FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS! (These instructions over-ride those in the Study Guide.
The tasks are marked using a compliance principle; that is, you must ensure that EACH requiredcomponent is present in order to get 5 marks for EACH submission. If even one item is missingor is unacceptable, then ZERO will be given. Zero will also be given for: plagiarism, non-businessnews items, irrelevant content… There are only two possible marks: 5 or 0.Folio 1 and Folio 2 will each have a total of 15 items:
5 business news items (originals or copies) from FEBRUARY 2012 only 5 summaries (one for each news item; length as described)(DO NOTcopy!) 5 Harvard Format references (one for each item) As well, each Folio must have the MIBT Assignment Cover Sheetattached, signed and dated by you. A title page must also be included NB: summaries and references MUST be typed. Submission must be onA4, single-sided paper; stapled, top left. Summaries must use 1.5 linespacing.
Students must provide FIVE (5) current business sources at Week 5 and FIVE (5) currentbusiness sources at Week 10 as evidence of their research during the trimester. News items forthe Week 10 folio must NOT be the same as those used in the Week 5 folio.
You will be given THREE (3) articles that you must use for Folio 1. The same will be done forFolio 2
BURWOOD STUDENTS ONLY: The Folio must be submitted in your lecturer's lockeron Level 4 of Building La. Folios WILL NOT be accepted in class. You must submit onthe day of your scheduled class, or before this time.
Sources must be selected from a range of business and commerce sources. Sources mustbe recent (from FEBRUARY 2012 only). The sources must comprise of data andinformation about financial and business matters from a combination of: Newspaper articles (from 3 or more DIFFERENT newspapers) Online news items (from 3 or more DIFFERENT news sources). You must provide a summary for each source. Summaries are 120-150 words; thereforethe source must be at least 400 words in length. The source must be attached and must be legible and complete. The source should be inits original format. Do not change it to Word or similar. It should have clear sourcedetails. The correct reference (Harvard format) for the source must be provided at the end ofeach summary.
Folio 2 must have: the MIBT Assignment Cover Sheet AND a title page after it. The titlepage can be similar to the format used for Assignment 1.Please note: the section called 'Building a skills development folio' in your Study Guiderelates to the above. Please ignore the instructions there; but refer to any examplesgiven. What is shown above is what you must follow.