英国留学生Essay写作需求 2G EN691 Cultural Differences and People Management Welcome to the module! We hope that you find it worthwhile, challenging and interesting. The course aims to draw on your lived experience of culture and also the research on cultural differences. It aims to provide a useful base for those finding themselves working in multicultural settings, and also for those managing in multicultural settings. The course has as one of its main focuses therefore the work on cultural differences in relation to organisations and management, but this is by no means its only focus. The course aims to provide understanding and stimulate reflection but does not try solely to give ‘tips for managers’, but rather attempts to stimulate thought and reflection, including self-analysis leading to self-understanding. The module is structured into three parts, and these reflect the different aims of the module. Part 1 involves considering what is meant by culture and cultural differences and evaluating the ways in which culture has shaped your perceptions, interpretations and behaviour. Part 2 reviews the management and organisational focused literature on cultural differences. Part 3 applies some of he knowledge and understanding gained in Parts 1 and 2 to consider more practical, human resource management related issues.
2GEN691 Cultural Differences and People Management The reading to be carried out in advance of each lecture is indicated below alongside the teaching schedule and refers to the course textbook: Managing Across Cultures (2003) Schneider and Barsoux Please print the lecture slides from the blackboard site in advance and bring these with you to the lecture. It is recommended that you choose a format which allows you to make notes alongside the slides. Lecture Wk beg.
Course Overview and Exploring Culture 12.10.09
Cultural Adaptation and the Expatriate Experience 19.10.09
Approaches to research and key writers 02.11.09
Reading and Assignment Week for this module only 09.11.09
Examples of research categories of cultural differences (video) 16.11.09
A Glimpse of Chinese Culture 23.11.09
Teams and Cultural Differences 30.11.09#p#分页标题#e#
The Historical Perspective on Cultural Differences: Britain 07.12.09
The aims of the module are to: * Start students on the path of examining their own cultural background and how this might have influenced perceptions and values * Consider and critically evaluate the major research findings on cultural differences and how they relate to organisations. * Explore the implications of the research findings on cultural differences for various aspects of management practices and policies, especially Human Resource Management issues. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module students will be able to: Articulate the importance of culture and of appreciating cultural differences 2. Start to assess how their own culture might have influenced their values, beliefs and behaviours Identify and evaluate some of the significant research findings that have influenced our understanding of cultural differences and how they impact on organisations and management. Identify some of the implications of cultural differences for working in and managing organisations, for example, managing teams.and expatriates. Teaching and Learning Strategy and Methods The teaching and learning strategy is designed to: develop a critical appreciation of the role of cultural differences in understanding behaviour in organisational contexts cultivate a theoretically-informed understanding of the cultural factors which shape the way we perceive and analyse events and situations in organisations develop an ability to use one’s own personal experiences to reflect on cultural differences critically assess the importance of bearing in mind cultural differences when engaging in various HRM practices, for example, preparing expatriates for assignments, encouraging different management styles in organisations, designing organisational structures
Class sessions which will comprise brief overview lectures, to introduce key concepts, and class discussion of both personal experience, case studies, and other literature and video examples to illustrate and evaluate application of concepts and ideas. Individual private study to extend and deepen knowledge and understanding (includes reading and assignment week and Guided Independent Study (GIS) tasks. The Guided Independent study part of the module is expected to take you approximately 4 – 6 hours and is designed to deepen your understanding of some aspects of the module with independent work, guided by resources the module leader provides. #p#分页标题#e# For this module, the GIS consists of meeting the first two learning outcomes by exploring how our cultural genealogical roots may have influenced the way we see the world. To do this, you should consult the blackboard link to the BBC public website and set of resources “Who do You Think You Are” and it will be most useful for you to do this within the first 3 weeks of studying the module, although you can undertake the tasks any time. The aim is to use the some of these resources to start the process of considering your family tree in relation specifically to the idea of cultural differences and national cultural heritage. This will be a piece of research that you do not need to share with anyone but which you can if you wish comment on in your reflective diary. You should first of all read from the BBC “Who Do You Think You Are” link the sections in “Your Family History”: “Getting Started” (the parts: Overview, Before you Start and from ‘The Basics’: First Things and Next Moves). Then you should read one or two of the many sample stories on the sites. You can choose these from the many people listed as ‘Past stories’, ‘Present Stories’, or ‘Case Histories’ and then read the “How We did it’ section on one or two of these stories. Now you are armed with some ideas of what this groundbreaking BBC series is about and what you are asked to do for this module (you do not need to hand anything in) is to then return to the tools in the ‘Your Family History” Basics section (First Things and Next Moves) and use as many of these resources as you wish to think about one, two or three generations of your family history (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents), specifically in relation to national cultural differences, as discussed by the researchers studied on the module. How has your family history influenced the way you may perceive and think about some of the key values in life? How has it influenced your leanings in relation to the research categories identified by the researchers we studied (eg individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity?) How has it influenced how you interpret events? To what extent has it played a part in making you the individual you are? It is hoped that you will find the GIS tasks personally fulfilling and interesting and produce some thoughts/insights that you may well carry with you well beyond the module.
