices and Thai food supply. Besides that, the supply chain for the Thai foods would be a challenge locally, so that the majority of the Thai food could depend on the import from Thailand, the cost would be higher.
2. Operations would be related to the business operation from 9 am to 10pm, 7days a week. In the experience kitchen for Thai food, the staffs are separate to four groups, food purchase guild, and equipment management, cooking skills consultation services and cleaning teams, they are working independently in the term of the experience cooking.
3. Service is quite important in the process of the experience cooking. The services are including the food purchase service, cooking consultation service and other cleaning service and others.
4. Outbound logistics could not be related.
5. Marketing and sales are related to the market promotion. Because this model is quite new locally, the advertisements are all related the promoted by the previous customers and others are focus on the newspaper and radio in the process of the promotion. Besides that, the university students could also help us to promote by the coupon in the street for the paper advertisement.
Support activities:
1. Infrastructure would be related to single decision- the manager.
2. Human resource management –The manager would be made decision on the human resources allocation each day, due to the weekend, holidays and promotion activities would require more staff attend in the events.
3. Technology management would be camera in the process of the cooking; the cookers could download from the website and also would be shared with close friends and families. Apart from that, the official website could also managed by the engineer, which could book the cooking space.
4. Procurement process would be higher quality service and higher quality food and forgettable experience in the process of the cooking.
2.2 Boston Group Matrix
According to the Boston Group Matrix (BGM), there are 4 types of products, cash cow, which provides current major cash flow and profit.
According to the principle of Boston matrix, the higher the market share of products, the greater the ability to generate profits; on the other hand, the higher the sales growth rate, the more capital needed to maintain its growth and expand its market share. This will enable the product structure of the enterprise to support each other, and the fund will be in a virtuous circle. Based on the division of the product in the quadrants and the movement trends, the basic principles of the Boston matrix are formed.
This modelwould be solved the balance of the cash flow and expected sales volume in the kitchen. As the kitchen is fast selling industry, the products would be positedas cash flow heavying in the industry, so star would be demanded for a lot of cash in the investment as the high demand products in the markets.
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Firstly, political would be pointed to the location regulations and law on the food safety requirement and healthguild line, also region belief would be also considered as the menu design.
Secondly, it is on the aspect of economics. Considering the target customers consuming level with comparatively high disposable income in this region, as long as the unemployment in this region is comparatively stable, the operating of this business should be stable. Intangible assets are everything else that has no physical presence but can still be owned by the company. Brand reputation, trademarks, intellectual property is all intangible assets. Unlike physical resources, brand reputation is built over a long time and is something that other companies cannot buy from the market. In case of Nok’s kitchen company has a strong brandying, despite its location their very wells know among customers, at one time in 2016 it was ranked No.1. restaurantin Edinburgh now it stands in No. 5. According to trip advisor. Intangible resources usually stay within a company and are the main source of sustainable competitive advantage.
Thirdly, it is on the aspect of social. Considering the target customers consuming level with comparatively high disposable income in this region, as long as the unemployment in this region is comparatively stable, the operating of this business should be stable. In food and restaurant industry people are becoming educated and are now conscious about food products and ingredients. Nok’s kitchen is aware of social trends and they openly advertise all allergens used in their produce as well as informing customers that they avoid MRA. #p#分页标题#e#
Fourthly, it is on the aspect of environment. The major influences of technique on the restaurant are two aspects. On one hand, it is kitchen operation and safety. On the other hand, it is how to adopt current online system for customers and restaurant management. As long as know the right way, it is difficult. Eat Thai food in the correct way of eating is: seated before having the right amount of rice in the pan, and mix with spoon dishes with rice and soup with a spoon to western food, from on the inside of the body to scoop up ahead, finish eat rice again.
Fifthly, it is on the aspect of technique. The major influences of technique on the restaurant are two aspects. On one hand, it is kitchen operation and safety. Thai food is the Thai cooking methods. A mixture of several traditional elements of Southeast Asia, Thailand cuisine attaches great importance to the preparation of dishes has strong aroma components. On the other hand, it is how to adopt current online system for customers and restaurant management, including online staff performance analysis and management, online booking, online ordering, etc. to make sure both staff and consumers feel the restaurant is trendy.
Sixthly, it is on the legal aspect. Compulsory legal applications should all be applied, including fire safety, food safety, staff vaccination requirement, etc. As a start up business, it can take advantages of tax exclusion. When this exclusion will be expiring, it should also keep notice.
2.3 Five forces analysis
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From the above five forces analysis, it indicates that due to low technique and capital barrier, meanwhile, the range of substitutes are wide. Besides that, the bargain power of suppliers and buyers ismedium;the Nok’s is in urgent need of providing identical service and/or food.
3 Entrepreneur analysis
3.1 Entrepreneur’s skills and ability
Generally, management experience, fine dining services experience, leadership skills, and customer services skill, hospitality management skill for servicing the customers for the cooking purpose are extent the business model.
For this type of the business, cooking skills and managements which he has both of them, so that this business he has rich experience. Service and cooking experiences are all learnt form the restaurant, so that he knows what strategy could attract the customers here. Also, the manager has the best practice in the kitchen as well.
3.2 Entrepreneur vision and aspiration
He is planning to open the 2nd restaurant but different kind of food and services. For the 2nd one, he is planning to open a kind of fast food and self-services, because he feels confident with his new idea about food and he knows supplier. In the term of his vision, the business is tie to the fast food and self-services, so that self-selection of the food, self-cooking, and fast food to the customers. The latest model could enhance this business model.
