Personal statement格式范文:个人优势和局限性陈述,本文是一篇留学文书Personal statement个人陈述格式范文,主要内容是作为社会工作专业的学生,通过分析个人的优势和局限性,以及对社会工作认知和实践程度进行陈述,并且回答以下几个问题,作为申请MSW课程的评判依据。Personal statement作为国外最常见的留学文书,一般用于申请入学或者课程就读。是非常重要的文书,下面就来一起看以下Personal statement格式范文。
![]() Personal statement格式范文
1.What do you consider your personal strengths and limitations in terms of your development as a professional social worker?
Considering my strengths, I am cooperative, good-natured, generous, helpful, humble and modest and I trust others. As a professional, I am non-judgmental, not blaming the client for their troubles. Even if someone hurts my feelings, I am quick to forgive. These qualities are important for me, because I am working and will work with a variety of persons – healthcare professionals, clients, and so on – who may exhibit inflexible and demanding personalities that may be challenging to work with. 根据每个客户的需求为他们找到合适的治疗或服务需要一个有创造力的人。我也很细致,勤奋,有组织,有良好的自律,认真对待自己的义务。这些特点适合我独立工作或处理大量案件的时候。 Finding the right treatment or service for each client based on their needs requires a creative person. I am also meticulous, hard-working, well organized, have good self- discipline, and take my obligations seriously. These traits are suitable for when I am working independently or carrying heavy caseloads. 我外向的性格也符合我作为社会工作者的职业目标,因为与他人的互动是社会工作者工作的重要组成部分。关于沟通技巧,我健谈,自信,善于交际,积极主动。多年来,我也成功地在情感上成熟了。 My extroverted personality also suits my career objective as a social worker as interaction with others is a significant portion of a social worker’s job. Regarding communication skills, I am talkative, assertive, sociable and active. Over the years I have also succeeded to mature emotionally. 我的局限之一是,虽然我能流利地说四种语言,但在与西班牙裔客户交流时,我的西班牙语还不能被接受。我正在克服这一个人的局限性,以下学期的课程为起点。我的另一个缺点是缺乏社会工作者的经验。当我了解并看到客户所面临的问题时,我发现还有很多东西需要学习。有许多问题我仍然不知道如何处理,但我正在学习,并将在不久的将来学到更多。 One of my limitations is that, although I speak four languages fluently, my Spanish is not acceptable yet when it comes to communicating with Hispanic clients. I am overcoming this personal limitation by taking a course in the next semester as a starting point. My other limitation is a lack of experience as a social worker. As I learn and seeing the issues that clients have, I am discovering that there is much more to learn. There are many concerns that I still do not know how to handle, but I am learning and will learn more in the near future. 2. What qualities do you possess which prepare you for graduate social work? 你具备什么样的素质,使你为研究生社会工作做好准备? 我的一些个人品质包括以一种体贴和尊重的方式充满动力和热情。我能够保持礼貌和关怀的态度,即使在压力的情况下。我的智力得分很高,这表明我努力学习和保持现有的知识,这对一个好的和充满激情的社会工作者是必不可少的。我真诚地关心他人,尽量以礼相待。 Some of my personal qualities include being motivated and enthusiastic in a thoughtful and respectful manner. I am able to maintain a courteous and caring demeanor, even in stressful situations. I have a high score for intellect, which indicates that I strive to learn and maintain my current knowledge, which is essential for a good and passionate social worker. I am genuinely concerned with other people and try to treat everyone with courtesy and kindness. 我一直渴望在我感兴趣的领域学习和努力。当我在2005年有机会回到学校时,我全力以赴地在学业上取得优异成绩。我的目标不仅是取得好成绩,而且要充分理解学习中的概念,并能够分析它们。在我们的社会中有许多社会问题,我想亲自为社会的改善作出贡献。通过学习,我能够理解自己过去的一些经历,我没有把它们当作可怕的教训,而是把它们当作具有挑战性的旅程。 I have always had the desire to study and strive in my area of interest. When I had an opportunity in 2005 to go back to school, I was fully committed to excel in my studies. My goal is not just to get good grades, but also to fully understand the concepts in my studies and be able to analyze them. There are many social issues in our society that I would like to personally contribute to for the improvement of society. Through learning, I was able to understand some of my own experiences from the past, and instead of taking them as a terrible lesson, I accepted them as challenging journey. 我的学业目标之一是保持我高于平均水平的成绩。我在学习上付出了巨大的努力和努力。每学期进入院长名单也是当务之急。来到这所大学后,我下定决心,我将在未来的四年里追求新的想法和经验。 One of my academic goals is to keep up my above average grades. I put in enormous effort and hard work into my studies. Making it to the Dean’s list every semester is also a priority. Upon arriving at this university, I was determined that I would spend my next four years in pursuit of new ideas and experiences.
