COURSEWORK格式-强迫移民和自愿移民的比较。本文是一篇留学生coursework写作格式范文,主要内容是围绕“对于饱受战争蹂躏的国家的大多数人来说,现实是生活确实是肮脏、野蛮和短暂的。”阿巴斯·纳扎里说的这句话开始。研究强迫移民和自愿移民的比较分析。coursework范文通过伊朗和巴基斯坦在1997年停止登记新的阿富汗难民,提出这意味着阿富汗人必须比邻国寻求庇护。 自1999年以来,在塔利班统治下的生活恶化后,大量阿富汗人开始逃离以寻求安全,许多人试图前往澳大利亚,希望过上更好的生活。下面是关于留学生coursework写作格式范文的全部内容,共参考。 
Factors contributing to departure from Afghanistan: 导致离开阿富汗的因素: “For the majority of people in war-torn countries, the reality is that life is indeed nasty, brutish and short.”[1] States Abbas Nazaari.[2] Iran and Pakistan stopped registering new Afghan refugees in 1997, meaning Afghans had to look further than neighbouring states for refuge.[3] From 1999, a significantly increased number of Afghans began to flee for safety after life under Taliban rule worsened, many sought to get to Australia in hopes for a better life.[4] Political and Ideological factors contributing to migrants’ departure from Afghanistan include the imposition of the strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law upon the entirety of Afghanistan. Most Afghans, worn out by years of drought, famine and war, approved of the Taliban on the promise of peace. However, with the Taliban in power, the threat to personal security for ethnic minorities had increased, and serious human rights abuses began. 导致移民离开阿富汗的政治和意识形态因素包括对整个阿富汗严格解释伊斯兰教法。大多数阿富汗人因多年的干旱、饥荒和战争而筋疲力尽,他们赞同塔利班对和平的承诺。然而,随着塔利班掌权,少数民族的人身安全受到的威胁增加,严重侵犯人权的行为开始发生。 The Taliban had imposed a strict social code, to comply with Sharia Law. This included severe restrictions on women’s freedom of movement, expression, and association.[5] Women and men would be publicly beaten for not adhering to the Taliban’s dress code. 塔利班强加了严格的社会准则,以遵守伊斯兰教法。这包括对妇女行动、言论和结社自由的严格限制。男女将因不遵守塔利班的着装规定而遭到公开殴打。 Human rights were thrown out the window, Taliban militia would carry out arbitrary killings of civilians on mass.[6] One group in particular subject to these attacks were the ethnic minority group, the Hazaras. In August 1998, thousands of Hazara civilians[7] – despite age or gender – were reported to have been massacred by Taliban guards following the capture of the northern city Mazar-e Sharif from anti-Taliban forces.[8] 人权被抛出窗外,塔利班民兵会对平民进行任意屠杀。[受到这些袭击的一个群体是少数民族哈扎拉人。1998年8月,据报道,在北部城市马扎里沙里夫被反塔利班部队占领后,数千名哈扎拉平民——无论年龄或性别——被塔利班警卫屠杀。 Afghanistan was not safe. 阿富汗并不安全。 Factors facilitating and impeding the physical and bureaucratic travel of Afghans: 便利和阻碍阿富汗人实际旅行和公务旅行的因素: In 2001, 438 Afghans fled their homes in hope for a better life in – where they thought would be – Australia. The story of the TAMPA refugees will help illustrate the Migration pattern. 2001年,438名阿富汗人逃离家园,希望在他们认为应该在的澳大利亚过上更好的生活。坦帕难民的故事将有助于说明移民模式。 