澳洲essay范文- 特斯拉澳大利亚的社会使命。本文是一篇澳洲留学生essay范文,主要内容是介绍特斯拉澳大利亚公司从事电动汽车(EV)和可持续能源技术的生产。他们以客户为中心的价值观体现在其独特的商业模式中,摒弃了传统的汽车经销商“中间商”特许经营方式。相反,特斯拉通过特斯拉拥有的商店和展厅直接向客户销售和促销他们的车辆。这使得特斯拉能够通过特斯拉专家正确地教育消费者电动汽车的好处,并确保客户“享受体验……并期待回归”。澳洲essay范文提出这有助于他们“加快世界向可持续能源过渡”的愿景,因为这使特斯拉能够突出从汽油向电力过渡的环境和性能优势。否则,传统汽车经销商将不愿意推广特斯拉,因为他们的汽车库存主要是汽油驱动的。下面就一起来看一下这篇澳洲essay范文。 
Overview:概述 Tesla Australia operates in the production of electric vehicles (EVs) and sustainable energy technology (Tesla, 2018a). Their customer-centric values are embodied by their unique business model, abandoning the traditional approach of franchising car dealership ‘middlemen’. Tesla instead sells and promotes their vehicles directly to the customer through Tesla-owned stores and showrooms. This allows Tesla to properly educate consumers on the benefits of EVs through Tesla specialists and ensure that customers “enjoy the experience… [and] look forward to returning” (Musk, 2012, para. 7). This is conducive to their vision “to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy” (Tesla, 2018a, para. 1), as it allows Tesla to highlight environmental and performance advantages in transitioning from gasoline to electrical power. Traditional car dealerships would otherwise be reluctant to promote Tesla in light of their predominantly gasoline powered vehicle inventory. Tesla’s mission reflects this vision, as it aims to mass-produce an EV at a price that is accessible to the average consumer and at a higher quality of its gasoline powered counterparts. It appears that Tesla is indeed fulfilling this mission, through their progress from luxury vehicles, the Roadster and Model S, to the latest Model 3, an affordable, mass produced sedan (Tesla, 2018a). Furthermore, Tesla’s operations in sustainable energy technology have caused them to work with the South Australian government in renewable energy projects to further their vision. One such project is the installation of solar panels and batteries in South Australian homes that will contribute to the state’s entire power grid (Government of South Australia, 2018). As such, the core mission, vision and values of Tesla are visible within its operations in Australia. 特斯拉的使命体现了这一愿景,因为它的目标是以普通消费者可以接受的价格,以比汽油动力汽车更高的质量批量生产电动汽车。看来,特斯拉确实在完成这一使命,从豪华车、跑车和S型车到最新的3型车,这是一款负担得起的量产轿车。此外,特斯拉在可持续能源技术方面的运营促使他们与南澳大利亚州政府合作开展可再生能源项目,以推进其愿景。其中一个项目是在南澳大利亚家庭中安装太阳能电池板和电池,这将有助于该州的整个电网。因此,特斯拉的核心使命、愿景和价值观在其在澳大利亚的运营中显而易见。 Value Net Analysis – The Vehicle Industry:价值净分析——汽车行业: Customers, suppliers, competitors, complementors:客户、供应商、竞争对手和补充方: The customer base of Tesla Australia currently consists of environmentally aware consumers who are searching for luxury, high quality cars at premium price points (Tesla, 2018a). Additionally, the Model 3, due to reach Australia in 2019, targets the premium small vehicle market (Tesla, 2018c). 特斯拉澳大利亚公司的客户群目前由具有环保意识的消费者组成,他们以高价购买豪华、高品质的汽车(特斯拉,2018a)。此外,将于2019年抵达澳大利亚的Model 3以高端小型车市场为目标。 As Tesla’s vehicles are manufactured within their Fremont factory, this would be Tesla Australia’s main supplier. The most important component of the vehicles, Lithium-Ion batteries, are provided by Panasonic (Steen, 2015). However, due to the absence of the manufacturing process and procurement in the context of Australia, suppliers are limited or only indirectly relevant. 由于特斯拉的车辆是在其弗里蒙特工厂内制造的,这将是特斯拉澳大利亚的主要供应商。车辆最重要的部件锂离子电池由松下提供。然而,由于澳大利亚缺乏制造流程和采购,供应商有限或仅间接相关。 Tesla’s competitors include all companies that manufacture small, premium passenger vehicles, such as the BMW 5 Series and Audi A6 (Steen, 2015). However, direct competitors would encompass Battery Electric Vehicles powered purely by electricity, such as the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi i-Miev and BMW i3 (Zero Carbon Australia, 2017). 特斯拉的竞争对手包括所有生产小型高端乘用车的公司,如宝马5系和奥迪A6。