英国帝国理工大学作为英国排名前五、世界排名前十的高等院校,许多年来一直是众多学子梦想中的学院。该校金融系Paolo教授有多年预科和大一教授经验,并致力于提升学生论文写作水平。 ![]()
第一大点:The research phase is crucial for any coursework. Anytime you feel like making a shortcut or try to skip this phase and get down to writing, do not do this. On the contrary, you should aim to gather as much data from different resources as you can; this includes books, journals, websites, results of experiments, and so on. Therefore, you should dedicate about 60% of your time to researching.
研究阶段对任何课程都是至关重要的。任何时候你想要抄近路或者试图跳过这一阶段开始写作,都是绝对不可行的。相反,你应该从不同的资源收集尽可能多的数据,包括书籍、期刊、网站、实验结果等等。因此,你应该把60%的时间花在研究上。 ![]()
第二大点:The content of your coursework should be based on accurate, relevant, and credible information. All the data you use in your coursework should be aimed at proving your research hypothesis, or thesis statement, and the paper itself should be a deep analysis of the topic.
你的课程作业的内容应该基于准确、相关和可信的信息。你在课程作业中使用的所有数据都应该旨在证明你的研究假设或论点陈述,以辅助论文本身对主题的深入分析。 第三大点:Usually, students procrastinate as long as possible, and rush into writing coursework in the last week or two before the due date. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why there are usually so many mistakes and typos in coursework. Sometimes, typos and inattentiveness can become reasons for you completely negating the whole argument of your paper. So, to be on the safe side, make sure to reread your paper before you submit it; also, use MS Word, Google Docs, or other similar text-processing software to be able to notice mistakes easier. 有时,学生会拖延很多时间,他们会在截止日期前的最后一到两周匆忙地完成Coursework。也许,这就是为什么在一些课程作业中有那么多的语法错误和打字错误的原因之一。有时候,打字错误和注意力不集中会导致你的论文表意不清晰,严重的甚至与论点相悖。所以,为了保险起见,请务必在提交之前重读你的论文。另外,使用MS Word、谷歌Docs或其他类似的文本处理软件可以帮助你更容易地发现错误。 ![]()
第四大点:Make sure your coursework is easy to read and to comprehend. Use subheadings: they are a good way to mark semantic transitions within the text. They also break the text into smaller chunks, making it more reader-friendly. Use transition words to clearly show how the ideas, arguments, and evidence in your work are connected. Mind the length and structure of your sentences; long, complicated sentences are harder to understand, but short sentences do not let you fully convey your thought. Also, you should make sure the words you are using are precise and accurate, and that you fully understand their meaning.
确保你的Coursework易于阅读和理解。可以使用副标题:它们是帮助文本中语义过渡的好工具。它们还可以将文本分成更小的区块,使其更便于读者阅读。也可以使用过渡词来清楚地展示你作品中的观点、论点和证据是如何相互关联的。注意句子的长度和结构:长而复杂的句子更难理解,但短句子不能让你充分表达你的思想。同时,你应该确保你使用的词语是准确的,并且你完全理解它们的意思。 演讲的最后,Paolo教授提醒同学们,虽然上述技巧十分关键,但是如果希望Coursework的整体分数得到提升,日积月累的努力不可避免。所以,同学们,加油学习吧! |