澳洲市场学Assignment指导需求 Marketing Assigment
Unit Plan
MKT3120 International Marketing III (EXTERNAL)
This unit examines the nature and practice of international marketing and includes an introduction to economic, political and legal dimensions. This unit will increase your awareness of some of the problems inherent in the field of international marketing, but problems that make it a fascinating area of study never the less. It is in your interest to prepare thoroughly for each seminar. The teaching team will be expecting a high level of contribution from each student during the course of the semester. This will be particularly so for the networking sessions. These sessions are provided a external consultants and are designed to give students stills to secure professional jobs in the marketing field.
in order to enrol in this subject you must have passed the following subjects:
MKT2100 Consumer Behaviour III
MKT2130 Marketing Research III
MKT 2211 Professional Communications I
MKT 2212 Promotional Marketing II
There is no exception to this rule.
Teaching Team
Your teaching team for this unit is comprised of Dr Marc Saupin, Unit Coordinator and Guest Lecturers, industry professional Ms Natalie Morris. Other professionals from industry and academia may be called upon to support the teaching team depending upon the demands of the program. You will be advised in advance when this is the case.
The teaching team will communicate important pieces of information to students via the Announcements on Blackboard and/or by means of e-mail. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every student involved to visit the Announcements on Blackboard at least one day prior to the lecture.
Resources and reading list
The following text is prescribed for this unit:
Fletcher, R. & Brown, L. 2005, International Marketing: An Asia-Pacific Perspective, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, Australia.
Students are not advised to rely on earlier versions of this textbook.
Other significant references and resources
Web-Based Resource Materials for students to research
Study schedule/Lecture programme
Week Topic/s Reading Tutorial exercises Assignment due
1 The Rationale for International Marketing.
Guidelines for assignments 1 All questions
2 Appreciating the International Economic and Financial Environment 2 All questions
3 Catering for the Cultural and Social Environment of International Business. 3 All questions
4 The Technology Environment and the Contemporary Environmental Variables 5 All questions
5 Avoiding the Pitfalls of the International Political and Legal Environment 4 All questions #p#分页标题#e#
6 Week Free Assignment preparation No Questions Set
7 Researching international Markets
Modifying Products for Overseas Markets 6&13 All questions (Chapter 6 only) Assignment 1 Due – on Monday of Week
Mid Semester Break
8 International Market Selection
Planning for International Marketing 7&8 All questions (Chapter 7 Only)
9 Gaining Competitive Advantage
9 All questions www.ukassignment.org
10 International Strategies
10 No Questions Set
11 International Pricing for Profit
12 Course Summary No Readings Assignment 2 Due on Monday of Week
End of Text Questions Due
Assessment information
Submission information
Assignment 1 – Economic Analysis & Socio-Cultural Analysis 40%
Assignment 2 – Marketing Plan 45%
Seminar Work End-of-Text Questions 15%
Learning outcome/s and Graduate Attributes
Completing this assignment will help you achieve the following learning outcome/s and ECU Graduate Attributes:
• Developed a critical appreciation of the economic, financial, cultural and political factor that bear on international market planning;
• Demonstrate the ability to undertake systematic international marketing research;
• Gained an understanding of the elements of international marketing, why it is so important to Australia and how it is different from domestic marketing.
• Developed an insight into the benefits and pitfalls of working in an international environment.
• Develop practical skills in securing a relevant position in the marketing field
Before starting this assignment, you should have:
1. Reviewed the Industry Analysis Framework
2. Conduced a Net-Search on possible products and industry sectors
3. Identified possible partners to complete the assignment
4. Reviewed previous assignments ...
Assignment instructions
ASSIGNMENT 1 Due Monday Beginning - Week 7
A suggested framework of analysis is provided in Addenda below
Part A - Economic Analysis
This section highlights the importance of understanding the economy of a country, particularly as it applies to marketing and influence of the government.
Three broad categories of information are required to complete this guideline.
1. General economic data that serves as a basis for evaluation of the economic soundness of the country under consideration;
2. Political stability (instability) which may influence any investment decision, and#p#分页标题#e#
3. Information relating to channels of distribution and media availability and
the role of the media.
On completion of this section, include an executive summary (about two pages) of the main points, the purpose being to give the reader a brief glance at the critical elements. Pay particular attentions to those aspects of the culture, economy and politics you will need to know to enable you to do business in the country, but would not be expected to know or would find different based on your own self reference criteria.
Part B - Socio-Cultural Analysis- Economic Analysis
The socio-cultural analysis is an important source of information for understanding the business customs and other important cultural features of a foreign country.http://www.ukassignment.org/daixieAssignment/
More than just a collection of interesting facts, the cultural analysis should try and interpret the meaning of the cultural information ie: how does the information help in understanding the effect on the market. The fact that the majority of Japanese consider themselves either Shinto or Buddhist (or both) is interesting, but more important is the effect that these belief systems have on market behaviour.
ASSIGNMENT 2 Due Monday Beginning - Week 12
Market Audit and Preliminary Marketing Plan
A suggested framework of analysis is given in the Addenda.
The result of the socio-cultural Analysis and Economic Analysis provides the input to the International Marketing Plan. Students are advised that when development the IMP there must be a clear link between the information gathered in assignment 1 and the objectives and strategies developed in assignment 2. The Framework for this assignment is given below
This component of the course must be analytical and not purely descriptive.
