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欧洲管理学assignment:management audit of ramsay heslth care

论文价格: 免费 时间:2019-09-09 16:33:24 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
Organisation: Ramsay Health Care (RHC)
Business Sector: Health Care Sector
Audit Introduction
This management audit begins with the environmental analysis and then describes the missions and governance of Ramsay. In the following, it’s the analysis of the strategic position of Ramsay with reference to SWOT analysis and the management function with regard to ethical decision making, culture, and planning leading, organizing and controlling functions. 
The purpose of the management audit is to apply a series of management theories, principle and strategies to analyze and critique the Ramsay Health Care in every aspect. And the ethical decision making, culture and corporate social responsibility (CSR) and PLOC will be used to review RHC. In conclusion, management audit will be summarized with some appropriate recommendations. 
Environment Analysis for different areas and the measures of Ramsay 不同地区的环境分析及拉姆齐的对策
First of all, it’s the Europe that going to be analyzed. The environment has changed a little, which reveals in the quality of wateroffering that has been improved. But there are still some other pollution or environmentissues that have strong connection with the health care industry, like the treatment ofmedical waste. Some cooperates can’t achieve the standard level of medical wastetreatment, so it conducts a lot of resources used without a cost-efficient. As it known to all, environment, human beings and resources are in a same big cycle. One of the integral parts of the 2020Europe growth strategy is promoting good health and reducinginequalities. On the one hand, Word Health Organization (WTO) can address a series of environment problems at the global level. On the other hand, standing on acompany level, especiallyhealth care company, Ramsay Health Care should takemore responsibility in preventing or solving those problems according to the health care industry.
Secondly, it’s the Asia that going to be analyzed. The rapid economy development of Asia has encouraged the development of its health care industry. What’ more, it has made a great achievement. Being one of the top five private hospital-operators in the world,RHC realized that environment protection means a lot and it’s themain duty of developing companies. Besides, it’s the first task that how to deal with the medical wastage in a proper way, because it will have a great influence to the environment. There are several problems thathave to be identified first. For example, some health care institutions don’t classify themedical wastage, and just put them together. Some institutions don’t packthe medical wastage well and just packed it up without any notes on it. What's worse, some institutions deal with it with a great amount of people which causes a big problem for people to solve it.
To a great extent,environmental policy mostly influences the Human health and well-being, but they are addressed in a dispersedway at present. Currently the focus is more on production. The consumption decisionmaking needs to be informed in advance to prevent, which admitsuncertainties, particularly for someemerging issues just like nanotechnology.UltimatelyHuman health and well-being are based on a quite reasonable andmature system which consist ofthe resources demonstration. Thesynergies and trade-offs results from the inter-dependencies between the core recourse, such as food, water, energy and other materials, which affects mostly the human health and well-being in the form ofthe impacts of environment. 
From the data from the EEA and the assessment of it, airpollution remains a large environmental health risk. Despite how itaffects other pollution, when the medical wastage incinerates, gem willcome out as well. That’s why Ramsay Health Care is keep striving for improvingcontinual environmental performance indifferent ways which arepractical, cost-effective, environment-friendly, commercial and alsomeaningful. As ecosystems are well connected with each part, it isnecessary to implement an environment an environmental managementsystem and program. This kind of program or project is designed toconsider all the pollution factors together to save resources as well as make it running more effectively. 
As the leader of this industry,Ramsay's activities are based on analyzing,identifying and monitoring the environmental impact. According tothis more realistic information, Ramsay will possibly take themeasures. 90 % companies or people can find out wherethe problem is, but it's hard for them to offer the solution. Now, Ramsay isdesigning a program for reviewing environmental aspects for theirbusiness. Through this risk-based program, it becomes much easierand more proper for them to conduct a correct action plan. Therefore, it’s quite reasonable and sensible no matter standing on the company level or the staff or even the citizen level.
Missions and Governance
The “missions” here is more likely to be replaced by “the Ramsay Way”. The core value of The Ramsay Way is “People Caring for People” which has been developed for over 25 yearsand this has been the key to the RHC’s ongoing success(RHC 2017).Improving the patient care in all areas and applying the influence of itself to encouraging other companies create a culture or a core value like “People Caring People”.
