澳洲代写assignment 代写英国assignment Assignment格式 如何写assignment


论文价格: 免费 时间:2010-10-07 08:51:23 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

business Essay要求


The aim of the Document Creation Assignment (DCA) is threefold:
1. To develop and demonstrate your skills in writing effective business documents.
2. To use technology effectively in business communication.
3. To prepare a current Resume and Cover Letter that can be used to apply for an entry level position in your chosen career.

This assignment is worth 40% of your final mark in MMH299
Due: Wednesday 6 May 2009 11.59 pm (AEST)
Students must submit for assessment:
 One Blog in class
 One Audience Analysis Document as required
 One Document Analysis Document as required
 All six business messages as specified in Part A.
 A Letter of Application, Resume and position description or advertisement in Part C
 All items in Part D - the DCA Subject Revision Document
Pre-Submission Checklist for Written Submission
Check that you have completed and included all necessary tasks before you submit your assignment, as one mark will be deducted for each item not submitted:
• MMH299 Assignment Attachment Sheet, including your name, ID, campus and tutorial number (if required)
• An MSWord Document containing the following:
• An automated Automating a Table of Contents (refer appendix for instructions on how to do this)
• Part A:  Six  Routine, positive, negative and persuasive business messages plus One completed Audience Analysis Form and One completed Document Analysis Form
• Part C: Cover letter, Resume, and associated position description or advertisement
• Part D: DCA Subject Revision
Once you have checked all the above, please submit your assignment.
• E-copy submission via DSO before 11.59 pm (AEST) on Wednesday 6 May 2009.
Note: Burwood students will need to submit both paper copy and e-copy.


Allocation of Marks
Item Marks
Part A:  Routine, positive, negative and persuasive business messages 3x7 marks  21
Part B:  A business Blog  5
Part C:  Your Job Application Letter and Resume  10
Part D:  DCA Subject Revision 4
Total 40

Pre-Submission Checklist for Written Submission 1
Part A (20 Marks): 3#p#分页标题#e#
Part B: (5 Marks) 4
Part C: (10 Marks) 4
Part D: (4 marks) 5
Audience Analysis Form 8
Document Analysis Form 9
Letter Format 10
Email Format 12
Memo Format 14

The assignment preparation will be undertaken in tutorials.
• Before class read the relevant sections in Chapter 4 – Planning Business Messages to assist you in Audience Analysis and Chapters 5 and 6 – Writing and Completing Business Messages in preparation for creating your documents.
• You should prepare an Audience Analysis Form and a Document Analysis Form only where requested.

You will complete the tasks itemised below in your own time:
Part A (21 Marks):
All six items indicated are to be submitted. Three of the six will be marked. It will be the same three for every student. Students will not be told which three items will be marked so you should write as though each item will be marked. Any missing documents will incur a penalty of 2 marks.

1. Letter - Document 8.C: p. 238. Routine Message: Responding to claims and adjustment requests when the customer is at fault.
a. Rewrite the document according the strategies for effective routine messages
b. Provide and Audience Analysis (AA) and Document Analysis (DA).

2. Letter – Document 20. p. 249 Positive Message: Impressive trainee: Letter of recommendation for a top-notch intern
a. Note: You will need to create address details for yourself as the Project Manager at Orbitz. Rewrite the document according the strategies for effective routine messages.

3. Email – Document 10. p. 286. Routine Negative Message: Cell Phone Violations: Email message to associates at Wilkes Air Law Firm.
a. Rewrite the document according the strategies for routine negative messages.

4. Letter - Document 10.A p.317. Persuasive Message: Writing Persuasive claims and requests for adjustment.
a. Rewrite the document according the strategies for effective persuasive messages

5. Letter – Document 15. p. 287. Negative Message: Product Recall: Letter from Perrigo Company about children’s pain killer.
a.  You will need to create address details for yourself as the Service Supervisor at Perrigo.
b. This is a form letter and so requires that you create a mail merge template letter. Details for Creating Mail Merge Documents are provided on page 17 of this assignment.

6. Memo – Document 9. p. 323. Persuasive Message: No More driving: Telecommuting to Bachman, Trinity and Smith.
a. Rewrite the document according the strategies for effective persuasive messages.#p#分页标题#e#
b. Provide an Audience Analysis (AA) and Document Analysis (DA).

