2015年Common Application的新变化和Common Application的申请流程 Common Application(通常称为CommonApp)是美国大学本科入学网上申请的一站式网站,适用于包括哈佛,耶鲁大学、麻省理工大学、普林斯顿大学等美国名校(488所大学,2012-2013)。该估值是一个非盈利组织,理事会是一些大学招生办主任和中学升学指导老师担任。 2015年8月1日起,2015-2016 Common Application开始启用。首先最大的一个变化就是首页进行了大改版,整个网站看起来更加“高大上”也更加简洁,CommonApp添加了很多新的合作院校,使申请面积覆盖更广。 2015年重要的变化: 往年只有用一篇命题小essay去申请多所高校,虽然看起来是简化了申请流程,但问题是这样削弱了申请者个性化,使得竞争力不能够强明显;而对于有单独Personal Statment要求的学校,学生只能另外发邮件去学校的admissions office。在这次的改版中,新CA writing部分中直接添加了这个板块,可以让申请者一目了然地知道自己所申请的高校有额外的personal essay要求,这个personal essay是否是必须提交的,使申请过程更加方便,也让申请者的每份申请都更加具有针对性,同时满足了高校和申请者双方的需求。 2015Essay题目出炉: 今年的essay题目已经新鲜出炉,“留学生作业网”为您精心选择,依旧是命题作文五选一,要求字数在250-650字之间,虽然大致上和去年要求近似,但是也有新的不同,同学们要注意变化。同学们快快码起来,抓紧时间准备essay,争做一只early bird,早日将美国大学offer收入怀中! The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don't feel obligated to do so. (The application won't accept a response shorter than 250 words. From www.ukassignment.org) Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. 如何填写common application: 一: common app注册部分 首先,进入common app 网站: http://www.commonapp.org/ 然后选 never registered?-go here, 进入注册页面,然后填入你的信息..common app中带黄点的是一定要填的注重: 1.假如你上大一,要转学去读大二,那么你是transfer student, 假如你上大一去US读大一,那你是freshman/firstyear student, 你是高三/高二去读也是freshman/firstyear 2.中国人没几个有middle name 三个字的名字中间的那个字不是middle name.这种东西..以前有人填错过 3.Last/Familyname是姓, First/Given name是名 4.State/Province你不是美国居民不填 P.S.有些supplement上international applicant的state/province是选xx的 5.PermanentAddress一定要填准,有英文名的填英文名(如我家…)第一行填你家住在XX花园小区…第几栋几楼几号, 下面那行填什么街什么区… 6.City那一栏填城市后面不用加哪个省 7.AreaCode and Phone, 如我住在中国深圳, 那么第一个空填086(一定是要填这三个数), 第二个755(区号)xxxxxxxx, 注重– 这个符号common app填电话时不能用的 Suffix与我们无关 8.ZIP/PostalCode写具体些,如深圳的总zip code是518000, 我家具体的是518034, 那么填518034 9.EmailAddress最好拿一个你用于专门申请的email.整个申请全部用那个邮箱 10。美国人的日期一般都是月/日/年 即 month/date/year, 或 mm/dd/yy, 大家小心填表不要搞错 11.用户名最多十位,密码至少4位,密码必须有字母和数字结合 Common app主页 进了主页后大家看到左边有一排乱七八遭的东西. 二: instructions 大部分废话,少部分有用,无聊的时候看看练习下阅读(当然是看过我这篇东西之后啦~) 三: my colleges 显示你所加入的学校,建议大家尽早把自己要报的学校加上去,注重有许多学校名字相似,大家要搞清楚想报学校的名字和所在州,还有是college还是university 如cornell university和corneal college就是天差地别..harvard university和harvard college也不一样 四: my checklist 显示你加入的学校的你的application status等等. 点击学校名会有学校的具体信息 注重: 1.点击学校名出来的学校具体信息有极少数是不准确的.建议大家还是去学校网站上查 2.ApplicationStatus. 在submit了application后你的status变为submitted, 学校从common app download 了你的application后, status变为downloaded. 假如你发现交了申请后status长时间为submitted那你就要联系common app了 supplement 和payment与application status 相同 3. All inone institution是指.假如你在网上交了common app的主表,那你common app的supplement也要网上交.交了主表和supplement之后学校才会从common app download你的表.注重这里有时也有错误,如.cornell不在all in one之内,但其网站上说假如你在网上交了common app的主表,那你common app的supplement也要网上交. 所以, 大家交supplement之前一定要多查查学校网站.