Business Assignment格式范文-项目管理中的激励理论,这是一篇留学生商务管理assignment写作范文,在本作业中,作者将介绍其对一些激励理论的看法,以及在项目模式下运行时如何应用或不应用这些理论。过去10年,银行业仍然是阿尔巴尼亚最重要的经济部门之一,也是增长最快的行业之一。 法国兴业银行阿尔巴尼亚公司(以前称为Banka Popullore)于2004年4月1日开始活动。2007年4月18日,法国兴业集团收购了该银行75.01%的股份。该银行总部设在地拉那,在阿尔巴尼亚各地设有41家分行。截至2009年底,该银行有379名雇员,既有阿尔巴尼亚籍,也有法国籍。下面就一起来看一下这篇Business Assignment范文。 
In this assignment I will present my views about some motivation theories and how they can be applied or not applied when running in a project mode Introduction 引言 About Societe Generale Albania 关于阿尔巴尼亚兴业银行 Banking sector continues to be one of the most important economic sectors and one of the most rapid growing businesses in Albania in the last 10 year. Societe Generale Albania, previously named Banka Popullore, started its activity on 1st of Mars 2004. In 18th of April 2007, Societe Generale Group acquired 75.01% of the shares of this bank. The bank has its head office in Tirana and is present allover Albania with 41 operation branches. At the end of 2009, the bank had 379 employees, both Albanian and French nationality. About the case study 关于案例研究 Being on the most important economic sectors has created enough space for operation of 17 Banks in a relatively small market like Albania. With such a high competition it is very important that banks stay always in line with economic developments and react fast toward customer needs for new products or adaptation. Our bank is quite small and there are frequently high pressures for sharing resources in order to complete in time and with budget different operational or business initiatives. These needs has made mandatory for bank management to apply a matrix organizational design in our organization. 作为最重要的经济部门,在阿尔巴尼亚这样一个相对较小的市场上,为17家银行的运营创造了足够的空间。在如此激烈的竞争中,银行必须始终与经济发展保持一致,并对客户对新产品或适应的需求做出快速反应。我们的银行规模相当小,为了及时完成不同的运营或业务计划,经常存在共享资源的巨大压力。这些需求使得银行管理层必须在我们的组织中应用矩阵组织设计。 Such organizational structure are quite complex when it comes to management and control of staff performance, as they bring the employee in front of two managers, the department manager and the project manager. Now day’s project management is becoming a key component of the success for eveyr organization in any sector and such the motivation of employees working in projects is of a great interest for both the project manager, as the main beneficiary, and the organization. There a lot of researches and studies for motivation in standard organizational structure, but the topic is considered as less explored when it comes to project management (Dwivedula and Bredillet, 2009). 在管理和控制员工绩效方面,这种组织结构相当复杂,因为他们将员工带到两个经理面前,即部门经理和项目经理。现在,day的项目管理正成为eveyr组织在任何部门取得成功的关键组成部分,因此,员工在项目中工作的积极性对作为主要受益人的项目经理和组织都非常重要。关于标准组织结构中的激励,有很多研究和研究,但在项目管理方面,这一主题被认为是探索较少的。 Theories of motivations 动机理论 “Motivation is the driving force within individuals that compels them physiologically and psychologically to pursue one or more goals to fulfill their needs or expectations,” (Lam and Tang, 2003, p. 61). “动机是个人内在的驱动力,迫使他们在生理和心理上追求一个或多个目标,以满足他们的需求或期望”)。 Why do managers need motivation? If we agree that an output of motivation is control, than we may say that a manager needs motivation to make people do the things he wants and stop doing the things 为什么管理者需要激励?如果我们同意激励的输出是控制,那么我们可以说管理者需要激励,让人们做他想要的事情,停止做他想做的事情 There are currently a lot of theories to explain the nature of motivation and help mangers on addressing it according to their needs. These theories do not conflict between them, which means the manager can use any of them or even combine them. In my assignments I will be focused in 2 theories; “The hierarchy of needs” as the most first one and most well known by all kind of managers and “The dual-structure theory” since it was developed based on a research on engineers and accounts, which is about the same environment and employee nature as in my bank. 目前有许多理论可以解释动机的本质,并帮助管理者根据他们的需要解决动机问题。这些理论之间没有冲突,这意味着管理者可以使用其中任何一种理论,甚至可以将它们结合起来。在我的作业中,我将专注于两个理论;“需求层次”是所有类型的管理者最早、最为人熟知的“二元结构理论”,因为它是基于对工程师和账户的研究而开发的,与我所在银行的环境和员工性质大致相同。 The Hierarchy of Needs 需求层次 This is one of the most well know need theories of motivation and was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1940. According to this theory the needs are organized in 5 main groups of needs that stay together in the form of a pyramid (Maslow, 1943): 这是最广为人知的动机需求理论之一,由亚伯拉罕·马斯洛于1940年提出。