Part B: (5 Marks)

NOTE: This will be assessed in Week 6 tutorial class. You must be in class to complete this task. Absence on this day will result in zero (0) marks for the blog. If there are unavoidable circumstances that keep you from attending, please use the usual way of requesting special consideration. (Foreward planning here and notice before the absence is optimal) 
• Search the Internet for at least 4 examples of Business or Corporate blogs. Record the title and webpage link of each blog. This can be done at anytime prior to your tutorial class or on the day.
• Read 11. Look sharp: Travel safety tips for new employees Blog activity (Page 207-208) and complete an Audience Analysis for your Blog posting.
• Follow the instructions given to you in class to complete the MMH299 Blog activity
• Post a reply to the MMH299 Blog. Your reply should include:
o At least four webpage links to Blogs which you have compiled from researching Business and Corporate Blogs on the Internet.
o At least six travel tips requested in 11. Look sharp: Travel safety tips for new employees.
o Appropriate headings, business communication terminology, grammar and spelling.
• Show your work to your tutor for marking

Part C: (10 Marks)
The purpose of completing a Job Application Letter and a current Resume is to give you practice in reviewing, evaluating, and presenting your education and life experiences for entry into a career path.  Read Chapter 18 – Building Careers and Writing Resumes and go to the Student Life Website before attempting this assignment.
• Search the web or print media (eg newspaper) for an advertised professional position that you could realistically apply on completion of your degree. A copy of this advertisement must be included with your submission.
• Letter of application
You are to write persuasive a letter applying for this advertised professional position. Your letter must respond to the criteria set out in the position description. If there is no position description criteria indicated in the advertisement you will need to obtain this.  Ensure the formatting of this letter conforms to the MMH299 Style Guide
• Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Use the guidance provided on the Student Life Website to write your own Resume. This Resume must indicate your education, current experience, skills and abilities.  It should be focused to show your suitability for the position you are applying for. It must be included with your submission because your letter of application is marked in relation to your CV. 

Part D: (4 marks)
DCA Subject Revision - examines the Monique Academy of Modern Dance document below and submit the following as a word document:
• A three part Audience Analysis of the document (-1 mark if not included)#p#分页标题#e#
• The following (1 marks each):
i) Explain why the approach taken in this document is appropriate or inappropriate?
ii) Point out one positive or negative feature in relation to the format of the document
iii) Point out one positive or negative feature in relation to organisation of the document
iv) Point out one positive or negative feature in relation to the writing style of the document

Monique Academy of Modern Dance
Principal:  Monique Guerlain 
25 Hoover Street Glen Waverley  Vic  3150

January 12th 2009

Dear Coles Myer

I am writing on behalf of Monique Academy of Modern Dance to ask if you would be able to donate a prize which our Academy would use to aid our fundraising efforts this year.  Our major fundraising activity this year is a Trivia Night being held on Saturday 31st June, for which we require prizes.

Modern dance is one of the fastest growing artistic sports in Australia.  Modern dance is a combination of classical and jazz ballet.  Our academy has over 80 students aging from 3 years old to 30 years, these students come from all over metropolitan Melbourne.  Monique Academy of Modern Dance competes at several local competitions during the year as well as the Royal South Street Comps, where we have had great success in previous years.

We can offer your organisation free advertising at the Academy, at our fundraising events and in our newsletter, in return for any donation you can make.  This advertising will not only reach our Academy families, but also people in the wider community a we rely on the families and friends of all our Academy families to attend our various functions.

We would be most greatful for any donation you are able to give, and would be more than happy to collect it from you.  We look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.  Any queries please contact me on 0498 989 024.

Yours sincerely,


Elspeth McIntyre
Fundraising Co-ordinator

TYPE OF MESSAGE: Should this message be routine (including negative), positive, negative or persuasive? www.ukassignment.org 指导essay

APPROACH: Does your Audience Analysis indicate that the direct or indirect approach should be used?

FORMAT:  Checklist of the correct formatting features for the chosen medium
MMH299 formatted Memo
• Title: Is this centred at the top of the page?
• To:   Are name and position given?
• From:  Are name and position given?
• Date:  Is the international date complete and accurate?
• Subject:  Is this concise and contains the topic but not the action?
• Goodwill Close: Is the close complete and appropriate?#p#分页标题#e#

MMH299 formatted Letter
• Letterhead:       Is this complete?
• Date:  Is the international date complete and accurate?
• Inside address:  Is this address complete, appropriate and accurate?
• Salutation:  Does salutation include name position of addressee?
• Subject line:  Concise and contains the topic but not the action?
• Goodwill Close: Is the close complete and appropriate?
• Complimentary close:  Have you used an appropriate level of formality?
• Signature block:  Is this signature block appropriate and accurate?

