Task: 1Understanding the relationship between organization structure and culture:
1.1Definition of three organization structure and culture:
1.2The impact of organization structure and culture on the performances of a business:
1.3The factors which influences the behavior of an individual at work:
Task: 2Understanding different approaches to management and leadership:
2.1The comparison of different leadership styles in different organizations:
2.2Explanation of the organizational theory which underpins the practices of management:
2.3Evaluation of the different approaches to management used by the different organizations:
Task: 3Understanding the ways of using motivational theories in organizations:
3.1The impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organizations in periods of times:
3.2The application of Maslow’s motivational theory within the workplace:
3.3The usefulness of a motivational theory for managers:
Task: 4Understanding the mechanism for developing effective teamwork in organizations:
4.1The nature of groups and group behavior within organizations:
4.2The factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organizations:
4.3Evaluation of the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization:
Every organization in the world has its own organizational structure and culture. A lot of employee spends a lot of time in the organization is to create a sustainable development in the global marketplace. The structure and culture have great impact on the performances of the organizations. Organizational culture refers to the norms, values, principles, attitudes and behaviors of inside and outside of the organization. Organization structure means the formal way of distribution the roles and responsibilities according to the various departments of the organization and the individual. Leadership is also an important factor regarding the improvement of the organization performances and recognitions. The advancement of technology is also a remarkable issue to increase the creativity among the product and services. Various motivation theories play a vital role to increase the performances of individual and groups in the organization.
Task: 1Understanding the relationship between organization structure and culture:
1.1Definition of three organization structure and culture:
The tall structure is considered as the vertical structure. Large and more complex organization needs tall organizational structure where a large numbers of managers are working (Albrow, 1990). According to the level of the managers each has a small area of control and responsibilities. On the other hand, flat structure is called horizontal organizational structure. In the flat structure the management level is fewer and has to control large areas. It emphasizes on the empowering of the employee rather than the maintenances of the chain of command. It helps to increase the creativity power of the employee. In centralized structure the decision are made from the higher level of the organizations and decentralized structure the decision making process are spread among the lower level workers and make a consultation about the proper decisions.
Power culture refers that the power is centralized to a fewer level of people. It is practices in a small form of business organization. Organization use task culture to accomplish a particular task and then try to diminish it. Role culture is a culture which is greatly influenced by the activities of the employee in the organizations. The maintenance of rationality among the employee is essential in this culture.
1.2The impact of organization structure and culture on the performances of a business:
Day to day the culture is becoming more integrated and influenced by the advancement of the technological development. As well as the culture, structure is also affected by the various physical changes of the organizations. For the proper management of the changing culture it may necessary to change the structure (Amable, 2000). Sometimes it becomes essential to create combination among the organizational structure and culture. For increasing the performance of the organization the managers should impose more flexible culture to adjust with the changing environment. For the greater interest of the organizations structure is also need to change. The combination of organizations structure and culture create synergy effect in the organization which increase the goodwill of the organization. The strict culture and structure may create a negative impact among the employee that may reduce the performances of the organizations. Managers must keep in mind that the structure and culture adopted in the organization should meet the outmost satisfactions of the employee and the customers. The taste and feeling of the customers are changing due the adaptation of multicultural in the business market. Managers should give concentration on the issue more carefully.
1.3The factors which influences the behavior of an individual at work:
There are some remarkable factors which influence the behavior of an individual in the organizations. The factors are demographic, perception, abilities and skills, attitudes and personality. Demographic factor refers to the education background, sex, age and marital status of the employee (Aoki, 1988). The expertise thinks that these things have the impact on the performance of the organizations. The physical abilities are also a important factors that indicates that the eligibility of the workers in the workplaces. The employee gets preferences that have more skills and ability to accomplish the task in the organizations. The environmental and social factors are also important on regarding of the individual performances. The attitudes of the employee are formed from the society at large and family background. Personality encourages the employee to work in the organization for getting recognitions from the organizations. The managers must evaluate the factors of the organizations and give emphasize to create a positive working environment in the organizations.