然而,直接竞争对手将包括纯电力驱动的电池电动汽车,如日产Leaf、三菱i-Miev和宝马i3。 The primary complementors to Tesla’s vehicles are solar energy systems, to generate electricity for charging in the home. This would include products like the Tesla Powerwall 2, which can lower household energy costs by 30%, reducing charging costs (Government of South Australia, 2018). Other complementary solar systems in Australia include the LG 310w and SunPower 327w (Solarbank, 2018). 特斯拉汽车的主要补充设备是太阳能系统,用于为家庭充电。这将包括特斯拉Powerwall 2等产品,它可以将家庭能源成本降低30%,降低充电成本。澳大利亚的其他互补太阳能系统包括LG 310w和SunPower 327w。 PARTS:部分 The players certainly offer opportunities for co-operation to increase the overall size of the value net. Tesla has freed their patents, allowing competitors to access their research which will assist the global proliferation of EVs (Stringham, Miller & Clark, 2015). This will work to increase attention and customer demand in the EV market and will introduce new players into the value net. 参与者当然提供了合作机会,以增加价值网络的整体规模。特斯拉已经释放了他们的专利,允许竞争对手获得他们的研究,这将有助于电动汽车的全球扩散。这将有助于提高电动汽车市场的关注度和客户需求,并将新的参与者引入价值网络。 Reduced fuel costs are one way that Tesla adds value to their EVs. Owners of Model S and X vehicles are offered free supercharging of up to 400 kWh per year, which equates to around 1600 km of driving (Tesla, 2018b). Tesla also addresses customer concerns regarding the resale value of EVs, by “guarantee[ing] a resale value pegged to similar BMW and Mercedes models” (Steen, 2015, p. 5). These methods work effectively to add value and gain customer loyalty. However, Tesla’s main method of adding value is through their superior technology. It assuaged the belief that EVs could not be powerful, as its Model S has a 0 to 100 km/h acceleration of 6 seconds, twice as fast as the Nissan Leaf and 10% faster than the gas-powered BMW 5 (Steen, 2015). Furthermore, it addressed ‘range anxiety’ – fears about the maximum possible distance travelled on a full charge – as its Model S and X boasted ranges of 350 km up to 500 km, in comparison to the Nissan Leaf and BMW i3’s ranges of 117km and 130km respectively (Zero Carbon Australia, 2017). 降低燃料成本是特斯拉为电动汽车增加价值的一种方式。S型和X型车辆的车主每年可获得高达400 kWh的免费增压,相当于行驶1600公里左右。特斯拉还通过“保证转售价值与类似的宝马和奔驰车型挂钩”,解决了客户对电动汽车转售价值的担忧。这些方法可以有效地增加价值并获得客户忠诚度。然而,特斯拉增加价值的主要方法是通过其卓越的技术。它缓和了电动汽车不可能强大的信念,因为其S型汽车的0至100公里/小时加速度为6秒,是日产Leaf的两倍,比汽油动力宝马5快10%。此外,与日产Leaf和宝马i3的行驶里程分别为117公里和130公里相比,它还解决了“行驶里程焦虑”,即担心满负荷行驶的最大可能距离。 The added values of competing EVs also include reduced running costs over gas powered cars, as they have less moving parts, reducing servicing costs. Electricity is also significantly cheaper than liquid fossil fuels, reducing fuel costs by up to 75% (Zero Carbon Australia, 2017). EVs also have the added benefit of reduced emissions, as a full transition to electric vehicles would lessen Australia’s greenhouse emissions by 6% (Zero Carbon Australia, 2017). 竞争电动汽车的附加值还包括与燃气汽车相比运行成本的降低,因为它们的移动部件更少,从而降低了维修成本。电力也比液体化石燃料便宜得多,降低了高达75%的燃料成本。电动汽车还具有减少排放的额外好处,因为完全转向电动汽车将使澳大利亚的温室气体排放减少6%。 The main ‘rules’ of relevance to the electric vehicle industry are governmental. There are various incentives to purchase EVs that are beneficial ‘rules’ for Tesla Australia, such as registration and stamp duty discounts (Barton & Schütte, 2016). However, these are minimal, up to values of $660 in Queensland, NSW and Victoria, while stamp duty on EVs has been fully removed in the ACT (ClimateWorks, 2017). Luxury car taxes are also discounted for EVs, applicable to both the Model S and Model X (Barton & Schütte, 2016). 与电动汽车行业相关的主要“规则”是政府的。对于特斯拉澳大利亚公司来说,购买电动汽车的各种激励措施都是有益的“规则”,例如注册和印花税折扣。然而,这些费用很低,在昆士兰、新南威尔士州和维多利亚州最高可达660美元,而该法案完全取消了电动汽车的印花税。电动汽车的豪华车税也有折扣,适用于S型和X型。 