MMH299 formatted Email
• To:   Is the sender’s email address correct?
• Subject: Is this concise and contains the topic but not the  action?
• Attached:  Have you attached any necessary document?
• Salutation:  Have you used an appropriate level of formality?
• Content:  Have you written about only one major idea?
• Goodwill Close: Is the close complete and appropriate?
• Complimentary close:  Have you used an appropriate level of formality?
• Email signature:  Is this complete?

Design (for all business messages)
• General design:  Is it pleasingly located on the page. Has white space been  with appropriate used?
• Dot/number points:  Have bullet points been used effectively for lists?
• Sub-headings:  Are sub-headings included and are they appropriate?

ORGANISATION:  Is the organisation correct for the message type and approach?
Routine (including Negative Routine) and Positive Messages
• Main idea: Is this clearly stated at the beginning of the message?
• Detail: Are details relevant, logically sequenced, best place?
• Goodwill close:  Is there an close that is informal and encouraging yet also calls  for specific action if appropriate?

Negative Messages
• Buffer Is the buffer appropriate and in the best place?
• Reasons / details Are the reasons positive, reasonable, without apologies?
• Bad news Is bad-news de-emphasised, tactful, with a positive focus?
• Alternatives Are any helpful alternatives suggested?
• Goodwill close Is the close positive, sincere, non-apologetic?

Persuasive Messages (AIDA structure)
• Attention Does a personalised opening grab the reader’s attention?
• Interest Is the theme expanded so that benefits create interest?
• Desire Are benefits and evidence linked so that it stimulates further interest and resistance reduced?#p#分页标题#e#
• Action Is the action specified, related to benefits, easy for the reader to do?

WRITING STYLE:  Is the writing style correct and accurate?
• 8C’s Does the message included the 8 Cs ie it is clear, correct, comprehensive, concise, credible, considerate, courteous, conscientious?  Have you proof read my work?
• Tone Is the tone polite, respectful, friendly, confident, encouraging?
• Positive emphasis  Is the emphasis positive wherever possible?
• You attitude Is the ‘You’ attitude used properly by a strongly focussing on the audience focus?
• Sentence length Are any sentences longer than 25 words?
• Paragraphing Are paragraphs coherent, of appropriate length, block format, with double spaced gaps between?
• Language Is plain English used that is correct, fluent, concise, specific, clear; not biased, overly technical, colloquial or slang?
• Spelling Is spelling 100% accurate? (Use ‘MSWord’ to check – use  Australian spellings)
• Grammar Is grammar correct? (Use ‘MSWord’ to check). Are similar words with different meaning used incorrectly eg whole – hole.
• Punctuation Is punctuation 100% accurate?

Audience Analysis Form
Document Number/Title: Page:
Who is the audience?

(a) Name / position: 

(b) Context (size and geographic distribution) / description (composition) / characterisation (understanding, expectations, preferences): 


What is the audience’s likely reaction towards the main idea of the message?
(Provide two adjectives or descriptive word/phrases followed by the reasons)








What does the audience need to know?
(Provide the main idea and major sub-points)





Document Analysis Form
Document Number:   Page: 
Purpose of Message: 

Type of message:
Appropriate Approach:
2. List the format features required in the document.

o o o 
3. What Organisation is required for the message? What techniques are you using to ensure that your Writing Style is correct?
Use bullet points and Business Communication terminology to illustrate how both are used in your message. 
Business Communication Features Specific Examples from Document





Writing Style 





This style guide indicates the format required in MMH299 that uses the recognised Australian format for business messages. It includes details of the formatting and an example for business letters, emails and memos. #p#分页标题#e#
Letter Format

Company Letterhead
(Centred and includes all contact details e.g. address, fax, email, phone, website)

(One blank line between all sections – left alignment for rest of document)
Date: International format - no punctuation

Inside address of receiver contains no punctuation
name of recipient
title of recipient

Salutation (greeting)
title surname (unless a personal friend - no punctuation)