Task: 2Understanding different approaches to management and leadership:
2.1The comparison of different leadership styles in different organizations:
The managers of the organizations must have the leadership skills to influence the other and subordinate in the organizations. There are different types of leadership styles which are used in the organization according to the structure and culture (Begin, 1997). Autocratic leadership refers that the higher authority takes the overall decisions of the organizations and order the subordinates to accomplish the decisions. Here, the subordinates have no choice and are oblige to perform the order. Bureaucratic leaders have the ability to impose strict rules and regulations in the organizations. It is more helpful for the small organizations. It may create negative impact in the large organization and reduce the organization overall performances. The main characteristic of the charismatic leadership is to influences the subordinate and the group members to achieve the goal. The most popular leadership style is the democratic leadership which is helpful for the large employee management and innovation new things. It gives chances to the subordinate and the lower level workers to make organization decisions. Laissez-fair leadership refers that the responsibilities are left to the subordinates and give the chance to work of their own ways. Transactional leadership indicates that the leader just observes the activities of the subordinates and if any fault is occurred punishment is given to the members. All of these are important for the business organization according to the structure and culture,
2.2Explanation of the organizational theory which underpins the practices of management:
Organizational and management theories are utilized for the different reason of the organizations. A lot of people new plans and new notion are utilized by the assistance of these theories (Foss, 1999). In some cases individual embrace these theories to improve their execution in the organization. Again some individual interest needs to yield to accomplish the consolidated objective. Separate theory furnishes divide focal point consistent with the capacity of the division. Particular disposition and qualities are gotten to be improvement because of the correct utilization of these theories. It is basically rely on upon how adequately the laborers are dealt with in the business organization. Really managers are confronting different sorts of natural progressions. In the first place, they take a gander at the investment side of the clients and figure out the interest of the high class item. Different administration capacity of the organizations performs different assignments that which utilize distinctive sort of theory to execute the courses of action.#p#分页标题#e#
2.3Evaluation of the different approaches to management used by the different organizations:
Various organizations use various types of management approaches. Scientific management approach refers that the working process in the organization are designed in more specific and precise way that ensure the quality of works. The measures it takes are more pragmatic to obtain the goal. Classical approach emphasizes on the integration and coordination of the various internal and external forces of the organizations (Freeman, 2000). Bureaucratic approach refers the organization structure and the relation of the various level authorities to the organizations. Human relation approach is used to create a positive employee relation in the working places. System management approach indicates that the proper way to identify the problem and the proper situation of the problems. All kinds of activities are performed according to the specific orders and systems. The contingency management approach refers that there is no specific best way to implement the proper business organization structure. The structure is determined due to the culture and sphere of the organizations.
Task: 3Understanding the ways of using motivational theories in organizations:
3.1The impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organizations in periods of times:
Autocratic leadership use to motivate the worker by presenting fitting and beneficial choices. Representative feels good under the educated chiefs and the organizational methodology. For accomplishing the organization objective capacity is utilized as the cause. In the equitable administration worker get motivation as they believe that their choice are getting included in the in general concern of the organization (Dosi et al., 1990). Quiet leadership directs that the pioneer will remain latent and permit the subordinate to make the choices. A whole lot exceedingly prepared assembly is important to this point of view. In the event that the choice does not give productive yield that the tranquil guide requests to enhance the system and help the worker to be static in the choices. The transformational leadership makes because around the laborers or the individuals by depicting objective of the association that make new trust around the aggregation parts of the group. These days initiative is recognized as the motivational constrains in the association as opposed to the experimental certainties. Representative gets motivation when the disposition, conduct and the nature draws in the worker. The work is perform transparency way. The broadening aptitudes of the pioneer act as the essential guideline of the inspiration and the motivators to the worker in the association.
