BUSM 3878 Practice-Based Logistics Research Project1
Container Port competition and co-operation:
Globalization and international trade have stimulated the development of world logistics. Logistic chains have become one of the critical factors for successful operation in the global trades. Increasing manufacturers rely on logistics integration to gain competitive advantage on cost and services in recent decades. As a result, ports are no longer considered as starting-or- endpoints in export/import trade, but have become important links in door-to-door transport operations within logistics chains (Arjen van Klink, 1994). At present, ports are the main nodes in the transport chain for the international trade and can be regarded as logistics platforms. The development in port areas is the outcome from synergies of globalization of trade; the development of logistics management and the growth in sea transport (Cuadrado, Frasquet and Cervera,2004).
1.2 Port development in China
With the globalization in manufacturing and marketing, the global economy is shifting towards the new industrializing countries in Asia. This has resulted in greater seaborne trade between Asia and other nations. As the industrial and manufacturing activities developed, China has been keeping the double growth rate in GDP in 1990s and has become the “world’s manufacturer”. China is importing raw materials and energy mainly and exporting increasing quantities of manufactured goods currently. Consequently, ports in China are enjoying a period of accelerated development. For example, Shanghai and Shenzhen, as two leading ports in China, have had the remarkable growth rate in range between 20 and 30 per cent, and their throughput volume has been up to 18 mil TEU and 15.9 mil TEU respectively in 2005. (Heideloff, 2006)
1.3 Background of Hong Kong port and Shenzhen port
It is noticed that within the top ten ports in Table 1, Hong Kong port and Shenzhen port are sharing the proximity of hinterland in Pear River Delta (PRD) area (as showed in Figure 1 for geographical location).The PRD area can be granted as one of the world’s largest export manufacturing base. Its central is Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SZSEC). SZSEC was set up in 1980 and it is adjacent to one of busiest container port in the world: Hong Kong port. Hong Kong, as the gateway to the mainland China, owing to its dramatic economic growth, has been highly developed in order to meet the regional international trade needs. Since the Chinese open-door policy in economy conducted in 1978, Hong Kong port has become the regional hub in the two decades afterwards.
However, China’s government began to concentrate on the ports construction in the last decade. In order to meet the requirement of hinterland international trades, large amount of investment has been poured into ports and its infrastructure. The fact that Shenzhen port is threatening the leadership position of Hong Kong as the regional hub in south China can be regarded as the example of this phenomenon. In 1998, Shenzhen only ranked 40th of the port throughput in world and up to 8th in 2001(Containerization International,2002).Shenzhen port is experiencing the speeding increment on its throughput currently. However, as the various development opportunities brought by booming economic in China and increasing demand in international trades, Can the relationship between Hong Kong port and Shenzhen port be co-operative besides competitive? It is noticed that regional circumstances vary fast and have huge impact on port and transportation industry. This leads to ship operators are not only require port to be a merely ‘good handlers” but also a efficient and comprehensive container logistics centers.(Ha,2003). Hence, in order to meet the new requirement from customers, it is important for these two ports to form a strategic alliance for their sustainable development. The key point is how they can cooperate with each other by making use of their competitive advantages. The purpose is to form a complementary relationship so that to gain a win-win situation for both parties. The research paper will focused on both competition and cooperation perspectives to conduct a theoretical and practical research.
The framework is shown as figure 1, firstly, the paper will conduct a comprehensive comparison based on these two ports tangible resources and intangible capabilities. As a consequence, the respective distinctive competences will be derived. It can be regarded as the foundation of the strategic relationship between these two ports in both competition and co-operation. Through such strategic alliance, sustainable development can be achieved.
Figure 2: The framework of competition and Co-operation relationship between ports.