The Journey from Afghanistan: 阿富汗之旅: In the middle of the night, the Nazari family, a family of ethnic minority Hazara, travelled from Afghanistan to Pakistan, where they stayed in a one-bedroom apartment while illegal travel documents were organised. Indonesia was to be the next step, to get to Indonesia they boarded a plane using the travel documents they had obtained in Pakistan. They stayed in Indonesia for two months while more illegal travel documents were organised. In Indonesia they haand to find a ship to get to Australia. One night they caught a bus to Port Meerak, where they caught up with the other Hazara families who were escaping atrocities in Afghanistan. The boat they boarded was the NV Palapa, a small fishing vessel with the capacity of 40. That night, 438 Afghans crammed onto the Palapa and set sail. The second day on the Palapa, the engine failed. The following day an SOS sign was put up, and theTampa, a Norwegian cargo shipheading from Australia to Singapore picked up the 438 passengers. The Palapa sank as the last of the passengers boarded the Tampa. From the Tampa, the Afghan refugees were wanting to go to Australia, where they had hoped to be processed. 午夜,哈扎拉少数民族的纳扎里一家从阿富汗前往巴基斯坦,在那里他们住在一间只有一间卧室的公寓里,非法旅行证件被组织起来。印尼是下一步,为了到达印尼,他们使用在巴基斯坦获得的旅行证件登上了一架飞机。他们在印尼停留了两个月,同时组织了更多的非法旅行证件。在印尼,他们想找艘船去澳大利亚。一天晚上,他们乘公共汽车前往米拉克港,在那个里他们赶上了其他逃离阿富汗暴行的哈扎拉家庭。他们登上的船是内华达帕拉帕号,这是一艘可容纳40人的小渔船。当晚,438名阿富汗人挤进帕拉帕并启航。在帕拉帕号上的第二天,发动机出现故障。第二天,一个SOS标志被挂了起来,一艘从澳大利亚开往新加坡的挪威货船theTampa搭载了438名乘客。最后一名乘客登上坦帕号时,帕拉帕号沉没。来自坦帕的阿富汗难民希望前往澳大利亚,他们希望在那里得到处理。 Political impediment: 政治障碍: The Tampa arrived in Australian waters in the midst of an election. The policy on migrants had changed.[9] At the time of the Palapa’s departure of Indonesia, it was known to be Australia’s policy to rescue asylum seekers at sea, where they would then be detained in Australia while their claims for protection were processed. If the claims of the asylum were successful, the asylum seekers would receive a permanent protection visa. If the claims were not accepted, they would be returned to the country they had fled. 坦帕号在选举期间抵达澳大利亚水域。移民政策已经改变。 在帕拉帕人离开印度尼西亚时,众所周知,澳大利亚的政策是在海上救助寻求庇护者,然后在澳大利亚拘留他们,同时处理他们的保护要求。如果庇护申请成功,寻求庇护者将获得永久保护签证。如果索赔不被接受,他们将被送回他们逃离的国家。 The Prime Minister of the time, John Howard, closed the doors on refugees.[10] The Tampa was forced back by SAS troops and the ship’s captain was under pressure to get Cargo back to Singapore. The refugees were transferred to the HMAS Manoora, where they waited for asylum after Australia refused to accept them, creating an international affair over which country would, or should, offer sanctuary on humanitarian grounds.[11] 当时的首相约翰·霍华德对难民关闭了大门。“坦帕”号被SAS部队逼退,船长面临将货物运回新加坡的压力。难民被转移到HMAS Manoora,在澳大利亚拒绝接受难民后,他们在那里等待庇护,这造成了一个国际事务,该国将或应该基于人道主义理由提供庇护。 In regard to the decision on what to do with the Tampa refugees, by 2 September, the Australian Government had obtained agreements with Nauru and New Zealand. The Royal Australian Navy took the Tampa’s asylum-seekers to Nauru, from here 131 of them were sent to New Zealand. The remaining were processed on Nauru, which took between three months to three years for some. For the Nazari family, New Zealand was the end of the 6-month journey from their village In Afghanistan. They were among the 131 that arrived in Auckland, where they were transferred to Mangere refuge center and processed. 关于如何处理坦帕难民的决定,截至9月2日,澳大利亚政府已与瑙鲁和新西兰达成协议。澳大利亚皇家海军将坦帕号的寻求庇护者送往瑙鲁,其中131人从这里被送往新西兰。剩下的在瑙鲁处理,有些需要三个月到三年的时间。对于纳扎里一家来说,新西兰是他们从阿富汗村庄6个月旅程的终点。他们是抵达奥克兰的131人中的一员,在那里他们被转移到Mangere避难中心并接受处理。 