Branding and Not for Profit Organizations
An organization that works towards the benefit of a particular group of people instead of solely concentrating on profits are termed as “Not for profit” (NFP) organizations. The profits earned cannot be given to the owners and can be only utilized for the organizational ventures which can be regarding future beneficial projects. NFP can make profits but it has to be invested back and the only reason it can retain the earning is because it has a genuine need to like maybe starting a new project or for investing in infrastructure for a future venture. The benefits that are provided by a NFP can be direct or indirect. The power of NFPs lie in its ability to solve societal problems and build stronger social communities. Added to that NFPs are usually quite lean and they have the ability to act independently without any outside influence or bureaucracy.
Focus of this study 本研究的重点
The focus of this study is to concentrate on the move from the branding approaches applied NFP organizations. Branding is not a one-time effort that is an iterative process that involves learning all the way. The ultimate result of any branding operation is the generation of huge dividends and an effective tool that aids in future investment options.
Types of NFP organizations NFP组织类型
NFPs can be divided into the following two categories:
Charities: Includes Public Benevolent Institutions (PBIs) and Health Promotion Charities (HPCs)
Other Non Profit Organizations include sports, recreational clubs and other community service groups
The various stakeholders1 who would get affected by the branding operation are:
Non-profit leaders, who would gain new insights and apply practical approaches to organizational challenges.
Business leaders who would identify potential partners and propel any future work
Non-profit communication professionals to enhance their existing knowledge and look for inspiration for new ideas.
Board and volunteers to expand the choice of charities and their respective reach and ultimately strengthen their support and influence
What is branding?
The process of creating a unique name and name for a product in a customer’s mind through a consistent theme and campaigns is called branding. The main purpose of branding is to increase the brand equity and reputation which in turn would enhance brand loyalty1.
Role of branding in NFP organizations
Traditionally branding for NFPs was to done generate more donations but of late organizations have realized the potential of a good brand name which can directly translate into the sustenance options of an organization like:
Drive direction and improve performance: Branding for NFP articulates the mission and statement of the organization
Change perceptions and priorities: An NFP brand also fulfils the need for a personal connection with an issue or a cause
Strengthen a NFP capacity to attract and motivate volunteers: NFP brand would aid in attracting passionate people who would want to deliver or be part of something bigger and to a certain extent build a competitive edge. Though the role of a NFP is not to generate profits, they should be influential enough to attract new donations and spread the word about their organization and beliefs.
Garner relations with existing donors and supporters: It also helps in developing a deeper connection with the supporters and build credibility. It also helps in keeping an organization rock solid and in times of turbulence
The role of brand is intertwined with mission and strategy along with its alignment between an organization’s internal/external images2. There are four aspects that defines a NFP’s brand i.e. its structural integrity, the freedom it provides to its employees, its own personal set of ethics and its ability to work with other similar organizations.
Value proposition of NFP Brand NFP品牌价值主张
A NFP brand articulates what an organization stands for and what sets it apart from the others. Figure 1 shows the value proposition it offers:
Convinces the head by communicating the relevant and meaningful information. Effective NFPs explains what their organizations do better than the rest
Convinces the heart by putting a larger cause and outcomes they seek ahead of the organizational needs.
Engages the hands by encouraging the stakeholders to be completely involved in the organizational activities.
Figure 1: Value proposition of a NFP Brand
Traditional Brand Building 传统的品牌建设
Typically conventional brand building involved using logo or suite of communication materials. Some of the organizations develop guidelines on the logo, colour, font or the taglines which could be a trademark of the organization. Some of them provide a clear and concise statement which helps communicate the core values of the organization. The focus of the traditional brand building for NFPs concentrated on brand communication that can aid in fund raising, but these efforts may not yield in significant long term revenue growth or media attention; this might lead to disappointment and confusion in the organization.
Holistic Brand Building 整体品牌建设
The new age brand building aims solely for the sustenance of the organization by negating the economic volatility and fluctuations. They differ distinctly in the following manner:
Campaign to commitment: The branding activity involves aligning every brand expression with an aspirational idea and a higher cause
Communicating ideas to benefits: Rather than reporting the ideas and activities, focussed communication on the benefits that they are on offer can hugely help in the branding operation
Transaction to relationship: the idea of any organization is to build a long-term relationship and this can be achieved only through an emotional connect through superior customer service
Well-known to well-owned: the notion of a brand also enables others form an opinion and image which strengthens the owner-based relationship rather just a list on the name. Most of the successful NFP organizations distribute power to shape the brand through tools, resources and training that encourage creative engagement.
Conventional to Innovative thinking: Branding also does research and takes risks at embracing bold ideas and innovation. It also does strategic investments and cuts legacy programs that does not align with the long term sustenance of the organization.
Steps in branding
As mentioned earlier a brand is a collection of ideas, words, and statements that portray of communicate the essence of an organization. Creating and explaining the brand is by no means a small task and it involves huge amount of work and effort. This effort can be portrayed through a series of 7 steps as described below.
Discover the authentic meaning of the brand: Based on a strong mission and value, an organization’s brand meaning uses the framework listed in Figure 1, which synthesizes the emotional, rational aspects of the organization and acts as a catalyst to engage with the volunteers. The process of discovery involves a fair amount of research to define the brand meaning which in turn is done through internal evaluation, external evaluation and the core constituents.
Using this as a base, the brand meaning needs to be defined and can be articulated through brand refinement.
In case of a NFP organizations, this forms a very important component as to how the complete aim and mission of the organization is portrayed. An organization like UNICEF has done countless hours of research to arrive at the situation it currently is. During the course of their research they came across multiple activities that UNICEF was involved in but ultimately their core idea or constituent was their activity of saving more children than any other humanitarian society in the world. They figured that while other organizations provided basic needs like water, medicine etc. UNICEF’s core mission was defined by its unsurpassed global reach and expertise with access, innovation, influence, efficiency and resolve to truly do whatever it takes to save the life of a child.#p#分页标题#e#
Brand meaning integration across organizations: A brand is expected to generate exceptional results not by what they just say but also by what they do. They have a three step framework through which they operate i.e. align, integrate and institutionalize. The organizations start by filtering programs that are most suited to their mission, marketing and strategy. The second stage involves developing organizational structure and creation of cross-functional teams. The third stage involves the creation of decision-making process, solidifying communication structure and outlining of success measures.
Rallying of internal brand ambassadors: the brand meaning communication starts internally and then extends to the external community. It starts with educating the employees and volunteers about the brand evolution and innovation, lead them by example through behaviour, words and standard guidelines. Followed by making the brand meaning a part of the hiring, training and orientation process. Ultimately create a sense of pride, community bonded around mutual commitment and drive the brand externally.
Brand communication: involves creating a unique visual identity i.e. something that consistently reflects the brand meaning. Integrate them with online and offline communication channels customized to the target profile. Finally the communication should act as a catalyst which can empower supporters to co-create communications and drive actions.
Expand brand by mobilizing an external community: this principle is probably very important for any NFP organization. It delivers participant benefits and cultivates individual relationships.
Cultivate partners to extent the brand reach and influence
Leveraging brand for alternative revenue and value
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