3. What professional skills and experiences make you an appropriate candidate for our program?哪些专业技能和经验使您成为我们课程的合适人选?
关于我的工作经验,自2005年以来,我一直负责日常活动规划,并为一名患有高功能自闭症的8岁男孩提供积极的行为目标。今年,我受雇于加州心理中心,担任行为导师。这家公司是北洛杉矶县区域中心的供应商之一,我在那里为自闭症儿童提供治疗。 Regarding my work experience, since 2005 I have been responsible for daily programming of activities and providing positive behavioral goals and objectives for an eight year old boy with high functioning autism. This year, I was employed at California Psychcare as a behavioral instructor. This company is one of the vendors for North Los Angeles County Regional Center where I provide therapy for children with autism. 除了兼职工作外,我还从2009年8月起在加利福尼亚州雷塞达的家庭虐待中心实习。我们是训练有素的志愿倡导者,与警察一起回应家庭暴力电话,提供医疗、法律和咨询转介以及住所选择方面的即时援助。 Besides my part-time work, I have also been an intern since August 2009 at the Domestic Abuse Center, which is located in Reseda, California. We are trained volunteer advocates responding with police to domestic violence calls, offering immediate assistance with medical, legal and counseling referrals and shelter options. 2009年1月至5月,我在加利福尼亚州雷塞达的盲人治疗生活中心做志愿者。这些客户在法律上是盲人,也有一定程度的认知障碍。我与他们的互动包括学习适当的提示、帮助和沟通技巧。2009年5月,我获得了CSUN社会学系颁发的Russ Miller博士奖学金。 From January to May 2009, I was a volunteer at the Therapeutic Living Centers for the Blind in Reseda, California. The clients were legally blind and also had some degree of cognitive disability. My interactions with them included learning appropriate prompting, assistance and communication techniques. In May 2009, I received a Dr. Russ Miller Scholarship Award given by the CSUN Sociology Department.
4. Discuss how your professional goals are consistent with the mission of the CSUN MSW Program.讨论你的职业目标如何与CSUN MSW计划的任务相一致。
Regarding my professional goals, I have a strong desire to help others. This insight comes from the fact that my mother had a serious mental disorder, namely bipolar disorder, while she was alive. In Yugoslavian society, it was a shame and a stigma to have someone mentally ill in the family. My mother tried hard to adjust and to act normal, but this was beyond her abilities, particularly around the time when the civil war started to break out in Yugoslavia. Instead of demanding to adjust, the family members should have understood that they had an ill person in the family. My father and I lacked this knowledge at that time. When my father got sick from stomach cancer, the whole situation was spinning out of control in my family until it ended in tragedy. My beloved mother could not cope any longer with life’s challenges and she committed suicide. My father died five months later. I strongly feel that my mother could be alive today, had she received help, which is the reason for my choice of future career. After completing a Master’s degree, I would like to develop psycho-educational workshops. Families with mentally ill members often find themselves overburdened. These families do not have the appropriate knowledge or skills to handle or take care of the mentally ill; they need special training, support and knowledge. Moreover, the families need to know how to interact with service providers effectively and how to interact with their mentally ill members. Consequently, I strongly believe that these workshops will result in good outcomes for the whole family. I never had any professionals approaching me and offering me this knowledge. Even though we were a middle class family in Yugoslavia, it was assumed that if we did not need financial help, we did not need any other help or information. Hopefully for some families who have a mentally ill member, this support in the form of workshops will be beneficial. My other passion when it comes to career objectives is helping soldiers returning from war to adjust to everyday life again. We can work to develop a clinical strategy to reach out to traumatized veterans who have not been able to return to civilian life. After completing the MSW program, I would like to, as a social worker, offer veterans and their families some services such as resource navigation, crisis intervention, advocacy, benefit assistance, and mental health therapy for conditions such as depression, post traumatic stress disorder, and drug and alcohol addiction. For many combat veterans, their problems are compounded by multiple mental ailments. Thus, in facing the challenges on return from combat, it is vital for the veterans to receive family support and understanding. Many civilians are judgmental when it comes to returning veterans, claiming they are strong and will get over their war experiences. It is therefore the duty of a passionate psychiatric social worker to educate the public about this sensitive topic and to help these veterans who deserve to be helped. These are my main career objectives. I come from a country with rich cultural