Descriptive work will attract heavy penalties to the point of a failing grade being awarded.
Assignments lengths
Students are required to undertake the assignments individually or in pairs.
Assignment 1 = 1,500 words per student (these are only guidelines)
Assignment 2 = 1,500 words per student (these are only guidelines)
Addenda to Unit Plan A
Assignment 1 - Framework
Economic Analysis & Socio-Cultural Analysis
Framework for Economic Analysis
I Introduction.
II Population.
A. Total.
1. Growth rates.
2. Number of live births.
3. Birth rates.
B. Distribution of population.
1. Age.
2. Sex.
3. Geographic areas (urban, suburban, etc).
4. Immigration rates and patterns.
5. Ethnic groups.
III Economic Statistics and Activity.
A. Gross national product (GNP or GDP).
1. Total.#p#分页标题#e#
2. Rate of growth.
B. Personal income per capita.
C. Average family income.
D. Distribution of wealth.
1. Income classes.http://www.ukassignment.org/daixieAssignment/
2. Proportion of the population in each class.
3. Is the distribution distorted?
E. Principle industries.
1. What proportion of the GNP does each industry contribute?
2. Ratio of publicly owned industries.
F. Foreign investment.
1. Opportunities.
2. Which industries?
G. International trade statistics.
1. Major export.
a. Dollar value.
b. Trends.
2. Major imports.
a. Dollar value.
b. Trends.
3. Balance of payments situation.
a. Surplus of deficit?
b. Recent trends.
4. Exchange rates.
a. Single or multiple exchange rates?
b. Current rate of exchange.
c. Trends.
H. Trade restrictions.
1. Embargoes.
2. Quotas.
3. Import taxes.
4. Tariffs.
5. Licensing.
6. Custom duties.
I Extent of economic activity not included in cash income transactions.
1. Countertrade.
a. Products usually offered for countertrading.
b. Types of countertrades requested.
2. Foreign aid received.
J. Labour force.
1. Size.
2. Unemployment rates.
K. Inflation rates.
IV. Developments in Science and Technology.
A. Current technology available.
B. Percentage of GNP invested in research and development.
C. Technological skills of the labour force and general population.
Framework for Socio-cultural Analysis
I. Introduction.
Include short profiles of the company, the product to be exported and the country with which you wish to trade.
II. Brief discussion of the country’s relevant history.
III. Geographical setting.
A. Location.
B. Climate.
C. Topography.
IV.. Social institutions.
A. Family.
1. The nuclear family.
2. The extended family.
3. Dynamics of the family.
a. Parental roles.
b. Marriage and courtship#p#分页标题#e#
4. Female/male roles (are they changing or static?)
B. Education. 指导assignment
1. The role of eduction in society.
a. Primary education (quality, levels of development etc).
b. Secondary education (quality, levels of development etc.)
c. Higher education (quality, levels of development, etc).
2. Literacy rates.
C. Political system
1. Political structure.
2. Political parties.
3. Stability of government.
4. Special taxes.
5. Role of local government.
D. Legal system
1. Organisation of the judiciary system.
2. Code, common, socialist, or Islamic- law country?
3. Participation in patents, trademarks and other conventions.
E. Social organisations
1. Group behaviour
2. Social classes.
3. Clubs, other organisations.
4. Race, ethnicity and subcultures.
F. Business customs and practices.
V. Religion and aesthetics
A. Religion and other belief systems.
1. Orthodox doctrines and structures.
2. Relationship with the people.
3. Which religions are prominent?
4. Membership of each religion.
5. Are there any powerful or influential cults?
B. Aesthetics
1. Visual arts (fine arts, plastics, graphics, public art, colours, etc)
2. Music.
3. Drama, ballet and other performing arts.
4. Folklore and relevant symbols.
VI. Living conditions.
A. Diet and nutrition.
1. Meat and vegetable consumption rates.
2. Typical meals.
3. Malnutrition rates.
4. Foods available.
B. Housing.
1. Types of housing available.
2. Do most people own or rent?
3. Doe most people live in one-family dwellings or with other families?
C Clothing.
1. National dress.
2. Types of clothing worn at work.
D. Recreation, sports and other leisure activities.
1. Types available and in demand.
2. Percentage of income spent on such activities.
E. Social security.
F. Heath care.
VII. Language.
A. Official language(s).
B. Spoken versus written language(s).#p#分页标题#e#
C. Dialects.
IIX. Source of information.
IX. Appendices.
Addenda to Unit Plan b
Assignment 2 - Framework
PART ONE – Market Audit
1.0 Introduction
2.0 The Product
2.1 Major Problems and Resistances to Product Acceptance
3.0 The Market
3.1 Description of the Market
3.2 Competitor Analysis
3.3 Market Size, location, growth and opportunties
3.4 Government Participation in the Marketplace
PART TWO – Preliminary Marketing Plan
1.0 The Marketing Plan
1.1 Product Objectives/Strategies
1.2 Promotion Objectives/Strategies
1.3 Selling Objectives/Strategies
1.4 Distribution Objectives/Strategies
1.5 Price Objectives/Strategies
1.6 Terms of Sale
1.7 Method of Payment
2.0 Proforma Financial Statements and Budget
2.1 Marketing Budget
2.2 Proforma Annual Profit and Loss Statement
3.0 Resource Requirements
3.1 Finances
3.2 Personnel
3.3 Production Capacity