3.2The application of Maslow’s motivational theory within the workplace:
Abraham Maslow made the five stages for the inspiration of the subordinates in the organization. First and foremost of the level requirements to meet the physical necessity of the worker, for example, air, water, cover and so on when the first stage is met then the requirement emerge the security need which demonstrate the insurance and security law energetic about the earth (Ergas, 1987). They need to run a stable life from the past time that will secure their insurance. At that point the step emerges to feel adoration to the relationship fabricating as the social friendship. They think they can take the obligations regarding the welfare of the social order. They give imperativeness on the different accomplishments in the interest of the individuals. The last one is the self actualization that shows the self-awareness and the generally satisfaction of the interest. For the enhancement of the business organization and the best yield the greater part of this cause must be meeting by the association or the power. Besides these, different extra exercises are executed as the strong of the principle cause. Cognitive and stylish perspectives are additionally examined by the Maslow's yet completed not incorporate in the fundamental hypothesis.
3.3The usefulness of a motivational theory for managers:
Motivational theories ordinarily partitioned into two classes, for example, content theory and singular theory. Content theory portrays about the different distinct requirements and the methodology theory illustrates about the different perspective (Goto,2000). Content theory serves to plunge worker to work in a particular manner. Progression theory demonstrates human does not move to the more elevated amount theory as opposed to satisfy the easier level theory. The structure of the representative at some point serves to persuade he section level worker. Theory X and Y additionally characterize independently for the change of the worker exercises. Theory Y illustrates that popularity based is best yet generally contemplates the imperious way. As per the X theory the worker get to be lazier and they don't prefer to do the work. Then again, In Y theory the worker thinks the work is the regular procedure. Thus they don't feel made a fuss over the work of the contribution areas. In light of the organization the combo of the X and Y theory may give exceptional outcome and at some point may give poor yield. In any case the part of these two theories can't be disposed of because of the great aftereffect of the organization.
Task: 4Understanding the mechanism for developing effective teamwork in organizations:
4.1The nature of groups and group behavior within organizations:
In the present competitive business planet the significance of the groups and the exercises of the group behavior can't be disregarded. There the five separate sorts of groups which assume vital part in the business organization. Essentially there are two sorts of groups, for example, formal group and informal group. Formal group show the lawful structure which is controlled by the related association. Objectives and goals are situated up for the advantageous of the representative (Hamel et al., 1989). The parts and obligations are dead set particularly consistent with the ability, information and the experience. Then again, informal group does not look after any sort of legitimate schema. It may be framed at any crisis time for taking care of the any striking issue. For the benefit of these two, there are five separate stages which are emulated for the change of the execution. They are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjouring. Forming show the questionable matter about the objective and the structure which is situated. The norming stage includes adequate assertion of the aggregation parts. Performing means the worker need to cooperate to accomplish the objective.
4.2The factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organizations:
The most essential component for promoting collaboration is the inter group competition in the organization and various department. This rivalry will happen around the group to assembly to carry the exceptional effect for the organization (Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, 1993). In the event that nature help the colleagues is to perform the fill in as quicker as could be expected under the circumstances. The reliance around the parts can expand the proficiency of the parts. Open correspondence and the positive considering the criticism will make merchandise relationship around the gathering parts. A competitive group rivalry can guarantee the nature of the furnished administrations of the representative. Unlucky deficiency of trust may make the unforeseen issue for the association and the execution. Again the trepidation of clash does not give anticipated that come about will the association. Collaboration is likewise imperative variable in regards to the aggregation advancement.
4.3Evaluation of the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization:
To expand overall revenue the technology has affect in the organization. These days group building is incredibly impact by the progression of the innovation. The exceptional change in the innovation has opened another entryway for the development of a compelling group and assemblies (Keck, 1993). As to area and the time advantageous, for example, video conferencing .email offices and remotely coordinating assume an imperative part to build a powerful and productive correspondence around the colleagues. There are some mechanism which enhances the capacities of the received group, for example, email, mobile, telephone, Blackberry and machines. All the cutting edge innovation makes more amazing profit for the group building and helps the business organization to acquire the objective of the association.
Day to day the importance of organization structure, culture, impact of technology, motivational theories and leadership are increasing due to the competitiveness of the business marketplaces. The managers of the organizations must be more concern about the management of these issues. The perfect integration of these elements ensures the successful of the business.