To make the International financial center building in America, the project would like warn that potential risks are around how to reduce and avoid risk for safety issue.
In the planning of this 3D project, I am planning to create the outline for the building, the outline would present the picture which draw similar to above picture, so that the final outlook would like to reduced proportion from the original image. The brief introduction of the building as follow: built in 1973, located at the southern tip of Manhattan, is made up of five building, is the highest in New York City, floor of most skyscrapers. Since 1973 which become one of the landmarks of New York, the main building by double tower, the height of 412 meters, 412 layer, is a glass wall, for both are "the Windows of the world," said. The world trade center building in the world trade center in New York, us artist is famous buildings;masa was one of the most important representative works. It covers an area of 16 acres of wide, is composed of seven buildings, including the "Twin Towers" are two same appearance, high 110 layers of double tower. As a consequence, the 3D project is mainly focus on the Twin Towers.
In the designing of the outside materials, they are mirrors in the design, so that this should plan before 3D printing.
由于在整个项目的制定过程中进行了重大的管理规划,因此该项目是一项艰巨的工作。建设世贸中心的想法首先受到了一些人的批评,认为即使是在纽约,这也是由世界大都市的标准造成的,这个项目还是太大了。自1963年正式提出建议之日起,港务局将利用两座世界上最高的摩天大楼将这座城市命名为“世界之城”,1965年临近,最终的建设方案定稿,围绕计划的争议也随之结束。根据最终计划,世贸中心建成后将提供1100平方英尺(250英亩)的新办公空间。这让另一位主持人非常担心:纽约世贸中心一旦建成,纽约的其他写字楼将面临严重淤塞。有人说:“在想到这里的航运公司之前,我们租了每平方英尺10.5美元的办公空间,还得排队等候。老实说,现在,世贸中心首次亮相,出价6.5美元!”根据计划,双塔将超过1350英尺,理论上会干扰曼哈顿电视信号的正常接收。专家认为,双塔可能产生天线效应,从中央区域的帝国大厦屋顶反射的电视塔信号将被送往别处。但是,如果出现这样的问题,那么影响最多6个月,也就是说,从建造铝合金钢架到完成主体工程,再到安装新的电视塔在北塔顶部这段时间。恐惧越来越严重,但毕竟专家们推测缺乏事实依据。随后,世贸中心建设总指挥图泽说:“广播公司预测,我们的大楼建到700-900英尺高,会出现干扰现象。结果,什么都没有发生。他们不得不说,等建筑物外墙建到70层后,才会出现。This project is a tough job due to the significant managementplanning throughout the making. The idea to build the world trade center's criticism to the first is some people think that, even in New York this has been caused by the standards of the world's metropolis, this project is still too large. Since 1963, when the formal proposal of that day of, the port authority is going to use two of the world's tallest skyscrapers to the city with the title of the world, 1965 approaches, the final construction scheme is finalized, controversy surrounding plan has ended. According to the final plan, after the completion of the world trade center will provide 1100 square feet (250 acres) of new office space. This made the other host very worried: New York world trade center once built, other office buildings in New York will face a heavily silted. Someone said: "before any thought of a shipping company here we rent $10.5 per square foot of office space, still have to wait in line. Honestly and now, the world trade centers a debut, offer $6.5!" According to the plan, twin towers will be more than 1350 feet, theory will interfere with the normal accept of Manhattan television signals. Expert thinks, the twin towers possible antenna effect, from the central area of the Empire State Building on the roof of the TV tower reflected the signals will be sent to go elsewhere. But, if there is such a problem, then affect at most 6 months, that is, from building aluminum alloy steel frame the completion of the principal part of the project to install the new TV tower at the top of the north tower for this period of time. Fears are growing, but after all just experts speculate that the lack of factual basis. Then the commander in chief of the world trade center construction guy a.w. tozer said: "the broadcasters predicted that our building build to 700-900 feet high, the phenomenon of interference will appear. As a result, nothing happens. They have to say, to wait for the building external wall is built to the 70 floor, will appear.
In opposition to the world trade center construction circles, most determined attitude is the owner of the Empire State Building. The Empire State Building was built in 1931, is a landmark building in New York, but from now on will be to "the world's tallest building" the glorious title cries to say goodbye. In 1972, a terrible reality just happened in a year's time: see the north tower outside the wall, there is a worker of the decorative wall in midair. October this year, the owner of the Empire State Building was finally announced a startling news: they are in the original on the basis of building up higher 11 layer, make it a total of 113 layers, so that its top two layer can still overlooking the only 110th floor of the world trade center, it is simply a matter of honor the battle of life and death. The owner of the Empire State Building looks like an army to fight, took out the determination to cross the Rubicon, launched the final charge to the world trade center. But the seemingly fierce charge, but in vain. Participate in consulting architects believe that the best addition can let more building a modern - one, and the original art deco building will be gone. So that ridiculous plan finally. In April the following year, the Empire State Building will never lose her the title of tallest building. The world trade center ushered her inauguration, but the ceremony itself is controversial.
Time management is quite important in the project; timeline of the 3D project would like to perform as follow: the main making could divide into three processes; they are researching before making the model,making the Twin Tower, and checking the quality.
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