This group of Asylum seekers were lucky, many boat people set out on journeys just as the Tampa refugees had, but the physical and bureaucratic route is very dangerous, and fill of uncertainty. Many don’t make the journey safely. 这群寻求庇护者是幸运的,许多船民像坦帕难民一样踏上了旅途,但实际和官僚路线非常危险,充满了不确定性。许多人在旅途中并不安全。 The reception and settlement of the Afghan refugees in NZ: 在新西兰接收和安置阿富汗难民: New Zealand had signed an international convention that supports the right of people to seek asylum, this was called the 1951 Refugee Convention which is.[12] This convention is “…the key legal document that forms the basis of our work. Ratified by 145 State parties, it defines the term ‘refugee’ and outlines the rights of the displaced, as well as the legal obligations of States to protect them.”[13] 新西兰签署了一项国际公约,支持人们寻求庇护的权利,该公约被称为1951年难民公约。 该公约是“……构成我们工作基础的关键法律文件 它由145个缔约国定义了“难民”一词,概述了流离失所者的权利以及各国保护他们的法律义务。” Helen Clark was Prime Minster at the time and decided to let in 131 of the Afghans. New Zealand government welcomed the Asylum seekers and supported their integration into our society. 海伦·克拉克当时是首相,她决定让131名阿富汗人入境。新西兰政府欢迎寻求庇护者,并支持他们融入我们的社会。 “The New Zealand government and public were watching and taking pity on our situation, they welcomed us to our new homeland with open arms.”[15] States one of many Afghans from the Tampa. “新西兰政府和公众都在关注并同情我们的处境,他们张开双臂欢迎我们来到我们的新家园。” 坦帕的许多阿富汗人之一说。 Following the arrival of the Tampa refugees, the New Zealand Government relocated some of the refugees families from Afghanistan to New Zealand as a humanitarian gesture to reunite relatives.[16] The Tampa refugees have created lives for themselves and live among us as New Zealanders, “In the beginning we were welfare dependent, but gradually we built ourselves up to integrate into the fabric of New Zealand society.”[17] 坦帕难民抵达后,新西兰政府将一些难民家庭从阿富汗迁往新西兰,作为一种人道主义姿态,以使亲属团聚。坦帕难民为自己创造了生活,并作为新西兰人生活在我们中间,“起初我们依赖福利,但逐渐地我们建立了自己,融入新西兰社会的结构。” Tody, the Tampa refugees live as New Zealanders – they are business owners, university graduates, with families of their own in an environment where they feel safe and accepted. Voluntary migration: 今天,坦帕难民像新西兰人一样生活——他们是企业主、大学毕业生,在他们感到安全和被接受的环境中拥有自己的家庭。 - Tangata o le Moana: Pacific Islander’s migration to New Zealand: 太平洋岛民向新西兰的移民: Factors contributing to the departure from Pacific Island: 导致离开太平洋岛屿的因素: There are many stories and has been large debate regarding exactly what year Polynesians began settling in New Zealand, and how they achieved this. The current understanding of Polynesian’s journey to New Zealand is that they migrated from East and central Polynesia.[18] Their migration was deliberate, and occurred at different times, in different canoes. 关于波利尼西亚人是什么年开始在新西兰定居的,以及他们是如何做到这一点的,有很多故事,也有很大的争论。目前对波利尼西亚人新西兰之旅的理解是,他们从东波利尼西亚和中波利尼西亚迁徙。他们的迁徙是故意的,在不同的时间,在不同的独木舟上发生。 According to Maori, the first Polynesian explorer to reach New Zealand was Kupe, who travelled across the Pacific in a Polynesian-style voyaging canoe. It is thought Kupe reached New Zealand 1070 years ago, using subtropical weather systems, star constellations, water currents and animal migration patterns to find their way from their native islands in central Polynesia to New Zealand. 