Service quality and measurements
Service Quality
The comparison of customer expectations with the actual service performance provided determines the level of service quality (Sasser, Olsen, and Wyckoff 1978; Grönroos 1982; Lewis and Booms 1983). In other words, service quality could be defined as the degree and direction of discrepancy between customers’ service perceptions and expectations (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry 1985). Grönroos (1982) classified service quality into technical quality and functional quality. Technical quality is what customers actually receive from the service. It is about “what is done” when an organization provides customer service. Functional quality involves the manner in which customers receive the service. It means how it is done. Similarly, Lehtinen and Lehtinen (1982) group service quality into three categories: (1) physical quality, involving physical aspects associated with the service such as equipment or building; (2) corporate quality, involving a service firm’s image or reputation; and (3) interactive quality, involving interactions between service personnel and customers. Based on these explorations, it could be found that not only does service quality include products or services received, but also the process of delivering the product or service. More importantly, some qualitative elements, like organization’s reputation, people who are involved in service delivery process influence perceived service or customer expectations. These findings provide directions for setting service quality measurements.
顾客期望的比较与实际的服务性能提供了确定的服务质量水平(震荡波,奥尔森,Gronroos Wyckoff 1978;1982;1983年刘易斯和繁荣)。换句话说,服务质量可以被定义为的程度和方向的差异客户服务感知和期望(帕拉素拉曼,Zeithaml,贝瑞1985)。
Service quality measurements
Service quality has become essential for an organization because of its close relationship with cost, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability (Crosby 1979; Reichheld and Sasser 1990; Bolton and Drew 1991; Zahorik and Rust 1992; Rust and Zahorik 1993; Boulding, Kalra, Staelin, and Zeithaml 1993). Service quality measurements enable customer compare received service quality in an efficient way. Furthermore, service provider could control and monitor service level through managing service quality measurements.
服务质量已成为必不可少的一个组织,因为其密切的关系与成本、客户满意度、客户忠诚度和盈利能力(克罗斯比1979;•赖克赫德所言,萨瑟1990;1991;Zahorik博尔顿和德鲁和锈锈和Zahorik 1992;1993年,卡尔•博尔丁,Staelin,Zeithaml 1993)。服务质量的测量使客户比较收到的服务质量在一个有效的方法。此外,服务提供者可以控制和监视服务水平通过管理服务质量的测量。
SERVQUAL provides a technology for measuring service quality. It is proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry in 1985. The importance of process attributes in customers’ evaluation of service quality was reinforced by them. A set of ten evaluative dimensions was revealed as Parasuraman et al. (1985) believed that service quality is determined by multiple dimensions including tangible and intangible. They are: (1) reliability; (2) responsiveness; (3) competence; (4) access; (5) courtesy; (6) communication; (7) credibility; (8) security; (9) understanding/knowing the customer; (10) tangibles. Since 1985, Parasuraman et al. conducted empirical studies in several sectors to further develop SERVQUAL. The original ten dimensions were then regrouped into five dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. A 22-item instrument was also developed to measure customers’ expectations and perceptions of the five dimensions (Parasuraman et al. 1985). Four or five numbered items are used to measure each dimension (See Table 1 for definition and items in scale of five dimensions).
Table 1: SERVQUAL dimensions (formed from Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry 1988)

Although SERVQUAL has been widely applied and is highly valued, there are a number of theoretical and operational criticisms. Buttle (1996, p10) summarized these criticisms as following.
It fails to draw on established economic, statistical and psychological theory.
It only focuses on the process of service delivery, not the outcomes of the service encounter.
Its five dimensions are not universals.
It fails to measure absolute SQ expectations.
Four or five items can not capture the variability within each SQ dimension.
Customers’ assessments of SQ may vary from moment of truth (MOT) to MOT.
These criticisms imply that there is chance to refine service quality dimensions. Sureshchandar, Rajendran, and Kamalanabhan (2001) identified another five dimensions while taking service product or the core service, systematization/standardization of service delivery, and the social responsibility of the service organization into account. These five dimensions are:
这些批评意味着有机会改进服务质量维度。 Rajendran Sureshchandar,Kamalanabhan(2001)确定了另外五个维度,同时服务产品或核心服务,提供服务的系统化/标准化,以及考虑服务机构的社会责任。这五个方面是:
(1) core service or service product;
(2) human element of service delivery;
(3) systematization of service delivery: non-human element;
(4) tangibles of service – services capes;
(5) social responsibility.
The above explorations gave organizations a clear direction and guideline to set customer service measurement. Measurements vary from organization to organization depending on the nature of the product or service provided. It also depends on industry characteristics and segmented customer needs. There is no universal list of measurements available (Emerson and Grimm 1996). Although customer service measurements vary from case to case, there are common measurements like order cycle time, on-time delivery, order fulfillment rate, etc that could be found in the literatures (Byrne and William 1991; Coyle, Bardi, and Langley 1992; Christopher, Payne, and Ballantyne 1994; Holcoby 1994; Emerson and Grimm 1996; Christopher 1997; Copacino 1997; Zhang and Huo 2000; Gunasekaran, Patel and Tirtiroglu 2001). Other measurements were collected from literatures and formed in Table 2.
上述探索组织了一个明确的方向和指引,订客户服务测评。测量各组织提供的产品或服务的性质取决于不同。这也取决于行业特点和细分客户需求。有没有通用的测量清单(爱默生和格林1996年)。客户服务测量虽然因情况而异,常见的有测量,如订货周期,准时交货,订单履行率等文献中可以找到(Byrne和1991年威廉•科伊尔,巴尔迪,和1992年兰利;克里斯托弗•佩恩,1994年和Ballantyne; Holcoby1994艾默生和格林1996年,1997年克里斯托弗;1997年Copacino;2000年张霍; Gunasekaran,帕特尔和Tirtiroglu2001的)。 从文献中收集的其他测量值,并形成于表2中。