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指导essay推荐题目:international and comparative entrepreneurship

论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-03-19 11:38:33 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

我的课程是international and comparative entrepreneurship.
The length of the essay must between 3500 and 4000 words. It may focus on a single country (preferably an emerging or transition economy) or be comparative in nature (discuss several countries). Essay topics should revolve around those discussed on the course.
Some examples might include:
• Challenges to firm formation and business growth
• The role of government in entrepreneurship and small business development
• Financing firm start-up and growth
• Social capital and business development
• Corruption, trust and entrepreneurial activity
• Challenges facing female entrepreneurs
• Differences between male and female entrepreneurs in terms of entrepreneurial orientation, social capital and/or business success
• Migrant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial opportunities
• The role of religion in entrepreneurial activity
• Innovation and market development
Please note that these topics are broad and will need to be developed by the student.

Essay guidance:

1. The topic should be clearly introduced and discussed throughout the essay.
2. Students must communicate why the topic is important to entrepreneurship.
3. Headings and sub-headings are required.
4. Signposting is required - this is where you signal to the reader, at the beginning of each section (after the heading or sub-heading), the direction the essay will take – e.g. “this section will discuss X, Y and Z”.
5. Students must show deep knowledge of, and an understanding for, the topic.
6. The material must be presented in a coherent fashion and with no typos.
7. Students must show evidence of wide reading.
8. References in the body of the essay and at the end of the essay must be written up correctly, consistently, and in the Harvard Style.
9. Please indicate the word length at the end of the essay.
Essays should be double-spaced and typed in a 12 font, Times New Roman.






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