12 April 2010 at 6pm. Please remember this is the deadline, however I strongly encourage you to attempt to submit before this date.
Instructions: The coursework for this module is to produce an academic report investigating the Burj Khalifa project.
The coursework must have the following: An analysis of the project in terms of stakeholders, scope, technology, change issues and project management issues. An analysis of academic theory versus practice of this project. You should compare this project against other similar projects.
Additional briefing will occur throughout the module, please ensure you attend the sessions or have access to other people’s notes.
The coursework must not be longer than 4000 words. This coursework is an individual piece of coursework. Coursework
Submission: You are required to submit your coursework to TURNITIN as well as submitting your coursework in the normal fashion (hardcopy to the undergraduate office).
Failure to submit your work to TURNITIN will cause your coursework not to be marked even if submitted to the undergraduate office (Academic Regulation 6.8).
In order for you to submit your work to TURNITIN (via, you will need to enrol upon the class within TURNITIN using the following information: Marking Criteria: The coursework will be assessed using the following marking criteria. Design & structure of report (5%) Discussion about the selected project (20%) Critical analysis of the project (25%) Analysis of how this Project relates to the other related projects (10%) Report results (15%) Conclusions (15%) References and use of references (10%) Please read the marking guide on the following page to help you determine the levels you need to achieve for each grade.

Academic offences, including plagiarism, are treated very seriously in the Westminster Business School. A student who is proven to have committed an academic offence may be placing his or her degree in jeopardy. It is your responsibility as a student to make sure that you understand what constitutes an academic offence, and in particular, what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
This feedback is to provide you generic feedback on the work submitted for this module. You will be provided specific feedback and a mark at a later date – This can be emailed to you on request .
Your brief this work was the following: Write a five (5) page academic report detailing the London Olympics 2012 stadium project. It is expected that you attempt to relate academic theory to practice.
You should mention of the following concepts/theories: • Project management methodology; • Project planning • Project monitoring & control; • Project Mandate.
My expectations of you: I expected you to attempt to relate the theory we covered within class and what you have read about to the areas mentioned within the brief. I assumed that you might have to make some assumptions in order to get a clear picture of the stadium project.
For example, we might have assumed that the stadium project used PRINCE2 – since the London Olympics Development Agency is linked with the UK government. The UK government normally has the requirement that all projects use PRINCE2.
Within your work you should have identified that the project mandate for the stadium project came from the London Olympics development agency rather than the International Olympics committee. You should have identified the key pieces of information for the London 2012 Stadium Project, for example, the scope, delimitations and freedom of actions.
Within your coursework you should have identified the basic structure of the plan for the project, you might have mentioned the key milestones and the start/finish dates. For example, the plan has a testing period with 2011/12 for the stadium. It was expected that you used academic theory to discuss this element of the coursework, discussing how important the project plan is to project and how it is a living document within the project.
Within this section, I expected you to attempt to understand how the project could be monitored and controlled. I understand that it might have been hard to gain sources (information); therefore educated assumptions could have been made. For example, a reporting and monitoring procedure would be put in place based upon the principles laid out within PRINCE2 would have been a suitable assumption.
Within this section, I expected you to consider the importance of a methodology and that the stadium MUST be using a methodology in order to ensure the project is managed in a suitable fashion. You might have identified a suitable methodology, based upon the type of project the stadium is. Remembering, that PRINCE2 requires design upfront and Agile project management methodologies (such as DSDM Atern) requires Enough Design Upfront before the project implementation phase can start.
Remember this was an academic piece of work; therefore I was expecting you to use a combination of different sources of information. You could provide context from organization information plus news coverage. You should have provided academic context/theory from academic sources of information, textbooks, journals or other academic sources. Like most pieces of work, you are normally expected to refer to original sources of information where possible.
The use of WIKIPEDIA, this is not a good source of information for academic reasons. It may be useful to find out quickly about a subject, but you should visit the sources of information on each Wikipedia page (original source) to determine whether the information you are reading is correct and you should use the original source of information within your academic piece of work.
You need to demonstrate to the reader that you have researched the area you are writing about, this is why you use in text referencing. The advantage of in text referencing is that you don’t need to repeat what other people have said, just state your understanding about what people have said and how it supports your discussion. Remember what we discussed, when we talked about argument maps within class.