Assessment is designed to provide an opportunity for you to show the extent to which you have: acquired an understanding of the core concepts presented in the module developed a critical, theoretically-informed understanding of the role of cultural differences in behaviour in organisations acquired the ability to draw on personal experience to understand the core concepts presented Assessment Criteria:#p#分页标题#e# You will be assessed on:
the depth and extent of your knowledge of relevant concepts
Assessment Methods and Weightings:
A 70+ Structure Overall clarity, focus and coherence
C 50+ Structure Mostly focused on question and evidence of an attempt at structure. The diary should be no less than 3,000 words and no more than 4,000. This may initially sound a bit of an intimidating length but given that it is something kept throughout the module, you should find it easy to reach this length. You should hand in your diary in a loose-leaf folder with typing on only one side of the paper. You should use A4 paper and type your work using one and a half or double spacing.#p#分页标题#e# You should use the first person “I” voice, as it is a record of your thoughts and reflections. As with any piece of academic work, any references you make to literature and research within the journal should be fully referenced in a bibliography or reference list at the end of the diary. You should use an appropriate academic format for referencing. Please do not put each sheet of paper in its own plastic folder as this makes it very time-consuming to mark! But you do need to ensure your work is held together securely in some appropriate file. Beyond the above instructions for the presentation and format of your work, which you must adhere to, you can make a choice as to how you actually structure and present the work. Please do not spend too much time on the appearance or image of the work, i.e. do not spend a lot of time including pictures, for example. This is not the main aim of the exercise but of course your work must be checked carefully for errors and in that sense presentation is important.
The content should be a combination of the following: 1. Your reflections on the reading/research that we have covered on the module and on the concepts and ideas we have introduced and discussed in teaching sessions. For example, how accessible do you find the ideas and concepts?, how useful do you find them or imagine them to be in the future?, how interesting do you find them? The objective of the exercise is to be honest and so you should feel free to write constructively about aspects of the module that you have found especially relevant, disliked, found difficult, or at the very least, have found not helpful to you at this time. It is unlikely that anyone will find all of the aspects of the module straightforward or appealing, as the module aims to challenge you. 2. Your reflections on how the reading, concepts and ideas presented in the module, and any extra reading you have done, connect with, and illuminate, your own personal experiences or observations. These can be both past and present experiences and can be about any organisational experiences, not necessarily work experiences, but also experiences in educational, recreational, or charitable organisations, for example. You may make the exploration of these experiences or observations as personal as you wish but you should not include any information you feel uncomfortable about, or that you feel is too “personal” to you. You may find something to have been very valuable learning but feel you would rather not include it. You can, for example, describe interactions between other people that you have observed rather than relating concepts to yourself. You can also change the details and names as appropriate to maintain confidentiality. Of course, if you want to use the diary to think through personal experiences, you are also able to do this. You should feel assured that the diary is confidential and will only be read by the markers for the module. The external examiner for the module will also look at a sample of diaries#p#分页标题#e# Your reflections on your overall learning and experiences on the module, for example, what have you learned from the module about your own styles and preferences for learning? To achieve the above, we request that you discuss material related to SIX of the teaching sessions on the module and also include an overview/conclusion about your experiences of the module as a whole. You should also include a brief introduction which outlines your structure and specifies which SIX teaching sessions you have chosen to structure your diary around.
The diary will be assessed on the general assessment criteria listed on page 2 of this handout. The following checklist will help you to ensure you have met these criteria: Have you clearly documented your learning, i.e. identified your reactions to reading, ideas and concepts covered on the module? Have you related these concepts and ideas to experiences or behaviours in organisational settings that you have either experienced yourself or have observed? Is the diary written and structured in a coherent and clear fashion and does it follow the format requested? Have you related the diary to the module aims and assessment criteria listed on pages one and two of this handout?
2GEN691 Cultural Differences and People Management
Core text: Schneider. S.C. and J.L. Barsoux Managing Across Cultures, Prentice Hall: London. (Ideally the latest edition). Supplementary Texts: Adler, N.J. (2007) (5th Edition)( International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, PWS Kent Publishing Company: California. Alhabshi,S.O. and A.H. Ghazali (1994) Islamic Values and Management, Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia. Brown, A. (1998) (2nd ed) Organisational Culture, Pitman Publishing: London. Budhwar, P.S. and D.Y. (eds) (2001) HRM in Developing Countries, Routledge: London. Evans, P., Y. Doz and A. Laurent (1989) Human Resource Management in International Firms: Change, Globalization, Innovation, Macmillan Press: Basingstoke. Gannon, M. and K.L. Newman (eds) (2001) Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management, Blackwell: Oxford.#p#分页标题#e# Gannon, M.J. (2004)(3rd ed) Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through Twenty-Three Nations, Sage Publications: London. Hall, E. (1976) Beyond Culture, Doubleday: New York. Hickson, D. (1997) (ed) Management in Western Europe: Society, Culture and Organisation in Twelve Nations, Penguin Press: London. Hickson, D. J. and D.S. Pugh (2001) (2nd ed) Management Worldwide: The Impact of Societal Culture on Organizations around the Globe, Penguin Press: London. Hofstede, G. (1991) Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, McGraw Hill: New York. Hofstede, G. (2005) (2nd ed) Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, Sage: London. Kim,Y. and W.B. Gudykunst, (1988) Theories in Intercultural Communication, Sage: Newbury Park CA. Laurent, A. (1983) ‘The Cultural Diversity of Western Concepts of Management, International Studies of Management and Organization, 13 (1-2), 75-96. Lewis, R.D. (2006) When Cultures Collide: Managing successfully across Cultures, Nicolas Brealey Publishing. Mead, R. (2005) (3rd ed) International Management: Cross-Cultural Dimensions, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford. Melkman,A. and J.Trotman (2005) Training International Managers, Gower Publishing Ltd. Samovar, L. and R. Porter (2008) (12th ed) Intercultural Communicataion Wadsworth: Belmon, California. Schein, E.H. (2004) (3rd ed) Organizational Culture and Leadership, Jossey Bass: San Francisco
Tayeb, M. (2003) International Trompenaars, F. and Hampden-Turner, C. (1997) Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business, Nicholas Brealey Publishing: London.
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