Subject line: (specific topic of message not the task concise, clear, informative, positive)

Body of message (single spacing with one blank line between paragraphs. Headings, bullet points where relevant)

Goodwill Close – a sentence of closure

Complimentary close - no punctuation
(Leave 3-5 blank lines)

Signature block
- sender’s signature
- sender’s name
- sender’s title

221 Burwood Highway Burwood Vic 3121
Phone: 9244 3819 - Fax: 9244 7083
Email: xyz@deakin.edu.au

17 July 2008

Mrs Julie Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Business Documents ‘R Us
321 Smith Street
Collingwood Vic 3125

Dear Mrs Brown

Subject: Letter writing tips

Here are the document writing tips you requested last week.
• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hopefully you find that this information is useful as you complete your project. Please contact me again if you have any further questions

Yours sincerely

Christopher Ang
Christopher Ang

Email Format

(Date: (& time  automatically created by your email software)
From:  Sender’s email address (time  automatically created by your email software)
To:   Receiver’s email address
Cc:  Other visible receivers
Bcc:  Other invisible receivers
Subject: specific topic of message not the task concise, clear, informative, positive
Attached: Attached documents
Salutation (greeting) level of formality varies, depending upon your relationship with the receiver
(Leave one blank line between paragraphs)
Body of message single spacing with no indents. Sub-headings and bullet points used for lists. Paragraphs kept fairly short.
(One main message per email)

Goodwill Close – a sentence of closure

Complimentary close – level of formality varies, depending upon your relationship with the receiver
Email signature
- name
- position
- company#p#分页标题#e#
- address
- contact phone, mobile, fax numbers

Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 15:55:29
From:      janto.tan@trainerz.com.au
To:      stella.fox@trainerz.com.au
Subject:    Staff Training Day Report
Attached:   c:\USERS\janto\Reports\Staff
Hi Stella

Attached is a draft copy of our report on last week’s staff training day at the Novatel. Could you please proofread it really carefully? Make any suggestions or comments in red so that I can find them easily and especially check that you agree with my:
• sub-headings
• paragraphing
• practical examples

If possible, could you get this back to me by 5.50 pm tomorrow? If that’s too difficult, how about before 12 noon the next day? We have to get it to the printers before the end of the week.

Janto Tan
Human Resources Director
Trainerz International Pty Ltd
2217 Deakin Highway
Geelong Vic 3217
Tel: +61 3 9755 4461
Fax: +61 3 9755 4462
Memo Format
(Heading centred at the Top of the page)
(One blank line between all sections – left alignment for rest of document)
To:  Name, Title/Department (All details should be TAB aligned)
From: Name, Title/Department
Date: International format used
Subject: Concise, informative topic
 (No Salutation)

Body of message single spacing with one blank line between paragraphs. Headings, bullet points where relevant

Goodwill Close – a sentence of closure
No Complimentary Close 


To:  All MMH299 tutors
From:  Unit Chair
Date:  17 July 2008
Subject:  Support Tutorials

Over the next few weeks, MMH299 students will be required to analyse and re-write various business documents.

The following topics will therefore be covered in Weeks 2 to 6:
o Audience analysis
o Document analysis
o Letters
o Memos
o Emails

Attendance Details
All students are welcome to attend the support tutorial classes held on Mondays at a time to be confirmed. Could all MMH299 tutors please inform your students, explain the benefits of the program and encourage them to attend? Past experience shows that regular attendance by out students will improve their understanding and also their grades.

Contact me by phone or email if you need any additional information.
Using an automated Table of Contents is going to save you HOURS of work once you know how to use it. It is not easy to use so persevere until you understand it. Once again if you have problems use HELP.

A document has been prepared for you to use in this exercise. Go to DSO and download the file named LogCabinsInBushfires.docx
This file has been written without using an automated Table of Contents. You will see that the authors have included three levels of headings. You should NEVER use more than three levels of headings. Even PhDs that are 50,000-100,00 words can only use three heading levels.
OPEN LogCabinsInBushfires.docx in MSWord
SELECT THE HOME tab on the toolbar
CLICK ON  the Paragraph icon ¶  (the ¶ icon appears throughout the document)
The Paragraph icons ¶   indicate that ENTER has been pressed on the keyboard indicating the end of a paragraph. MSWord looks for these and includes the formatting selected eg Heading 1 until it reaches another Paragraph icon ¶.  If you choose to make a heading and it appears to cover longer than you intend, CLICK ON the ¶ icon and press ENTER where you wish the change to occur.
SELECT THE HOME tab on the toolbar
In the STYLE SECTION on the HOME toolbar you should see NORMAL has orange box around it.
CLICK inside the document and Scroll down with the DOWN arrow key NOTE: that the orange remains on NORMAL (This is the default STYLE for all MSWord documents)

