论文语言:英语论文 English
论文用于:Master assignment 硕士课程作业
运用Microsoft Project 2010软件
我以完成第1和2问, 根据我的表格进行修改
Submission Date: 3pm on 17th April 2013 (week 13)
Assessment Aim:
The aim of the assessment is to enable students to demonstrate their understanding, application and thus knowledge of the role and management of projects. This element of the module assessment counts for 70% of the marks and is in two sections:
Part 2 – practical assessment
(30% of the total module mark)
Merrall’s airport hotel is planning to build a major convention and exhibition complex. Lena Merrall, the Managing Director is overseeing the project and has developed a broad overall project plan, including the main tasks involved, an estimate of the duration and cost of each task, and the director who will assume responsibility for each task.Merrall的机场酒店正计划建立一个大型会议及展览复杂。莉娜Merrall,董事总经理则负责该项目,并制定了广泛的总体项目计划,包括所涉及的主要任务,每个任务的工期和成本的估计,和导演谁将会承担每项任务的责任。
Major construction work cannot start until after a major annual charity event being held in October 2013 so the project is planned to start on 4th November 2013. The Board of Directors would like the new facilities complete and open before the end of July 2014. The budget for the project is £10M. 重大建设工作不能启动,直到被关押在2013年10月每年一度的大型慈善活动,因此该项目计划开始11月4日2013年之后。董事会希望新设施完备,开放的2014年7月月底前。该项目预算为1000万英镑。
The broad project plan is outlined below:
Constraints on the project are:
• Project complete is a milestone
• After the initial phases involving Appoint Architects and Building Design, some staff have other work commitments therefore:
o Information Systems Director is not free to work on the project until 3rd February 2014.
o The Operations Director is not free to work on the project until 3rd March 2014.
o The Finance Director is not free to work on the project until 7th April 2014.
• Building design cannot start until the architects are appointed.
• Construction cannot start until the building is designed.
• Phase 2 of construction (Structure) cannot start until 2 weeks AFTER Phase 1: Excavation & Foundations is complete (to allow foundations to dry).
• Phase 3 of Construction (Enclosures) cannot start until Phase 2 (Structure) is complete.
• Phase 4 of Construction (Interiors) cannot start until Phase 3 (Enclosures) is complete.
• Phase 5 of Construction (Decoration & Furnishings) cannot start until Phase 4 (Interiors) is complete.
• Develop Telecommunications and Information Systems work cannot start until 3 weeks work on Phase 4: Interiors has been completed.
• Development of the Marketing Plan is not scheduled to start until Phase 5: Interiors has been completed.
• Project cannot be completed until all other tasks have been completed.
1. Plan the project as detailed above using MS Project 2010 software. Save the project as Merrall Hotel 1 (30%)
2. Produce a report for the senior management team which will analyse and present your plan, including timings and costings. In your report, include details of any issues you can foresee with the project plan. The report should be no more than 500 words. (30%)
3. For the issues identified in part (2), using MS Project 2010, update the project to resolve the issues. In no more than 500 words, provide justification on why this is the best solution (note to do this you may want to mention alternative solutions).
Save the updated project as Merrall Hotel 2 (40%)
N.B. The percentages shown are for this section only
For the above answers, it is advisable to use MS Project 2010’s reporting facility.
You may make assumptions but these must be clearly stated in reports for questions 2 and 3.
Please submit in the following way:
Microsoft Project 2010 files (Merrill Hotel 1 and Merrill Hotel 2) must be uploaded to GCULearn . This is done through the Assessments tab, Practical Assessment, then browse and upload files. NOTE you must upload 2 files.
REPORTS for questions 2 and 3
a) A printed copy of the answers to questions 2 and 3 should be submitted to reception London.
b) The Word file containing answers to questions 2 and 3 should be submitted to Turnitin in GCULearn (within Assessments tab).
NOTES to Submission and presentation of assessment
The word limit is part of the assessment criteria. There is a tolerance of 10% (i.e. 1000 word limit = +or - 100 words). You should state the total number of words on the front of your assessment. The word limit excludes the executive summary, the reference list and any appendices used.
The assignment must be word-processed in Arial font, either size 11 or 12 format and in 1½ line spacing, fully referenced throughout Part 1 and at the end of that section using the Harvard Referencing System. Report format is preferred.
Please include page numbers, a contents page and appendices where necessary.
Attach a signed copy of the Plagiarism declaration sheet to the front of your report.
Please also provide a report title sheet containing the following information conveyed:
• Module title and module code
• Title of your report – PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT
• Student name and matriculation number
• Submission date
• Word count
Please ensure that you retain a copy of your work for your personal files. It is advised that you submit your work to the Turnitin system PRIOR to submission to enable you to ‘self-check’ that you have referenced properly throughout your coursework. The Turnitin system has been specifically set up to allow you to submit as many times as you feel is necessary to avoid possible allegation of plagiarism.
Both an electronic copy and hard copy must be submitted; otherwise you will be marked as a non-submission. It is recommended that your final version of the electronic copy should be submitted to Turnitin on the module GCU Learn site. One copy of your portfolio, together with a fully completed plagiarism checklist coversheet, and a front cover including word count, as well as the course and your personal details, should be submitted to the drop box in Reception, no later than 3pm 17th April 2013, unless an extension has been granted by the module leader.#p#分页标题#e#
Plagiarism and collusion: Plagiarism occurs when someone copies or reproduces another person’s words or ideas (journal articles, text books, web material or other students’ work) and presents them as their own with no proper acknowledgement via citation and referencing. Collusion is when two students work together and submit an individual assessment that is not entirely their own work. All are forms of cheating and will be treated with severe penalties (see student handbook). To ensure that you are not guilty of plagiarism you must always declare all the sources from which you have obtained material or ideas by citation in the text and an associated reference list at the end of your work.
For further guidance, please refer to your handbook.