(不过MS大家都在全部网上交啊) 4.All inone institution的common app主表与supplement是binding即学校一旦download common app 主表supplement也会download.所以也许你会看到你的all in one 学校download了主表,supplement 还是submitted,其实学校两个表都已经download了 5.SchoolForm Status这个与我们关系不大. School Form Status是对于那些可以网上交一些成绩单之类的美国学校.可以不用管他, 五:bio 进去后名字生日那些都帮你填好,填完后要选save and continue, 直接next是没有保存的,下面那几项也一样 注重: 1.Pleaseselect your citizenship status就填other啦,除非你美国人 2.SelectVisa Type 选 F-1 student, 我们都是F-1的academic training之类的visa..除非你NB是其他的… 3.Optional的东西建议大家填,填了学校可能认为你申请认真之类的,,… 4.SocialSecurity Number..我们84美国人没有啊 5.U.S.Armed Services Veteran ..自己看着办..我们更没加过US ARMY啊/… 6.State/Provinceof Birth不填,除非你生在US 7.Firstlanguage, if other than English 大家大多chinese吧 8.Primar language spoken at home, if other than English同上 9.If youwish to be identified with a particular ethnic group, please check all thatapply: 大家大多都选的Asian, including from Indian Subcontinent-Cina 六:address 1.CellArea Code and Cell Phone同样不要用 – ,第一个空填086, 后面填1(11位号码) 2.IMAddress和IM Type, 想填就填吧,没有QQ, 你有MSN或者AOL, Yahoo可以填上去 3.假如你的mailing address和permanent address不同,那么就在下面的格子里打勾,然后把mailing address填上去 七:future plans 1.Possibleacademic concentration/Major, 一定填自己想学的major, 2.Major2:想填的话就填,我major 1 economics, major 2 fianace 3.Possiblecareer和professional plans自己选一个,或者填undecided 4.Willyou be a candidate for need-based financial aid,重要.是否要FA. 假如你有些学校要FA,有些不要,那么以后要建立多一个version的 commonapp, 具体的方法我后面会讲 5.Possibleacademic concentration/Major 1:和学校的supplement上你intended major要一致 八:academics 1.CEEB/ACTCode: 大陆很少学校有,search 不到你们学校的话选not found 或者填000000, homeschooled的各位选homeschool或者填999999 2.Currentyear courses和secondary school report上填一样,最多8个空,不够填的话,数理化,政史地填一起吧,我们没有third semester所以不填third semester的 3.Other secondaryschool有上过不同中学的填上去,other college or university credit上过大学的也填上去 4.Academichonors得过大奖放上去,如什么市三好..省三好之类的.小奖算了.注重一定填大奖 九:standardized test Act, sat, toefl如实填写,注重打算要考的也填上去 十:family 1.Ifhome address is the same as yours, check this box.我们大部分都和家长住一起.. 2.Occupation的话要和你父母收入证实上填的一致 3.Nameof employer 他格子给的比较少,大多数人不够填,就填简写吧,如international 写成int'l, company写Co, Limited写Ltd,…xxxxx company limited就写xxxxx Co.,Ltd#p#分页标题#e# 4.DegreeReceived. 各学位的信息见附文 十一:activities 1.extracurricular, community and family activities要写principal的,即比较重要的..并且in the order of their interest to you,即由你最感爱好的从上往下排.第一个是你最感爱好的,最多填七个 2.PG是post graduate,即你毕业之后的,或者复读之类的 3.WC =Will Continue in College,表示你大学也想继续,建议大家都勾上 4.Workexperience这个…我自己是没填的.美国人也知道中国人18岁以下是非法童工的.个人认为不填比较好.像那些voluntary work还是填在extracurricular activities里面吧 十二:writing samples 1.In thespace provided below, please elaborate on one of your activities只具体写你的一个activity,挑个重要的写,注重只写一个,以前有人废话写了N个… 2.Personalessay, common app重头戏,大家慢慢写吧 3.Additionalinfo.