3.3 Attitude to risks and growth
He is risk adverse, so that the owner would be accepted lower level risk or no risk in the process of the operation . Basically he would like to earn money first and capital on hand rather than loan money from banks. The business model could help the owner to earn the money for the first priority. In addition, the business could not be earning money in the first two years; the earning could appear in the third year, due to equipment purchase for the operation.
4 SWOT analysis
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Firstly, strengths, Noks kitchen has presence on social media, it makes it easier for customers to find and connect with the company. And by connecting customers on social, business is more likely to increase customer retention and brand loyalty. Besides that, the owner has the same experience in the management of the restaurant in the working experience, so that the owner would be excellent in the management skills.Bartender skills are very good for the restaurant as he is planning to sell cocktails as well. He is a person who loves coffee so he thinks it is necessary to make proper coffee serving to customers It is very great that he had done Graphic design in college before because for the restaurant website he had created and done it by himself. Meanwhile, its future expand plan brings more strengths, including parent-child restaurant and play site, professional cook guide and safety cook guarantee, which plan to make it a new family party site including parent-child for people to learn and cook Thai food by themselves.
Secondly, weaknesses, despite the fact that restaurant is centrally located in the Stockbridge area, it’s actually located not on the main street and therefore it’s less visible to potential customers.Not a fine dining, as compared to other restaurants, because restaurant does not use table clothing and Small improvements would be made to turn this weakness into strength. Used to be a Thai restaurant, previous owners went bust and new owners took over. A substantial amount of local customers are not aware of the new management.
Thirdly, threats, the most threats would be coming from the competition in the operations, because there is a lower requirement in the entering this filed of the business. Western-style restaurant at the request of its standardization, expand its scope of industries, such as special source of raw materials base materials distribution and Logistics Company, etc. The extension of western-style restaurant capability is strong, which is precisely what weaknesses of Thai food.
Fourthly, opportunities, managements’ attitude and current business success provides an opportunity to expand. Locals know the Thai restaurant, this provides an opportunity to serve local public, if they are convinced that the restaurant is under new management and proven to be good.
5 Growth strategies
5.1 Strategy Clock
C. Bowman and D. Faulkner (1996) introduce a concept of ‘Strategy Clock’ to visually represent strategic options available to the business. The strategy clock is a tool for analyzing the competitive strategy choices of enterprises, which provide managers and consultants with a way to think about competitive strategies and gain a competitive advantage.
Due to current situation of Nok’s, it is between stage 3 and 4. From the strategy clock, it either move forward to stage 5, focused differentiation, or move backwards to stage 3, low price. Considering the profit and business model needs, the best choice is to move forward to stage 5. However, there is strategy destined for ultimate failure area from stage 5 to 8, due to improper price and value added. Therefore, Nok’s should focus on the balance of differentiation, price, and added value perceived.
5.2 Ansoff’s Matrix
Ansoff’s MatrixBased on the current differentiation strategy,the business’s current position, and entrepreneur’s vision for the business,the author identifies three growth strategies, based on Ansoff’s Matrix.
5.2.1 Market development
The new business model could offer more cookingexperience on the business. This model would be latest in the market, whichcould attract more people coming to the kitchen with friends, families or enjoythe cooking. In the term of the events, such as birthday, holiday (loving days)and weekends, cooking some foods to the people the cookers are willing to cookfor. These advertisement ideas would be getting more marketing share. Also, thecamera service could attract more people, the camera would like to record thismoment, which would be download from the official website.
5.2.2 Product development
The products are more creative in the menu for the kitchen; also supervisor could get close to the creative food such as cakes and others. Besides for the normal food, the add-value service would be revenue for the kitchen, so that the most people would be attract into the kitchen. In the central of the business, fresh and health would be two important parts in the kitchen, so that kitchen should pay attention on the food health risk any time in the process of the operation.
5.2.3 Market penetration
It is important to create the business model, so that strategy would be decided which is not be copied. Also, it is popular in the Internet. The kitchen could provide the Internet booking service and check the booking status. The difference would be offered to the customers. Experience would be recording from thecooking and shared with friends,who could promotion activities through thevideo, they also would be potential customers in the kitchen.#p#分页标题#e#
5.2.4 Diversification
The service experience of the owner and family advance cooking can not be copied. Also, the knowledge of the Nok on the cooking and service could get the customers’expectation on the industry. The higher requirement on the food requirement and level of the service are extremely in the kitchen, which could be different from other business, the difference on the owners’ attitude on the business.
6 Recommended growth strategy
Know your customers (KYC) would be diversification in the market; design the food which customers want.Through competition is strong, the experience could be a strong database which could lead to customers’ expectation. In the market, the customers would be willing to get the DIY service in the process of the cooking, experience is quite important. In the market strategy, the kitchen would be catching the holiday, weekend and other special dated for the couples, or also cooking for the teenagers teaching in the kitchen. The advertisement is important to catch the customers’ psychology for the purchase activities in the markets.
Experience would be recorded from the recorder which would be downloading from the website, which are promotion activities. Also, the owner could pay attention to the financial health in the operation. Besides that, the fresh and health would be two concerns in the kitchen.
7 References
Bowman C., Faulkner D. (1996). Competitive and Corporate Strategy, Irwin