作业1 Assignment
Investing in recruiting spending and training in Human Resources Management (HRM) can reduce the labor cost through improving the Productivity Index, reducing Turnover Rate and Workforce Complement. Consequently, to find to what extent the investment on HRM makes sense, the HRM statistics of Round 0-8 in Capstone simulation is analyzed as an example. In addition, the annual report income statement’s total labor cost to estimate payroll costs, which is also will be analyzed.
Firstly, the appropriate recruiting spending and training investment can be analyzed to find the significant influence of workforce complement and turnover rate in HRM. Workforce is the number of workers required to fill the production schedule without overtime. Recruiting spend results in higher productivity and lower turnover. Training leads to higher productivity and lower turnover.
Figure 1, souring from Capstone Simulation
In Figure 1, the labor cost without HRM and TQM, can be calculated according to the definition of productivity. A formula used is given here, namely
Original Productivity of 100%Improved Productivity = Actual Labor NeededLabor needed without HRM= Actual Labor CostLabor Cost without HRM Investment
The original productivity is 100% and the labor need without HRM is 701. If the productivity would increase 1%, the actual labor need is (701*100)/101=695. So, the labor complement reduced. In the similar, with HRM, the actual labor cost was reduced. In the Figure 1 Round 0-3, labor cost saving is not significant. However, until the Round 4, the cumulative saving is positive which means the HRM brought the positive the labor cost saving. So it is significantly proved that investing in HRM bring the positive cumulative saving in the long-term.
The Figure 2 above represents the payroll cost estimated by the direct labor cost, which also can prove the effect of HRM. The Workforce complement was reducing and while the direct labor cost was reducing in Round 0-7 (Round 8 Negotiations), however, the payroll costs for employee is increasing. Besides the influence of TQM and automation, HRM investment both raised the employee satisfaction and the reduced the company’s labor cost. So company should invest in HRM reasonably. (392)
GreenWood Resources, Inc, was specializing in the development and management of high-yield, fast-growing tree plantations. In March2009, GreenWood had assessed some potential investment projects in China. At last, company chose two projects namely Luxi and Dongji, as the top priorities. GreenWood need ensure that the sustainability of the business investment in China, so the evaluating the pros and cons between the two project is essential. This essay will analyzed these two project involving environmental dimensions, economic, and social aspects, and finally choose a superior project for GreenWood.
Exhibit 1, souring from the GreenWood Case
From the economic perspectives, the estimate investment, cost and yields of Luxi and Dongji projects are above in Exhibit 1. So the Revenue and Cost of Luxi is,
Revenue of Luxi=559*12.6*92073+530529=945072679.2RMB
Cost of Luxi=7*92073*367+110*7*92073+632*92073+296376843=426107700RMB
The profit of Luxi= Revenue – Cost=518964979.2RMB
In the similar way, the profit of Dongji is 164138496 RMB, which is much less than the profit of Luxi project. In addition, the annual timber demands greatly exceeded the supply in local market and importing timber was very expensive because of high tariffs and transportation costs. However, due to Luxi’s excellent environment planting conditions, GreenWood can have a high economic value, which to maximize a long run investment. In the Dongji project, a land lease rate was low, which was only 87per mu per year. The challenge was the strong competition in Dongji market and the natural situation limited the exporting market. According to the higher profit of Luxi than Dongji and the Luxi’s long-term market vision, the superior project was Luxi.
From the environment perspective, Luxi country was located in Shandong, east China, with favourable natural conditions such as fertile soil, ample sunlight, rain, and gentle slopes. On the other hand, Dongji was located in the eastern part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in Southeast China. The area suffered from timber shortage, continued desertification, semi-arid and was subject to windy weather all year. Besides, 57% of the Dongji area was classified as sandy land. The GreenWood was interested in poplar farm assets. If GreenWood wanted to change the scare situation, the investment activity was risk and the return time was long. So in terms of environment aspect, Luxi project was more accepted because of the better natural conditions.
From the social perspectives, two sides should be analyzed, including inside-out linkages and outside-in linkage. According to Portand and Kramar (2006), inside-out linkages represent that the internal operation business causes the positive or negative consequence on society, and the outside-in linkages is external social conditions influencing operation business positively or negatively. From the inside-out linkages aspect, Luxi project aimed at creating an ecological system to produce develop tourism and local economy. In contrast, Dongji project not only aimed at solving continued desertification, but also helped the local government with poplar tree planting technique. The social issues of Luxi was generic, however, Dongji project helped the local farmers improve forestry management and facilitated local economic development by contributing capital and tree plantation know-how. The social problem in Dongji was related the GreenWood’s sense of value impact. GreenWood had the prudent strategy focusing on deploying local hybrid varietals and testing the suitability of its home-grown elite plant materials firstly, adopting a ten-year rotation scheme in Dongji secondly. So Dongji project seemed to have more social responsibility value than Luxi project.
From the outside-in linkages aspect, the political risk in project of Luxi was relatively high than project of Dongji. Although GreenWood built guanxi (personal connections) with local government and negotiated with the Luxi Forestry Bureau, a government agency, the government’s support and coordination were critical for going forward with the project. Some governments refused to make lower price offer for GreenWood and complained about the GreenWood’s slow pace in negotiating an agreement. However, the Gongji government supported the GreenWood project and many local companies provide professional poplar tree planting technology, like Lideng, a forestry development company. The cooperation between GreenWood and Lideng, gave huge potential for the project. So in terms of outside-in linkages social perspective, choosing Dongji project had more external support and flexibility than the Luxi project.
The analysis above proved that the Luxi project seemd to have more advantages over Dongji project in economic perspective and environment perspective. However, Dongji project had a higher value in social responsibility which fit the GreenWood vision. As the vision of doing well by doing good, Dongji project may be a resource that lasts forever. So to balance these three aspects, Dongji project deserved to chose.
参考列表 Reference List:
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