presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式


论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-08-03 09:01:51 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

我给同学改文章时,发现大家常常不知道如何升华自己的learning about leadership,写来写去就是坚韧、尊重别人等等……其实leadership的维度很广,层次很深。如下文所述,对leadership的反思,是文章中最关键的message,你所写的action应该充分反映这些message。 这些反思要深刻,要到点子上。



我必须再一次强调,essay is the most critical part of your application, and the understanding of leadership is the critical of the critical。



Inspirational Motivation: encouraging commitment to shared goals, creating a compelling vision of the future, making work meaningful, and displaying enthusiasm and optimism about employees’ potential

Intellectual stimulation: challenging employees to think differently and in more complex ways by questioning assumptions, encouraging creativity, framing mistakes as learning opportunities, and reframing problems

Individualized consideration: giving employees personalized attention and facilitating their growth and development

Idealized influence: acting with consistency, transparency, determination, and persistence to earn the respect, admiration and trust of employees

Improve communication

•Becoming more aware of your own thinking and reasoning (REFLECTION)
•Making your thinking and reasoning more visible to others (ADVOCACY)
•Inquiring into others’ thinking and reasoning (INQUIRY)
1.   Integrate cooperation and competition
-    Cooperation is the foundation of teamwork, though internal competition can improve team performance
-    Internal competition creates energy and a drive to improve, and acknowledges that if internal competition is not brought out in the open, it will create problems when driven underground
-    Best forms of internal competition
o    When competition benefits the individual and the team
o    When competition is intense during practice, but minimal during games
o    When competition is for playing time, but not scoring opportunities

2.    Orchestrate Some Early Wins
-    Teams that start out with success, build confidence/cohesion and aspire for more success
o    Also affects environment: successful teams attract better resources, information, feedback and assignments
-    How to design early wins
o    Carve larger tasks into smaller tasks.
o    Choose early tasks that are easy
o    Choose early tasks where success is concrete and unambiguous
o    Manager should call attention to successes

3.    Break out of losing streaks
-    Losing streaks create downward cycles that are difficult to stop
-    How to break out of a losing streak
o    Define the cause of the losses as controllable (ie we can win) as opposed to uncontrollable (we are unable to change what is causing us to lose)
o    Focus the groups’ attention on items that they can control

What Team Leaders Can Do to Prevent Self-Limiting Behaviors
注: Self-limiting指团队中有成员不太engage,因为比方说团队中有的人太强势,或他们不够自信,或者他们觉得自己meanless。

-    Before the meeting beings
o    Choosing the right mix of team members
    Reduce importance of status (since low-status members defer to high-status)
    Limit size of teams (large teams suffer from lack of accountability, reduce potential for meaningful contribution)
o    Framing the team task
    People are more engaged when they understand the importance of the decision
    People increase participation when competing responsibilities are deprioritized
    Participation increases when goals are clear, consistent and specific

-    During the meeting
o    Setting the tone for the meeting
    At first meeting, define process norms which will guide the team’s actions
    Setting (ie business as usual v. retreat) affects tone
o    Monitoring the process
    Team leader needs to balance role of leader and facilitator in order to encourage group effort
    Discouraging pre-mature evaluation of ideas during brainstorming reduces self-limiting behaviors
    If one idea or team member dominates the discussion, other members self-limit
•    Team leader needs to promote participation from everyone
•    Sometimes, teams benefit from “second chance” meetings to discuss ideas that occurred after the first meeting
o    Encouraging self-management by team members
    Educate team members about effective team practice, especially when leader cannot be present

-    After the meeting
o    When team members do not see visible action from their recommendation, they are more likely to self-limit in the future
    If the team’s decision was not accepted, the leader must provide rationale
o    Team leaders should provide individual feedback concerning behavior and contributions, and seek to discover the source of problems



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