据毛利人说,第一个到达新西兰的波利尼西亚探险家是库佩,他乘坐波利尼西亚风格的独木舟穿越太平洋。据信,库佩于1070年前到达新西兰,利用亚热带天气系统、星座、水流和动物迁徙模式,从波利尼西亚中部的土著岛屿找到通往新西兰的路。 Over hundreds of years a significant number of pacific islanders have migrated to New Zealand.[19] 数百年来,大量太平洋岛民移民到新西兰。 Pacific Islands and New Zealand have had political ties from 1840 as a result of the relationship through colonisation by the British. Migration from the Pacific Islands has historically been voluntary, with individuals and families often migrating for education and employment opportunities. 由于英国的殖民统治,太平洋岛屿和新西兰从1840年起就有了政治联系。太平洋岛屿的移民历来都是自愿的,个人和家庭经常为了教育和就业机会而移民。 Factors facilitating and impeding the physical and bureaucratic travel of Migrants: 便利和阻碍移民身体和公务旅行的因素: The Polynesian navigators guided their canoes to New Zealand by using their knowledge of the environment and interpretation of a range of natural signs including landmarks, island blocks, birds, stars, swells, clouds to find their way to land.[20] This was exploration, voluntary migration. 波利尼西亚航海家利用他们对环境的了解和对一系列自然标志的解读,引导他们的独木舟到达新西兰,这些自然标志包括地标、岛屿、鸟类、恒星、涌浪和云层,以找到登陆的道路。这就是探索,自愿移民。 Migratory birds may have helped explorers discover new lands. Some explorers followed the birds to find out where they went. The stars are usually a navigator’s main guide because they move in predictable ways across the night sky. A star path is a series of stars that rise or set at the same point across the horizon. Sea markers such as reefs, whales, driftwood and changes in colour can indicate land is near. Clouds can indicate hidden land. Clouds travel more slowly overland and gather speed beyond it. Clouds can glow if passing over lagoons or reflect colours such as green of forests. 候鸟可能帮助探险者发现了新的土地。一些探险家跟踪这些鸟,找出它们去了哪里。恒星通常是导航员的主要向导,因为它们在夜空中以可预测的方式移动。恒星轨迹是指在地平线上同一点上升起或落下的一系列恒星。珊瑚礁、鲸鱼、浮木和颜色变化等海洋标记可以表明陆地就在附近。云可以指示隐藏的土地。云层在陆地上传播得更慢,速度也更快。云朵经过泻湖时会发光,或反射出森林的绿色等颜色。 In recent times, the close state relations and employment opportunities in New Zealand have led to considerable migration of Pacific peoples to New Zealand. 近年来,新西兰密切的国家关系和就业机会导致太平洋人民大量移民到新西兰。 New Zealand citizenship and the rights of residence for Cook Islanders, Niueans and Tokelauans have made the migration to New Zealand a relatively simple process. There has also been substantial migration to New Zealand from Samoa, Tonga and Fiji, though these Polynesians do not have New Zealand citizenship, as a result of this migration from these islands has been influenced by periodic changes in New Zealand government policy. 库克群岛人、纽埃人和托克劳人的新西兰公民身份和居住权使移民到新西兰成为一个相对简单的过程。虽然这些波利尼西亚人没有新西兰公民身份,但也有大量人从萨摩亚、汤加和斐济移民到新西兰,因为这些岛屿的移民受到新西兰政府政策定期变化的影响。 The Pacific population in New Zealand as recorded in the 2013 census was 95,941, this figure is 7.4 percent of New Zealand’s population.[21] The number of people who identify under Pacific peoples ethnicity increased 11.3 percent from the 2006 Census.[22] In some cases the New Zealand-resident population was larger than the population of the original island home. 2013年人口普查记录的新西兰太平洋人口为95941人,占新西兰人口的7.4%。与2006年人口普查相比,太平洋族裔下的人口数量增加了11.3%。[在某些情况下,新西兰居民的人口比原来居住在岛上的人口多。 