RHC values
“Ramsay Health Care’s value has become synonymous with Ramsay Health Care and the way it operates its business. We recognize that we operate in an industry where “care” is not just a value statement, but a critical part of the way we must go about our daily operations in order to meet the expectations of our customers – our patients and our staff.” (RHC 2017)
The principles of the Ramsay Way
Governance Framework: the Board and its Standing Committees 
Ramsay Health Care’s governance framework is ensuring that everything and everyone in the company can be effectively managed. The statutory obligations are met and the culture of individual and group integrity. As the RamsayWay is reinforced, Ramsay Health Care keeps firm and undependable in maintaining the culture and principles of the Ramsay Way across all aspects of its business, despite the loss of the architect of the Ramsay Way, founder and Chairman Mr. Paul Ramsay AO, on 1 May 2014.The following will 
Board Charter
The role of the Board is to effectively represent and promote the interests of the Company’sshareholders by creating long-term and sustainable shareholder value and to act as prudentstewards of shareholder funds.The Board is accountable to the shareholders for the management of the Company’sbusiness and affairs, and as such is responsible for the overall strategy, governance andperformance of the Company. 
Board Committee Functions
Audit Committee Assist the Board of Ramsay Health Care Limitedin discharging its responsibilities to safeguard the integrity of the Company’s and the Group’s financialreporting and the system of internal control.
People &Remuneration Committee Oversee, review and make recommendations to the Board in respect ofthe Company’s remuneration framework and practices generally, including their alignment with the Company’s values, strategy and performance.#p#分页标题#e#
Nomination & Governance Committee Review and recommend to the Board the size and composition of the Board, including review of Boardsuccession plans and the succession of the Chairman, having regard to the fact that the Board shouldcomprise of Directors with a broad range of skills, expertise and experience from a diverse range ofbackgrounds.
Risk Management 
Committee Oversee and drive improvement in riskmanagement practices in relation to the following areas: patient safety;workplace health and safety; andoperating environment.
Strategy Position of the Organization with SWOT
Ramsay Health Care and its hospital are developing towards the samegoal which is delivery of environmentally sustainable outcomes with agroup of people to achieve the teams or the communities goal which isenvironment performance improving. The key area of Ramsay is reducingconsumption by delivering a high quality health care not only Ramsayitself but also as a global provider. What's more, within the requirement of delivering a high quality health care as far as practicable, reducing the water usage and maximizing efficient water management are also in a need. In the following, Ramsay's strategyposition of organization will be analyzed reference toSWOT analysis. SWOT is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization identify strengths weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related business competition or project planning (Blake&Wijetilak, 2015).
As for Ramsay Health Care the strength is that they have a mutualhardware support, and also the brand is so famous around thesecountries. Due to a long term development, Ramsay also has itsdevelopment style with the strong support of peoples’ believes and brandeffects, which is quite important for a company’s development. By the way, Ramsay has its own community culture in UK, Australia, Asia and other countries. Based on different counties situation, it has collected a lot ofexperiences in how to build up or utilize a according program to solve theproblem or do more environmental contribution work (Humphrey, Albert, 2005).
Weakness is that the company already has a mutual managementsystem. It’s hard to do some changes. The cultures building are not sucheasy once it wants to brand to other cities, it might not such suitable forthe countries environment. They might need to put in a lot of resourcesand software. As health care devices with high spent rate,the consuming fee is not much easy to afford. So the benefitpeople range cannot be a big group of people. Once they want to benefit morepeople, Ramsay has to develop a more effectively way and affordableway to serve as more people as possible.
Opportunity for Ramsay is obviously Peoples concept about health care ismuch stronger than before, and they are willing to spend more in thishigh pressure, so the requirements also become stronger than before. No matter they need it now or in the future they will also prepare for thefuture. Also, industries development is not such pure as before. There areso many connections with each industry. Like companies are aiming onhow to reduce the usage of resources, it has to invest, and then later oneall the benefits can be for environment but also for the company's futuredevelopment. No matter commercial goal or environment protecting development, no matter commercial goal or environment protecting, they are all connected. The doors of other companies' are opening for thiskind of good industry. So it provides the industry a more free developingenvironment and communication can be more specific and colorful fromdifferent aspects of views (Sidney Morning Herald, 2014). 
Threaten can be like something company are not able to control. Likedisease cure way or some new gem. And the most important one isgovernment policy changes. For example, currently, some governmentsare warm welcoming the investigator from other country, because it isquite important for countries to communicate with each other. Nowadays so many health care institutions from different countries theymight take a long time to get the benefit back. As for a government, they are quite importantfor country to communication with each other.Asfor a government theymight open the door for different investigators, but the investigator alsowith bring some new ideas. Once the concepts can't be accepted,theywill close the door again, but the problem is not about who is right andwho is wrong, countries are varies from countries, environment, people,situation, requirements and so on. So many factors can be affected. 