Heading Level 1
In the STYLE tab on the toolbar there are three heading levels indicated Heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3.
CLICK anywhere inside the heading INTRODUCTION
CLICK ON Heading 1 in the STYLE section on the HOME toolbar (The font in INTRODUCTION changes to the way that Heading 1 has been defined, ie Arial font size 14 pt, blue colour).
REPEAT the above for the next heading BACKGROUND

Heading Level 2
CLICK anywhere inside the heading Canberra 2003 Fires
CLICK ON Heading 2 in the STYLE section on the HOME toolbar (The font in Canberra 2003 Fires  changes to the way that Heading 2 has been defined).
REPEAT the above for the next heading Laboratory Tests

Heading Level 3
CLICK anywhere inside the heading Test Procedure

CLICK ON Heading 3 in the STYLE section on the HOME toolbar (The font in Test Procedure changes to the way that Heading 3 has been defined).

REPEAT THE ABOVE defining the various headings to: Heading 1, Heading 2, or Heading 3 throughout the whole of the document.

PLACE THE CURSOR under the line delineating the authors from the text of your document
HIGHLIGHT this text

SELECT the REFERENCES tab on the toolbar
SELECT INSERT TABLE OF CONTENTS (a Table of Contents dialogue box appears)
CLICK ON FORMATS box in GENERAL section (a,pre-defined list of Table of Contents styles appears)
PRESS DOWN ARROW (a preview of the styles appears in the PRINT and WEB PREVIEWS)
Use you UP and DOWN ARROW keys to scroll through the styles until you find one you like. NOTE: select a style that includes page numbers
ENSURE that SHOW LEVELS indicates 3 (heading levels)
CLICK OK (Your automatically generated Table of Contents appears in your document under TABLE OF CONTENTS)

HOLD DOWN the CTRL key and CLICK on a heading in your Table of Contents (you should go directly to the heading within the document) If this does not occur ensure that the USE HYPERLINKS INSTEAD OF PAGE NUMBERS in the TABLE OF CONTENTS dialogue box has a √  next to it

NOTE the page numbers in your TABLE OF CONTENTS
INSERT PAGE BREAKS in several places throughout your document
CLICK OK (the page numbers have been automatically updated in your Table of Contents)
You can now: add / delete / change your text in any way, and add new headings.
THEN you use the above procedure to update your Table of Contents automatically afterwards and you will ALWAYS have an accurate Table of Contents.
Many employers will expect you to be able to create mail merged information. This exercise shows you how to create a Mail Merge Letter. There are many other ways Mail Merge can be used eg for labels and emails. You can explore the other options in your own time.
An essential pre-requisite to creating mail merge documents is having a correctly formatted data file. It is a simple table (usually in an Excel sheet) where:
• The first row in the document has field names for each item. For example
organisation department position-held  title given-name family-name postal-address

NOTE: It is critical that nothing appears above this row of field names.
• Each subsequent row contains the information about one item eg one person’s contact details. For example
organisation department position-held  title given-name family-name postal-address
Highland Shopping Centre  Hiland Chemist Director Ms Leanne Jarvis Unit 2 / 28 Studart Street
Adelaide City Council Department of Maternal and Child Welfare  Manager Ms Jeoff Kalvas 10 Cedar Avenue

The data file named MMH299_PerrigoStores.xlsx has been created for you. Download this file from DSO in the DCA Resource Folder and Save it where you can later find it to reuse. #p#分页标题#e#
NOTE: never change this filename after you have created a Mail Merge Document. Otherwise do you will not be able to use the mail merge the letter you are creating again.

The Mail Merge function in letters is used to enter the recipient’s address details and Salutation. It can also be used to include specific details about the person within your letter eg their organisation, position etc.
It is quite straightforward to create a mail merged letter. If you have problems use HELP to assist you.

