澳洲Assignment指导样本 Individual Assignment You are expected to submit one assignment that reflects the international business environment in which a company operates. You will select one company from the list of Global 100 Australias Top International Companies uploaded on WebCT under Individual Assignment. The list only presents the companies ranked by foreign revenue. You must select one company and research in which countries the company of choice has engaged in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). Select a country and then proceed to analysing the business environment in that country. ![]() The assignment takes the form of a report to the CEO at the headquarters of the company. Your assignment should contain a maximum of 2,000 words ±10%. You should bear in mind the following: 论文相关资料 This course is a broad survey of the field of international business and provides the foundations for further specialisation in this field. It begins with a brief overview of international business, focused on the concept of globalisation. The course will then examine the environment for international firms, particularly the political, social, economic, technological and other configurations that support cross-border trade and investment. Amongst others, we will look at the role of national policies, cultures and business systems, the evolution of international markets in goods, services and finance, and the supernational mechanisms and infrastructures for trade, investment and finance. The course will then probe international firms: their strategies and organisational design, their entry modes into international enterprise, and their behavioural and control systems. #p#分页标题#e# 学习各章的相关要点 Globalisation and economic development Globalisation and economic development What is culture? How relevant is culture to business? Ethics and IB Enron movie: The Smartest Guys in the Room Why do countries trade with each other? Firms and international trade Governments and the regulation of international trade The cases for and against free trade What is foreign direct investment (FDI)? Why do countries establish regional trade blocks? Australia, APEC, and bilateral agreements Currency markets and FX rates •identify the main features of the international business environment and its main institutions; • analyse the political, social, and economic and other configurations that support cross-border trade; • understand the nature of the multinational firm as an institutional structure for the conduct of cross-border trade and investment; • analyse the key decisions that multinational firms make in relation to the choice of markets and entry strategies; • understand the different modes of engagement with international markets and explore the interconnectedness between these and the economic, legal, governmental, political, regulatory, cultural and other environments in which expanding companies operate; • research international business issues and apply theoretical insights to the analysis of such issues in the context of a complex international business environment; • communicate their understanding in a clear and concise way through exams, presentations, assignments, and tutorial participation. •identify the main features of the international business environment and its main institutions; • analyse the political, social, and economic and other configurations that support cross-border trade; • understand the nature of the multinational firm as an institutional structure for the conduct of cross-border trade and investment; • analyse the key decisions that multinational firms make in relation to the choice of markets and entry strategies; • understand the different modes of engagement with international markets and explore the interconnectedness between these and the economic, legal, governmental, political, regulatory, cultural and other environments in which expanding companies operate; • research international business issues and apply theoretical insights to the analysis of such issues in the context of a complex international business environment;#p#分页标题#e# • communicate their understanding in a clear and concise way through exams, presentations, assignments, and tutorial participation. •identify the main features of the international business environment and its main institutions; • analyse the political, social, and economic and other configurations that support cross-border trade; • understand the nature of the multinational firm as an institutional structure for the conduct of cross-border trade and investment; • analyse the key decisions that multinational firms make in relation to the choice of markets and entry strategies; • understand the different modes of engagement with international markets and explore the interconnectedness between these and the economic, legal, governmental, political, regulatory, cultural and other environments in which expanding companies operate; • research international business issues and apply theoretical insights to the analysis of such issues in the context of a complex international business environment; • communicate their understanding in a clear and concise way through exams, presentations, assignments, and tutorial participation. |