Tesla Australia may also be able to encourage the introduction of light vehicle emissions standards, as they are currently in consideration and is prevalent in most other developed countries. This ‘rule’ would force vehicles in Australia to be fuel efficient, increasing the significance of the EV value net as competitors strive to develop low emission vehicles (Barton & Schütte, 2016). 特斯拉澳大利亚公司还可能鼓励引入轻型车辆排放标准,因为目前正在考虑这些标准,并且在大多数其他发达国家普遍采用。这一“规则”将迫使澳大利亚的车辆提高燃油效率,随着竞争对手努力开发低排放车辆,增加电动汽车价值网的重要性。 The vehicle industry is highly competitive in Australia while the EV industry is relatively minor, and the tactics of competitors involve competition on “price, quality and branding” (Thomson, 2017, p.6). Customer perceptions mainly focus on price for small passenger vehicles (Thomson, 2017). Tesla Australia’s tactics in expanding the EV industry are centred around differentiation and highlighting superior EV technology. They attempt to shift consumer perspectives on the industry, as their showroom employees are trained to promote the benefits of EV technology in general (Musk, 2012). Not only is this transparent to customers, but along with its open patents, it also attempts to change the lack of cooperation amongst the Australian automotive industry. 澳大利亚的汽车行业竞争激烈,而电动汽车行业相对较小,竞争对手的策略涉及“价格、质量和品牌”方面的竞争。客户感知主要集中在小型乘用车的价格上。特斯拉澳大利亚公司扩大电动汽车行业的策略是围绕差异化和突出卓越的电动汽车技术。他们试图改变消费者对该行业的看法,因为他们的展厅员工接受了培训,以推广电动汽车技术的总体效益。这不仅对客户透明,而且随着其开放专利,它还试图改变澳大利亚汽车行业之间缺乏合作的状况。 The scope of the EV industry is currently small. From the product offering of Tesla and its competitors as discussed above, EVs in Australia are limited to small passenger vehicles. However, Tesla wishes to expand the EV industry, and is venturing into larger, commercial projects such as the Tesla Semi truck (Tesla, 2018a). There are also certain benefits in Tesla’s plans to link the EV industry to the renewable energy value net, as they are already direct complementors to Tesla’s vehicles (Tesla, 2018a). Solar systems provide reciprocal added value to Tesla’s vehicles – they reduce charging costs for EVs whilst the EV makes investment in the solar system more worthwhile. By possibly forming a package deal with the numerous solar system providers in Australia (Solarbank, 2018), Tesla could increase the scope of the EV industry and encourage value net growth. 电动汽车行业的范围目前很小。从上述特斯拉及其竞争对手的产品供应来看,澳大利亚的电动汽车仅限于小型乘用车。然而,特斯拉希望扩大电动汽车行业,并正在冒险进入更大的商业项目,如特斯拉半卡车。特斯拉将电动汽车行业与可再生能源价值网联系起来的计划也有一定的好处,因为它们已经是特斯拉汽车的直接补充。太阳能系统为特斯拉的汽车提供了互惠的附加值——它们降低了电动汽车的充电成本,而电动汽车使太阳能系统的投资更具价值。通过可能与澳大利亚众多太阳能系统供应商达成一揽子协议,特斯拉可以扩大电动汽车行业的范围,并鼓励价值净增长。 Critiques:评论 The main issue with the value net framework relevant to Tesla Australia is its focus on allocentrism. While Tesla is currently working to increase the value of the EV industry in Australia, this may only work positively in the short run. It will be detrimental if other firms who join the ‘game’ in the future approach business egocentrically, which may reduce Tesla’s market share. This is a key shortcoming in the ideas presented by the value net (Hitchcock, 2018). 与特斯拉澳大利亚相关的价值网络框架的主要问题是其对异中心主义的关注。虽然特斯拉目前正在努力提高澳大利亚电动汽车行业的价值,但这可能只在短期内起到积极作用。如果未来加入“游戏”的其他公司以利己主义的方式处理业务,这将是有害的,这可能会降低特斯拉的市场份额。这是价值网络提出的想法中的一个关键缺陷。 Role of Tesla in Society:特斯拉在社会中的作用 An examination of Tesla’s operations in Australia reveals features of the Creating Shared Value (CSV) framework. Tesla simultaneously generates societal and economic growth through the following methods of creating shared value, as postulated by Porter and Kramer (2011): 对特斯拉在澳大利亚的运营情况的研究揭示了创造共享价值(CSV)框架的特点。