and ethnic diversity, where I lived as an ethnic minority. This self-awareness helps me understand cultural sensitivity better as well as the clients’ cultural beliefs, when working with the specific client populations. Beside English, I speak Hungarian, Serbian and Croatian and I am in the process of learning Spanish. Knowledge of Spanish will be an asset for me as a social work practitioner. Physical, social, psychological and emotional problems attributable to lifestyle, environment, substance abuse and stress will continue to grow in number and complexity. There will be a need for creative and imaginative interventions. Professional Objectivity 5. Identify three client populations that might create a value conflict for you确定三个可能会给您带来价值冲突的客户群体 or that might cause you to lose your professional objectivity. 否则可能会让你失去职业客观性。 approach you will take in order to work with each population listed.您将采取的方法,以便与列出的每个人一起工作。 One of the client populations for which I need to be more objective is working with gang members. I realize that being in a gang is more than just doing drug deals and participating in other illegal gang activity. My approach to overcome this deficit is through education to learn about the history of gangs, their language and symbolism, economic considerations and factors that contribute to gang activity as well as the risk factors and the impact of migration and immigration on gangs. I need to learn about how to address the root causes, to recognize that young people often join gangs to achieve a sense of belonging and find a supportive community in them that they frequently lack at home, to understand the inner workings of the gang to find out exactly what it provides, who its members are, what activities they are involved with, and how its leadership is structured. I believe that these adolescents are not inherently bad; instead, faced with limited choices, they are making decisions that lead them down a negative path. Another client population causing value conflict is the terminally ill as such encounters will expose me to feelings of pain, sorrow, anger, helplessness, and hopelessness. Setting realistic short- and long-term goals in treating these clients and focusing on what can be done, even in situations that seem hopeless, can prevent a sense of failure and despair. Furthermore, achievable goals can be set even in the difficult situation of treating terminally ill patients. The goals might include improving the patient’s quality of life in the final days, instilling a sense of choice and acceptance of physical limitations, helping them cope with parting from family members, and examining their priorities. The third client population is the elderly. Elderly clients are affectionate and eagerly wait for a social worker to visit them. Most of them treat the social worker as a friend. Professional objectivity is required, so that I will not visualize the client as a family, and to keep in mind that the goal is to help them develop the ability to do well without a lot of support. Time Management 6. Clearly describe the plans that you have made in order to ensure that you will be able to complete the MSW Program you are applying for given the course workload of the program and the number of hours that are required for field education.清楚地描述你所制定的计划,以确保你能够完成你申请的MSW课程,考虑到课程的工作量和实地教育所需的学时。 As I work part time for 15 hours per week, I have chosen to undertake the three-year program. My husband works full time and I am not the sole financial provider for my family. I am planning my other areas of life around my studies, so I can fully commit and keep up with good grades. 7. If you are applying for the threeâ€year program (or stated that you would consider either program on your application), include an additional discussion regarding your current employment, time management, and specific plans to accommodate sixteen hours per week of field education (of which eight to sixteen are during internship business hours) during the second and third years of the program.如果你申请的是三年计划(或者说你会考虑你的申请中的任何一个项目),包括一个关于你目前的工作、时间管理的额外讨论,以及在项目的第二年和第三年,提供每周16小时的实地教育(其中8到16小时是在实习工作时间)。 My work is flexible; I mostly work afternoons and sometimes on weekends. As stated before, I work as a behavioral instructor with children who have autism. I go into the clients’ homes to provide services. I never work more than three hours per session. I have been able to establish a professional, but friendly relationship with these families; therefore, I can change my schedule, as long as the required hours are completed. Personal statement格式多种多样,并不局限于上述内容,Personal statement作为个人陈述,还可以根据自身的学习和实践经验进行总结,体现强烈的个人意愿。Personal statement格式要根据内容进行调整,进行保持全文统一,如上面提供的这篇个人陈述范文,是根据既定的问题进行回答。如遇到此类格式要求的就可以参考这篇范文。本站提供留学文书Personal statement写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。 |