In 2007 the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme was introduced, this scheme brought in thousands of workers from the Pacific Islands annually to work in New Zealand horticulture and viticulture.[23] This is a big encouragement for Pacific Islander’s to travel to New Zealand, though it was merely an option they had, not something they had to do. 2007年推出了公认的季节性雇主计划,该计划每年从太平洋岛屿吸引数千名工人到新西兰从事园艺和葡萄栽培工作。这大大鼓励了太平洋岛民前往新西兰,尽管这只是他们的一个选择,而不是他们必须做的事情。 The experiences of Pacific Islander’s reception and settlement in NZ: 太平洋岛民在新西兰的接待和定居经验: Pacific Islanders were welcomed into New Zealand, as they have such similar language and culture to Maori, the first Pacific settlers found it relatively easy to communicate and establish themselves. 太平洋岛民受到新西兰的欢迎,因为他们的语言和文化与毛利人非常相似,第一批太平洋定居者发现沟通和建立自己相对容易。 After the colonisation of New Zealand, Pacific Islanders were gradually Marginalised alongside Maori. Within the education and work system it is clear that while they may already be or have the opportunity to be New Zealand citizens, they are set on a backfoot. New Zealand government is, however, seemingly and slowly trying to close the gap between the economic and social disparity between that of Pacific islanders and New Zealand Europeans. 新西兰殖民后,太平洋岛民与毛利人一起逐渐被边缘化。在教育和工作体系中,很明显,虽然他们可能已经或有机会成为新西兰公民,但他们正处于倒退状态。然而,新西兰政府似乎正在缓慢地试图缩小太平洋岛民与新西兰欧洲人之间的经济和社会差距。 Forced vs Voluntary: 强制与自愿: As can be seen above, there is a clear and defined difference between forced migration and voluntary migration. Looking to the Afghan refugees to New Zealand is a clear example of forced migration, where it would genuinely have not been safe to continue to reside in Afghanistan. 如上所述,强迫移徙和自愿移徙之间有着明确的区别。将阿富汗难民转移到新西兰就是一个明显的强迫移民例子,在那里继续居住在阿富汗确实不安全。 The Pacific people however, is a clear example of voluntary migration. It would not have impacted the safety or livelihood of the Pacific people if they had stayed in the Island’s, however saw an opportunity to move somewhere that may provide better education, or employment opportunities and so made the choice to uplift and travel across to New Zealand. 然而,太平洋人民是自愿移徙的一个明显例子。如果太平洋人民留在该岛的话,他们的安全或生计不会受到影响,但是他们看到了一个机会,可以搬到一个可以提供更好教育或就业机会的地方,因此选择提升并前往新西兰。 We can see world politics plays a large part in migration, both forced migrants and voluntary migrants. The Afghan refugees would not have settled in New Zealand if it weren’t for Helen Clark’s government of the day, and their policy on Asylum seekers – Such as there would have been no debacle if Australia hadn’t closed their gates to refugees. The same goes for Pacific Islanders – their migration may not have happened on such a large scale if it weren’t for the right to citizenship for Cook Islanders, Niueans and Tokelauans, or if the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme was not initiated. 在这篇留学生coursework写作格式范文中我们可以看到,世界政治在移民中发挥了很大作用,包括强迫移民和自愿移民。如果没有海伦·克拉克(Helen Clark)当时的政府和他们对寻求庇护者的政策,阿富汗难民就不会在新西兰定居——例如,如果澳大利亚没有对难民关闭大门,就不会出现崩溃。太平洋岛民也是如此——如果不是为了库克群岛人、纽埃人和托克劳人的公民权,或者如果没有启动公认的季节性雇主计划,他们的移民可能不会如此大规模。本站提供各国各专业coursework写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。