正如Porter和Kramer(2011)所假设的那样,特斯拉通过以下创造共享价值的方法同时创造社会和经济增长: Reconceiving Products and Markets 重新认识产品和市场 In spurring the advent of the EV, Tesla has reimagined the market to capture both social and economic benefits. As highlighted in their vision, the environmental benefit of Tesla’s vehicles is immediately evident through reduced greenhouse emissions – in 2014, the average EV in Australia produced 0.16 Kg of CO2 equivalent per km, whereas the average gas-powered vehicle produced 0.19 Kg per km (Riesz, 2014). The disparity between these figures will increase as Australia inevitably adopts further sources of renewable energy in its electricity generation (Riesz, 2014). This has, in turn, allowed Tesla to remain unique within a largely homogeneous industry, creating a selling point (Stringham et al., 2015). 为了推动电动汽车的出现,特斯拉重新规划了市场,以获取社会和经济效益。正如他们的愿景中所强调的,特斯拉汽车的环境效益通过减少温室气体排放立即显现出来——2014年,澳大利亚平均电动汽车每公里产生0.16千克二氧化碳当量,而平均气体动力汽车每公里产出0.19千克二氧化碳当量。随着澳大利亚不可避免地在其发电中采用更多的可再生能源,这些数字之间的差距将增大。这反过来又使特斯拉在一个基本同质的行业中保持了独特性,创造了一个卖点。 Redefining Productivity in the Value Chain 重新定义价值链中的生产力 Tesla have also reimagined the operations of a typical car manufacturer, maintaining Tesla-owned dealerships in favour of franchised dealerships. By paying their showroom employees fixed salaries rather than commissions (Steen, 2015), this allows employees to properly promote the advantages and unique features of EVs, instead of focusing on the “high-volume sales” Federal Trade Commission, 2016, p. 90) mindset of commissioned salespeople. This trait serves to further the transition to a sustainable future by educating consumers on the benefits of Tesla’s technology, as well as EVs in general (Musk, 2012). Tesla has created shared value by both positively redefining their employee productivity and increasing customer experience and awareness. 特斯拉还重新设想了一家典型汽车制造商的运营,维持特斯拉拥有的经销商,而不是特许经销商。通过向展厅员工支付固定工资而不是佣金,这使员工能够适当宣传电动汽车的优势和独特功能,而不是专注于委托销售人员的“大批量销售”心态。这一特点有助于通过教育消费者了解特斯拉技术以及电动汽车的好处,进一步向可持续发展的未来过渡。特斯拉通过积极地重新定义其员工生产力并提高客户体验和意识,创造了共享价值。 Enabling Local Cluster Development 支持本地集群开发 In order for Tesla’s vehicles to succeed, relevant infrastructure such as charging stations must be developed (Stringham et al., 2015). Tesla has built thirteen ‘Supercharger’ stations, for rapid charging, and numerous destination chargers around Australia, filling in the lacking infrastructure (Tesla, 2018b). While this provides Tesla with access to the Australian market, it also encourages the development and introduction of other EVs into Australia. In developing Australia’s EV market, Tesla will profit economically and also serve to combat the environmental detriments of gas powered cars. 为了使特斯拉的汽车获得成功,必须开发充电站等相关基础设施。特斯拉已经建造了13个“增压器”站,用于快速充电,并在澳大利亚各地建造了许多目的地充电器,填补了基础设施的不足。虽然这为特斯拉提供了进入澳大利亚市场的机会,但也鼓励了其他电动汽车在澳大利亚的开发和引进。在开发澳大利亚电动汽车市场的过程中,特斯拉将从经济上获利,同时也有助于消除燃气汽车对环境的危害。 Critiques:评论 While it appears that Tesla’s social mission is integrated within their business model, reflecting CSV attributes, the lack of a concrete definition of CSV is problematic. There is an unclear boundary between Social Entrepreneurship, CSV and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). As described by Porter and Kramer (2011), Social Entrepreneurship should also target a social problem through the creation of shared value. Furthermore, CSV’s main differentiation from CSR is based on the false premise that CSR is separate from business strategy and is only for improving the business’ image (Crane, Palazzo, Spence & Matten, 2014). Greenwashing is also an issue, as Tesla’s cars are currently not as environmentally friendly as they promote – much of Australia’s electricity is not produced by renewable sources (Crane et al., 2014). Nevertheless, Tesla most closely abides by the methods of creating shared value as defined by Porter and Kramer. 澳洲essay范文强调虽然特斯拉的社会使命似乎已融入其商业模式,反映了CSV属性,但缺乏CSV的具体定义是有问题的。社会创业、CSV和企业社会责任之间的界限不明确。正如essay范文中引用的Porter和Kramer所述,社会企业家也应该通过创造共享价值来解决社会问题。此外,CSV与CSR的主要区别是基于一个错误的前提,即CSR与业务战略是分开的,只是为了改善企业形象。绿色清洗也是一个问题,因为特斯拉的汽车目前并不像他们所提倡的那样环保——澳大利亚的大部分电力不是由可再生能源生产的。然而,特斯拉最严格遵守波特和克莱默定义的创造共享价值的方法。本站提供各国各专业essay写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。