附加信息,有的话写上去 十三:sign&submit 1.Haveyou ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at an educationalinstitution you have attended from the 9th grade forward (or the internationalequivalent), whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct,that resulted in your probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsionfrom the institution?这个肯定填no啦…注重不要填错,以前有人填错的.万一填错马上打电话给学校 2.Haveyou ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime?同上 十四:supplemnts 1.在你将学校加入了college list之后他们的supplement会出现在这里.你填了之后submit就可以了 2.EDagreement是必须打印下来邮递给学校的 3.有些学校supplement是none或者offsite.如washington university in st.louis,就有个什么pre-application data,要去他网站上填 4.Supplement上的信息并不完整,如colgate, 有个什么application agreement, common app上是没有的,那么就要从colgate网站上下下来填完邮寄过去 十五:payment 1.交钱的话建议用international的visa.方便快捷安全 2.有学校payment是none或NA的,即这个学校不收网上申请费,如colgate.而另一些学校的payment是offsite的,即你点了pay online后common app会把你连接到另一个网站上来pay,如macalester 3. 建议交钱时邮箱写你申请专用邮箱.我个人在交钱后都会给网页截图或者保存网页,截图方法见附文. 十六:school forms 没什么好说的,一共7份表,点连接进去你的名字生日已经在上面了,慢慢打印吧.下面还有个号码是你的common app ID,关于common app ID的问题见附文 十七:teacher uation(P.S.此部分仅适用于大陆各个公立学校,私立和有AP, IB, honors的学校除外,填写前请先搞清楚自己的学校什么类型的) 前面的都是基础信息 1.Importantprivacy notice一般都选YES,即表示自己永远不看这张表和老师的推荐信 2.How longhave you known this student and in what context?描述老师熟悉你多久了与你的关系是什么.例如: I have known this student for 3 years as his schoolprincipal. 3.What arethe first words that come to you to describe this student?挑几个好听的写,如creative,diligent之类的,附文里会讲主要用什么词.注重各个老师之间的填写最好保持一致但也不雷同,还要和后面的rating相协调 4.Listthe courses you have taught this student…… 这个比较麻烦,要写三年来这个老师教你的课…我英文写的是reading,listening,speaking,writing(明摆的toefl的一套吗..)math的话就有什么calculous之类的,具体科目见附文..indicate AP,IB….这么就不用了吧,国内高中没几个开AP的 5.Rating重要部分,注重不要打的太过好全部都是前两个,也不要太烂. Academic achievement 学术成就 Intellectual promise 学术,智力上的发展潜能 Quality of writing 写作水平 Creative, original thought 创造力 Productive class discussion 课堂讨论能力 Respect accorded by faculty 受老师们重视程度 Disciplined work habits 自律能力 Maturity 成熟度 Motivation 学习动机 Leadership 领导能力 Integrity 正直,诚信 Reaction to setbacks 对挫折的解决能力 Concern for others 是否关心他人 Initiative, independence 主动性,自主性 Overall 综合能力 6.最后的uation大多人都是有专门的推荐信的,所以在那个空位写 please refer to the attached recommendation, 或者 please refer to the attachment 十八:secondary school report(P.S.此部分仅适用于大陆各个公立学校,私立和有AP, IB, honors的学校除外,填写前请先搞清楚自己的学校什么类型的) 1.Courses那边和你common app主表保持一致 2.Importantprivacy notice选YES 3.Classrank 填你在年级的排名, class size填年级人数(不是班级人数), covering a period from应该填最近的一年,如2013届填09/2007-09/2008 4.Therank is 选unweighted how many student share this rank多少人和你一样排名 5.之后的几行全部不填,至到倒数第二行,graduation date 2013的应该是07/2009 6.最后的percentage of graduating class entering…填你们学校毕业班进入大学的百分比和职业学校的百分比 7.Rating Academic achievement 学术成就 Extracurricular accomplishment 课余活动成就 Personal qualities and character 个人品格等 Overall 综合能力 8.uation同teacher uation 上此部分 9.