根据这一理论,需求被组织为5个主要需求组,它们以金字塔的形式聚集在一起: Physiological Needs; they stay in the bottom of the pyramid and include the basic needs of every human been such as: the need for food, drink, education, medical care, etc. Every organization can provide these needs by providing good working condition and a salary to their employees. 生理需求;他们处于金字塔的底部,包括每个人的基本需求,如:食物、饮料、教育、医疗等。每个组织都可以通过向员工提供良好的工作条件和工资来满足这些需求。 Security Needs; includes the need for feeling safe and secure, having a secure job, having a home and a future. The organization can satisfy these needs by offering job continuity, health and retirement plans. 安全需要;包括需要感到安全和有保障,有一份安全的工作,有一个家和一个未来。本组织可以通过提供工作连续性、健康和退休计划来满足这些需求。 Belongingness Needs; includes the needs of humans to love and be loved, to be accepted by others, to take and give friendship. Most of this needs get satisfied by the family ties, but this is not enough since we spend a considerable time of our life in our works. Managers and direct supervisors can play a significant role to satisfy these needs by encouraging the work in group, enhance their communication with employees and provided basis for social interaction between employees. 归属感和需求;包括人类需要爱和被爱,被他人接受,接受和给予友谊。大多数需要通过家庭关系得到满足,但这是不够的,因为我们在工作中花费了大量的时间。管理者和直接主管可以通过鼓励团队工作,加强与员工的沟通,为员工之间的社会互动提供基础,在满足这些需求方面发挥重要作用。 Esteem Needs; the needs of this group in be divided into two major needs, the need for self respect and the need for being respected by others. The organizations and managers can satisfy this by job title, awards, recognition of merits, benefits etc. 尊重需要;这一群体的需求可以分为两大需求,即自尊和被他人尊重的需求。组织和管理人员可以通过职位、奖励、对优点的认可、福利等来满足这一要求。 Self-Actualization Needs; is the highest level of the hierarchy and includes the need we have to be the one we want to be in order to be self fulfilled. If all the other levels of the hierarchy are fully satisfied, it does not remain a lot for the managers to do to satisfy this need, all they need to take care off is make sure the individual has a challenging job and that other needs in lower level become deficient. 自我实现需要;是层次结构的最高层次,包括我们必须成为我们想要成为的人,才能自我实现。如果层次结构的所有其他层次都得到了充分满足,那么管理者就不需要做太多的工作来满足这一需求,他们所需要关心的就是确保个人有一份具有挑战性的工作,而较低层次的其他需求变得不足。 According to the theory the needs of each level should be satisfied before going to the next level until we reach the self-actualization needs, however if during our road to the top of hierarchy, a lower level of need become deficient again the individual returns to that level (Moorhead and Griffin, 1995). 根据该理论,在进入下一个层次之前,每个层次的需求都应该得到满足,直到我们达到自我实现的需求,然而,如果在我们通往层次顶端的道路上,较低层次的需求再次变得不足,则个人返回到该层次。 Despite the fact that the theory is well recognized among many organization and managers due to the intuitive logic and easy understanding, the theory is not fully validated either by Maslow or any other research, in contrary many deficiencies have been identified (Wahba and Bridwell, 1976) 尽管由于直观的逻辑和易于理解,该理论在许多组织和管理者中得到了广泛认可,但马斯洛或任何其他研究都没有充分验证该理论,相反,已经发现了许多缺陷 It is important to mention that the most basic needs are provided by the top management of an organization and more we go up in the hierarchy of needs more we go down in the level of management responsible to satisfy these needs and turn them in motivator for improving job performance. 值得一提的是,最基本的需求是由组织的最高管理层提供的,我们在需求层次中越高,我们在负责满足这些需求的管理层中越低,并将其转化为提高工作绩效的激励因素。 The Dual-Structure Theory 二元结构理论 The theory was developed by Herzberg on late 1950s based on a research with a couple of hundred engineers and accounts (Herzberg, 1968). The finding of this research proved that different set of factors were connected with different feelings about work. The motivation of an employee goes in a two step process, first satisfying the employee (eliminate any factor which may bring dissatisfaction) by hygiene factors and second go with motivation factors. The motivation factors would result at the end with satisfied and motivated employees who can have a long term and positive job performance. The combination of these factors can set employee in four situations (Herzberg, 1987): 该理论是由Herzberg在20世纪50年代后期基于数百名工程师和客户的研究而发展起来的。这项研究的发现证明,不同的因素与不同的工作感受有关。员工的激励分为两步,第一步是通过卫生因素满足员工(消除任何可能带来不满的因素),第二步是激励因素。激励因素最终会产生满意和积极的员工,他们能够长期积极地工作。这些因素的组合可以将员工设置为四种情况: Satisfied and motivated employee. The target situation for having the best performance. 满意和积极的员工。具有最佳性能的目标情况。 Satisfied but not motivated. The manager should find the way to apply motivation factors and change the status; otherwise the de-motivated employee will bring low productivity and bad quality. 满意但没有动力。