There should be another threaten, as a global hospital provider, thereare still so many local industries competitors and they are much more familiar with the people’s needs.The Ramsay culture realizes that people-staff and doctors are the treasures of the Ramsay Health Care. And it is leading the company to a successway. The principle of this core values is: people are always work with ahigh spirit, enjoy their work and always show the positive side for patientPeople are not always stay in the moment, they are always seeking a wayto be better, and the same as the companies aim and everyone iscontributing on it. Staff in the company buys in the value of integritycredibility and respect for the individual. The relationships are constructive so that we can achieve the positive outcomes for all. Thecompany believes that success comes through recognizing andencouraging the value of people and team. They deliver this value andthey are also doing this. Last but not least, they are aiming to grow theirbusiness while maintaining sustainable levels of profitable, providing abasis for stakeholder loyalty.
Management Function of Ramsay 
Agood company will have a better management. A better management willbenefit the company. Following the management function of Ramsay is analyzed in ethical decision making, culture and planning leading. 
Ethical Decision Making 
Ethical decision-making requires a review of different options, eliminating those with an unethical standpoint, and then choosing the best ethical alternative.Various elements are playing when making decisions. In terms of ethics, Organizational or group codesare one of the significant factors when making decisions. The core value of Ramsay is People Caring People. “Care” is not only can applied in the daily life and daily work, but also meets the expectations of the customers- patients and stuffs. Stuffs working in this environment are more patients and friendly enough to the patients who need care. Patients receive care from the stuffs will show understanding and sympathy for the stuffs. 
What appreciated by people is the RHC’s business culture that has sustain for a long period. Ramsay identified it's their responsibility not only standing on the role as a company and reference onthe company's obligation under environment, but also cooperatecitizen. Under this culture, Ramsay Health care believes thatimproving the performance is fundamental tobusiness success. And such direction or outcome should be also with somedetailed measurement like activities arranging and decision making at all. It is vital and crucial that each community should havetheir own culture, just like the one in Ramsay. People are creating, promotingand communicating an environmental culture that is suitable and sustainable across the community. Members are all involved into it
Planning Leading 
Ramsay Health Care takes a lead role and other companies or industries can understand and study, which shows the leadership andownership in the health industry.The slogan and core values of the Ramsay are people caring people. As a privatehospital provider, it also aims on commercial development meanwhiletaking the responsibility of resources solving and environment protecting. Ramsay is also seeking out the potential partnerships that are having thesimilar business objectives in a win-win way which is more effectivelyand also efficiently.
As the leader in health care industry, Ramsay has a more perfect management audit than other companies. However, it still needs to improve the quality of the cares and integrity of the management that canachieve a great effectiveness and maximize the profits. Meanwhile, as aprivate medical company, it will faces more challenges but also opportunities in the future. Only have much better system and management can the company transforms the challenges into opportunities. 
1. Continuing to advocate the value “People Caring People”;
2. Maintaining focus on social and environmental responsibility;
3. Promotingthe performance of patient safety and quality systems;
4. Driving other companies and the health industry to move forward.
Reference list
[1] Blake, Martin; Wijetilaka, Shehan, August 2015, 5 tips to grow your start-up using SWOT analysis. 
[2] Humphrey, Albert, December 2005, SWOT Analysis for Management Consulting. SRI Alumni Newsletter. SRI International.#p#分页标题#e#
[3] Osita, Christian; Onyebuchi, Idoko; Justina, Nzekwe, January2014, Organization's stability and productivity: the role of SWOT analysis, International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research 
[4] Quincy, Ronald. February 2013, SWOT Analysis: Raising capacity of your organization, Rutgers School of Social Work. 
[5] Koch, Adam, 2000. SWOT does not need to be recalled: It needs to be enhanced, Swineburne University of Technology.
[6] SWOT Analysis, February 2018, Discover New Opportunities, Manage and Eliminate Threats.
[7] Philips, Deborah; Garry Whannel, May 2014. The Trojan Horse: The Growth of Commercial Sponsorship.
[9] Buckis, Claire, 2005. Nursing: NSW/ACT. Career FAQs. p. 24. ISBN 1921106093. 
[10] Sidney Morning Herald, January 2014, Ramsay lines up against Healthscope
[11] About Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital, Ramsay Health Care. Retrieved 3 May 2014.

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