关于GPA, percentile, block schedule等不填部分的介绍见附文 十九: international supplement(P.S.此部分仅适用于大陆各个公立学校,私立和有AP, IB, honors的学校除外,填写前请先搞清楚自己的学校什么类型的) 1.Whatis the primary language of instruction in your secondary school?学校教学用语,应该都是中文chinese 2.Ispromotion within….那一句话选NO 3.第二页,date of exam一列,2013届应该选06/2009, examining board 不填, academic subject 填高考科目, predicted result 和 actual result 不填 4.Overallresult 一行不填 5.Markor grading scale大家自己看着办,建议填A 二十:midyear report & final report(P.S.此部分仅适用于大陆各个公立学校,私立和有AP, IB, honors的学校除外,填写前请先搞清楚自己的学校什么类型的) 1.你的推荐人对第二页信息无任何改动的话,第二页便不用填了 附文 二十一:关于邮寄,材料,地址的问题 1.需要邮寄的材料有teacheruation, secondary school report, midyear report, final report, high schooltranscript. Certificate of finance, Financial Aid form不同学校要求要交的commonapp的表不同,具体要求查学校网站或者去看commonapp的requirement grid 2.有的学校需要在申请时就交certificateof finance, 银行存款证实和父母收入证实也需要附加在里面 3.有的学校则是录取你后才让你交.具体情况查学校网站 4.申请FA的需要交certificateof finance 和 FA表, 银行存款证实和父母收入证实也需要附加在里面 5.不同学校有不同的FA和 CF表,具体的去网站上查. 很多学校FA 和CF都是用collegeboard的表,也有用自己专用的 6.建议做个checklist,我附件里有一个样板 7.附加材料也可以邮寄过去,比如什么附加PS..researchreport之类的 8.邮寄地址有两种.一种为快递,即press的地址,一种为邮件地址.以northwestern为例 Office of Undergraduate Admission Northwestern University P.O. Box 3060 Evanston, Illinois 60204-3060 USA 这个就是邮件地址,特点是有个P.O.Box Office of Undergraduate Admission Northwestern University 1801 Hinman Avenue Evanston, Illinois 60208-1260 USA 这个是快递press地址 9.国际邮件有两种邮件,一种是普通邮件,半个月大概可以到,很轻易丢,另一种是挂号信,每到一个地方都有人签名,所以比较慢.二三十天可以到 10.强烈推荐用press,即快递,基本上不是节假日三天内就到了 11.用快递的话千万不要用EMS..这个东西的速度和投递准确度历届的同学们都是听到就想跳楼的…服务态度又差 12.建议用DHL.UPS之类的,可以在线跟踪 13.注重要用DHL.UPS不要找代理商.很多DHL.UPS都是有自己没有认可的代理商,虽然价格便宜一些,但是万一邮丢了没人负责…而且还有冒牌代理,装模作样的来收邮件受钱,然后就没消息了… 14. 假如一定要用EMS的话,注重EMS进了美国就会交给UPS了,所以查状态要去UPS那里查 15. 学校签收邮件后需要比较长的时间来分类.扫描.再导入到你的档案里,这样你才能在applicationstatus里查到.大家要耐心等.越是热门的学校等待时间越长. 二十二:各个学位的信息(关于父母学位问题) 1.high school 高中学历 2.GED GED文凭 GED测验全名为Tests of GeneralEducational Development,由美国教育评议会American Council onEducation (ACE)所研发,提供给试者检定证实具备美国一般高中毕业生的基本知识与技能 此测验包含5部份:Writing Skills、Social Studies、Science、Interpreting Literature and the Arts、及Mathematics。考试方式除Writing Skills外,其余皆以多重选择题方式来测量应试者程度,考试方向主要是中学毕业生程度的主修知识与技能,不是狭隘的定义或非凡事件等问题。通过考试后 由缅因州**核发同等学历证实。GED 5部分测验中,有任何一个部分测验未通过时,一年内可重考 3次,但每次至少要间隔 3个月以上。官方网站: www.prometric.com3.vocational/technical 职业技术学校学历#p#分页标题#e# 4.some college..不是很清楚,需要核实.... 5.associate degree 美国大学修满二年课程的肄业证书 6.bachelor 学士学位 undergraduate 毕业所得学位 7.master 硕士学位 graduate 毕业所得学位 8 professional 职业性学院学历 MD(Doctor of Medicine)为医学专业博士.JD(Jurum Doctor)为法学专业博士 9.doctorate 博士学历 二十三:commonapp ID的问题 1.每一个version的commonapp 都有自己的Commonapp ID, 不管你要把那个version的commonapp 发到多少学校他的ID都是不变的 2.不同version的commonapp ID不同,所以给学校邮寄材料时不要把不同version的commonapp搞错了 3.