(Type in the information that is required in your letter before the addressee details eg the Company Letterhead and Date)
SELECT Mailings
CLICK ON Start Mail Merge
 SELECT Step By Step Mail Merge Wizard (Mail Merge Menu appears on the Right)
SELECT Next: Starting Document (Step 1 of  6)
CHECK the radio button for Use the current document
SELECT Next: Select Recipients (Step 2 of 6)
CHECK the radio button for Use an existing list
 CLICK ON Browse (Select Data Source Dialogue Box appears)
FIND and OPEN file eg MMH299_PerrigoStores.xlsx (Select Table Dialogue Box appears)
SELECT StoresList$ (sheet) (Mail Merge Recipients Dialogue Box appears)
CLICK ON Data Source √ (All recipients are selected. Alternatively you could select individual recipients by √ only those required)
SELECT Next: Write your letter (Step 3 of 6)

To enter the recipient’s address details:
SELECT Insert Merge Field (A list of all the field names appears)
SELECT title (<<title>> appears in your document) press spacebar
 SELECT givenname (space) familyname (Enter)
<<title>> <<givenname>> <<familyname>> (should now appear in your document)
SELECT the rest of the fields you require to complete the recipient’s address

To enter the Salutation:
TYPE ‘Dear ‘
SELECT Insert Merge Field
SELECT <<givenname>> (for an informal letter)
OR <<title>> <<familyname>> (for a formal letter)

TYPE  the rest of your letter. If you wish to individualise the letter by including reference to their position, or organisation, or department etc, you can insert the appropriate field name at any time throughout the document.
SAVE your letter and include Mail Merge in the name eg MMH299_PerrigoStores_MailMerge. (This file can be opened at any time and reused)

SELECT Preview Results (the details of the first row appears in your document)
eg Ms Leanne Jarvis
Next to the Preview Results button is |<  <   1    >  >| the 1 represents the row number in the data file
CLICK ON the arrows and view the different recipient details. You can also type in a number if you know the row number for the recipient you wish to view.#p#分页标题#e#

When you are satisfied that your document and your merged data is correct you can merge this letter. This opens a new document in MSWord with a letter for each recipient on a different page.
SELECT Finish & Merge
SELECT Edit Individual Documents (A Merge to New Document Dialogue Box appears)
CHECK the radio button for All (A New Document opens in MSWord with a page for each recipient. Each recipient’s page can be edited individually)
SAVE your letter and include Data in the name eg MMH299_PerrigoStores_Data
PRINT the letter/s you require.


PART A: Writing Business Messages
Marking Criteria  Mark
Business Message Format
 Is the formatting correctly used for the chosen medium – email / letter / memo 1
 Is the  organisation appropriate for the Type of message and its Approach 2
 Is the  content  appropriate for the Type of message and its Approach 2
Writing Style
 Is the writing style correct and accurate  2
Sub-Total 7
Sub- Total for 3 messages   3 x 7 = 21

PART B: Creating a Business Blog
• Navigate to MMH299 Blog activity in DSO without assistance 1
• Complete and Audience Analysis 1
• Post a reply that contains at least 4 links to Business Blogs 1
• Post a reply that identifies at least 6 appropriate safe travel tips for employees 1
• Post use appropriate business communication: language, headings, grammar and spelling 1
Sub-Total 5

PART C: Cover Letter and Resume

Cover Letter: professionalism, response to MMH299 criteria and content
• letter formatted in keeping with MMH299 style
• the  organisation is appropriate and uses correct approach for an application letter
• overall content appropriate for a job application letter
• writing style appropriate for a letter of application
• indicative of what the applicant can offer the employer
• reflects students personal writing style 6
Cover Letter: applicability to job advertisement
• responds to selection criteria mentioned in the advertisement
• selectively outlines relevant education/work, experience, skills, qualities
• uses key words and phrases from the advertisement 2
Resume: Applicability to Job Advertisement
• experience and skills written to focus on what is required by employer
• uses key words and phrases from the advertisement 2
Deductions  - job advertisement not included -1 
Sub-Total 10

PART D: DCA Subject Revision

• Explanation of approach is appropriate 1#p#分页标题#e#
• One positive and one negative feature of the format is identified  1
• One positive and one negative feature of the organisation is identified  1
• One positive and one negative feature of the writing style is identified  1
Deductions  - job advertisement not included -1 
Sub-Total 4



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