如何写好essay语句-高分essay利器增加essay中的句式变化可以使essay更具有韵律,并更加具有吸引力。如果essay中一直都是同样句式的话会使读者感到很单调,千篇一律。而变化的句式和行文风格会使文章减少重复性,突击文章的重点。长句式适合在交代很多信息时使用,短句式适合突出重点,形成点睛之笔。下面具体用实例说明如何写好essay语句: 1.变化essay段落时要利用长句式与短句式的结合 在段落中的所有句子都是相同长度的话会使段落平淡无奇。而在段落中使用长短句式相结合的写作方式,会使段落产生魅力,并有效地突出段落重点。 下面用两个essay语句示例来解释一下变换方法。 例1: 原始版: The Winslow family visited Canada and Alaska last summer to find some native American art. In Anchorage stores they found some excellent examples of soapstone carvings. But they couldn't find a dealer selling any of the woven wall hangings they wanted. They were very disappointed when they left Anchorage empty-handed. 四个句子长度一样,主语全都是the Winslow family,这个段落如同流水账一样,阅读时使人昏昏欲睡。 改进版: The Winslow family visited Canada and Alaska last summer to find some native American art, such as soapstone carvings and wall hangings. Anchorage stores had many soapstone items available. Still, they were disappointed to learn that wall hangings, which they had especially wanted, were difficult to find. Sadly, they left empty-handed. 第一个长句子讲述了背景情况,时间地点人物事件全盘托出。第二个短句子突出了商店名称。第三个长句子讲述了这个段落的核心内容,他们此行的目的和最终结果。第四个短句子则是点睛之笔,使人感同身受。 例2: 原始版: Many really good blues guitarists have all had the last name King. They have been named Freddie King and Albert King and B.B. King. The name King must make a bluesman a really good bluesman. The bluesmen named King have all been very talented and good guitar players. The claim that a name can make a guitarist good may not be that far-fetched.#p#分页标题#e# 四个句子依然是一样长,而且太多重复是一个很大的问题,the name King和 bluesman在短短的段落中出现了太多次,阅读时使人感到混乱。 改进版: What makes a good bluesman? Maybe, just maybe, it's all in a stately name. B.B. King. Freddie King. Albert King. It's no coincidence that they're the royalty of their genre. When their fingers dance like court jesters, their guitars gleam like scepters, and their voices bellow like regal trumpets, they seem almost like nobility. Hearing their music is like walking into the throne room. They really are kings. 前三个句子基本将上面原始版的内容全部概括,并且是以更好的方式。第一个疑问句引起读者兴趣,第二三个句子给出了简明扼要的答案。第四五个句子增加了新的描写,作者的观点更加深入人心。最后依然用一个简洁有力的短句子作为结尾。 2.变化essay语句的开头 如果很多句子都用同一个词汇来开始的话,特别是The,It,This或者I这种词汇,那么散文就会让读者感到乏味。利用不同的词汇或者词组搭配不同的从句来开头,会使句子充满新鲜感。下面的示例列出了关于一个标准句式的不同变形。请注意不同的开头不仅带来了句式上的变化,还可以根据需要突出句子中的任意部分。 示例: 原句:
The biggest coincidence that day happened when David and I ended up sitting next to each other at the Super Bowl.
Coincidentally, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl.
In an amazing coincidence, David and I ended up sitting next to each other at the Super Bowl. Sitting next to David at the Super Bowl was a tremendous coincidence. But the biggest coincidence that day happened when David and I ended up sitting next to each other at the Super Bowl. When I sat down at the Super Bowl, I realized that, by sheer coincidence, I was directly next to David. By sheer coincidence, I ended up sitting directly next to David at the Super Bowl. With over 50,000 fans at the Super Bowl, it took an incredible coincidence for me to end up sitting right next to David. What are the odds that I would have ended up sitting right next to David at the Super Bowl? David and I, without any prior planning, ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl. Without any prior planning, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl. At the crowded Super Bowl, packed with 50,000 screaming fans, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other by sheer coincidence. Though I hadn't made any advance arrangements with David, we ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl. Many amazing coincidences occurred that day, but nothing topped sitting right next to David at the Super Bowl. Unbelievable, I know, but David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl. Guided by some bizarre coincidence, David and I ended up sitting right next to each other at the Super Bowl. 以上就结合实例说明essay写作中句式多样性策略,要获得高分essay,在essay语句用词上要狠下功夫! 有用推荐: 常用essay句型、句式 |