查招你某个versionCommon app ID方法两种,一种是在填好初始信息后去schoolforms那一栏,打开其中的一个form,在页底段看到的那个你名字旁的号码就是这个version的commonapp ID,或者在填完commonapp后去sign&submit那里点print/printreview 出来的那个review表每一页底端也有commonapp ID 二十四:commonapp 如何创造多个version的问题 关于commonapp创造不同version的问题很多人提过,commonapp官网上是这么写的 BEFOREyou create alternate versions of your application, you should understand thefollowing IMPORTANT information: 1.If you have elected to have multiple versions of your Common Application,please be sure to submit your supplement using the Common App version withwhich you want it affiliated. If you have not yet identified which version ofthe Common App it should be connected to, then you should wait to submit untilthat time. Example: If you have submitted the application to NYU and don’t want to sendthat application to any other schools, you would make an alternate version ofthe application. If you then want to apply to Dartmouth, you should ensure thesupplement for Dartmouth is submitted on any alternate version, not theoriginal in which you submitted to NYU. Per Common App rules, we cannotunsubmit a supplement once it is submitted (nor an application). 2. If you have already submitted a *supplement* for a particular school, youwill not be able to move that already submitted supplement to an alternateversion, regardless of whether the application tied to that supplement issubmitted. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK TECH SUPPORT BEFORE SUBMISSION OF YOURSUPPLEMENT. You can create an alternate version of your application by following the stepsbelow. Step1: You must submit the Common Application to at least one institution. Whenthis is complete, you must logout of your account. Step 2: You must then click on the following weblink: https://app.commonapp.org/Application/ApplicantLogin.aspx?allowcopy=true You will be presented with a login screen to the Common Application. You mustthen enter your existing Username and Password and click Login. Step 3: You will be presented with a screen titled ‘Application Versions’,where you will see information about the application that you’ve alreadysubmitted. You may then click on the ‘Replicate’ link to make an alternateversion of your submitted application. When this is complete, a second versionwill be visible on this screen and a special drop down will appear in the upperright corner of the application to allow quick access to all your applications. Step 4: You may edit the alternate version to allow for school specific information.It will ** not ** include the uploaded files such as the “Personal Essay” orthe “Additional Info” if answered by uploading a file rather than typing in thetext box. Nomore than 10 total application versions can be created, including the original.We recommend minimizing the number of versions you use. |