管理者应找到应用激励因素的方法并改变现状;否则,缺乏积极性的员工将带来低生产率和低质量。 Not satisfied but motivated. The company should change its policies and rules and try to change the situation. An employee is not expected to stay to long in this status. 不满足,但有动力。公司应改变其政策和规则,并努力改变这种情况。员工不希望在此状态下停留太久。 Not satisfied and not motivated. The worst situation, both company and managers have a lot to do. These employees will bring to the business apart from the low productivity and bad quality a lot of complains, strikes, no communication. 不满意,没有动力。最糟糕的情况是,公司和管理者都有很多事情要做。这些员工除了工作效率低和质量差之外,还会带来很多抱怨、罢工和沟通。 The hygiene factors, when they exist are in placed by the company strategy and/or governments rules and they are not directly related to the performance and ability of anybody. In opposite with them, the employee can get the motivation factors only by his involvement and his work. (McCrimmon, 2008). 卫生因素(如果存在)由公司战略和/或政府规定,与任何人的绩效和能力没有直接关系。相反,员工只有通过参与和工作才能获得激励因素。 The theory has been analyzed more than any other theory in the field of organizational behavior (Pinder, 1998) and the results are quite contradictory. Studies and researchers which use the same method support the theory, other ones criticize it for the research population used, which is limited only to accountants and engineers, for not taking into account the individual differences, since a motivation factor can depend individual age and/or organizational model (House and Wigdor, 1967). 该理论在组织行为领域的分析比任何其他理论都多,结果相当矛盾。使用相同方法的研究和研究人员支持该理论,其他人则批评该理论的研究人群仅限于会计师和工程师,因为没有考虑个体差异,因为动机因素可能取决于个体年龄和/或组织模式。 Herzberg’s theory states that money does not motivate employees but only satisfies them (Herzberg, 1968), due to this statement the theory is widely discussed and analyzed in studies and researches about the rewarding and motivation (Beel, 2007).The rewords supporters are totally against it and they say it does not have evidences to prove that money is not a motivation. Another aspect of critics is the fact that the theory does not take in consideration the circumstances, what does motivate an employee today, not necessary satisfy and motivate another one tomorrow (Robbins, 2005). Herzberg的理论指出,金钱不能激励员工,但只能满足他们,由于这一说法,该理论在关于奖励和激励的研究中得到了广泛讨论和分析。rewords的支持者完全反对它,他们说它没有证据证明金钱不是动机。批评者的另一个方面是,该理论没有考虑到环境,即今天激励员工的因素,而不是明天满足和激励员工的必要因素。 Visual presentation of the dual structure theory 二元结构理论的可视化演示 Motivation in Project management 项目管理中的激励 PRINCE2 manual defines a project as: PRINCE2手册将项目定义为: “a management environment that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to a specified business case.” “为根据特定业务案例交付一个或多个业务产品而创建的管理环境。” Another definition is: 另一个定义是 “a temporary organisation that is needed to produce a unique and pre-define outcome or result at a pre-specified time using pre-determined resources”. “一个临时组织,需要使用预先确定的资源,在预先指定的时间产生独特和预先定义的结果或结果”。 Being a temporary organization and with specific targets, the project organization is a more complex structure than a normal organization unit and different rules and practices are applied in every aspect of organizational behavior, including motivation. 项目组织是一个临时组织,具有特定的目标,是一个比正常组织单位更复杂的结构,不同的规则和实践应用于组织行为的各个方面,包括动机。 In 2008, our bank started a project for migration of existing core banking system into a new and modern one as part of the group strategy for mutualization of IT services. The project team was composed by more than twenty employees coming from different departments and sectors, covering many different positions such as; translators, business analysts, IT developers, organization and even a public relationship specialist. We knew since the beginning that such a challenging and multidimensional project could not succeed without a motivated team. Why do we need motivated staff? Is motivation the only factor for having a good performance? 2008年,我行启动了一个将现有核心银行系统迁移到新的现代银行系统的项目,作为集团IT服务共同化战略的一部分。项目团队由来自不同部门和部门的20多名员工组成,涵盖许多不同职位,如:;翻译、业务分析师、IT开发人员、组织甚至公共关系专家。我们从一开始就知道,如果没有一个积极的团队,这样一个具有挑战性和多层面的项目就不可能成功。 为什么我们需要有动力的员工?动机是取得良好业绩的唯一因素吗? Conclusion 结论 Projects by definition are a temporary organization, this automatically excludes some motivation techniques which become irrelevant due to the time required to give their effects. What should we do? Should we leave motivation only to be applied in standard organizational structure? Business Assignment范文根据定义,项目是一个临时组织,这自动排除了一些激励技术,这些技术由于产生效果所需的时间而变得无关紧要。我们该怎么办?我们是否应该让激励只适用于标准的组织结构?本站提供各国各专业Assignment写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。