在国外留学的同学们可能会遇到Reflection Essay,也就是所谓的反思论文,考验的是我们的评判性思维能力。所以在写作Reflection Essay的时候,我们要考虑反思什么样的问题?自己的观点是怎样的,在写作之前最好整理一下自己的思路。那么Reflection该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。
写一个Personal Story,一件发生在你生命中的故事。这篇个人是感觉比较好写,直接写出这个故事,看似就容易多了。文章发挥的余地就比较大了,文章的中心点是以叙述要生动,抓住这个点写是绝对没有问题,让人有身临其境之感,就跟读小说似的,也分享一些写文章的经验及在文中需要改进的部分。
I have to say I was a very spoiled kid in my childhood. Brought up by my grandparents in a suburban area in Beijing, I was no doubt the apple in their eyes. My grandparents, with the most loving hearts on earth(How can you tell?Any Example?), treated me with extra love and care lest I felt slightly unhappy. They never blamed me when I did wrongs things, and with this indulgence which I took for granted, I grew more and more self-centered and wayward. At school, I was not a hard-working type of person, but all classes seemed really easy to me. (Why?You are smarter than others or your classes are too easy?)Teachers liked me because I could always get full points in exams. Classmates liked me because I could play the piano and accordion pretty well. (How does “playing an instrument” relate to “your classmates liked you”?Any relationship between these two?Or your classmates like music-oriented students?Explain.)And my neighbors always praised me with the biggest smiles ever when they saw me on the streets and told their kids to “learn from sister Tong.” (Why they did that?Why they praised you?)It seemed that I was the real model that parents set for their children in our district. All of these became my secret pride, which is not even worth mentioning when I looked back, but at that time, it was something powerful enough to float my boat (Avoid cliché!) and make an eight-year-old child quite proud and conceited.
I have to say I was a very spoiled kid in my childhood. Brought up by my grandparents in a suburban area in Beijing, I was the apple in their eyes. They treated me with so much love and care in daily life because they didn’t want me to feel slightly unhappy. They never let me do chores or help them with anything for fear of wasting my time. When my mom criticized me for doing something wrong, they would firmly stand by my side and “defend” my position, and sometimes they even quarreled with my mom. For my grandparents, it seemed that their granddaughter was always right, and her smallest concern should be taken care of. With this indulgence that I took for granted, I grew more and more self-centered and wayward.
At primary school, I was not a hard-working type of person. I just did the required homework and spent the rest of my spare time playing. But all classes seemed really easy to me. I won a lot of awards in math and composition, and despite those academic achievements, I was also good at singing, drawing, playing the piano and accordion. My teachers liked me because I could easily get high scores on exams. My classmates liked to be friends with me because they admired my versatility. I became popular among the kids in our district, and my neighbors, who had occasionally heard their children talk about me, always greeted me with broad smiles when they saw me on the streets and told their kids to “learn from sister Tong.” It seemed that I was the role model that parents set for their children in our district. All of these things became my secret pride, which is not even worth mentioning when I look back, but at that time, it was something powerful enough to make an eight-year-old child quite proud and conceited.
(2)避免Cliché!!!Cliché也就是老美们用烂的那些惯用语。这种短语能避免就避免,实际上也是避免不了的,所以他们才叫做Cliché 。比如写信、电影、文章中都会用到,对此这些短语被使用的特别很广泛,这些短语是你应该明白其他的含义就可能的少用,尤其是对英语学习者。对于Cliché专门列出了几个Cliché,想大家可以把它们改成新颖的表达方式,这样还挺有用的。Cliché呢是见一个积累一个,对于这些以后如果碰到就重新变改一种表达方式。
在这里面essay也是用了一些Cliché的,看过很多次文章才能找出那里的错误,因此在写文章是一定要多读几次,比如Float my boat,raining cats and dogs,moment of truth,fit as a fiddle这些都算Cliché,想必大家见到以后应该怎么避免了。
(3)Provide a bigger picture out of your personal story。你这篇essay,不要局限于你自己的故事,讲完就结束,要想让这个essay更有含金量,特别重要的不光就事论事还要一定要升华主旨,写一件事,你自然会得出一些道理,让人们站在更高的角度来理解把这些道理升,而是有了一种代表性,有一种由个体影射整个社会的意义,其实也要靠你自己的三寸不烂之舌。
从整体表达的reflection 作业写作,要经历阅读,写作,检查,在修改这几个环节,似乎每个环节都不可或缺的。留学生们不要为了完成阅读任务去读书,而是要在阅读过程中提取信息,做好笔记,然后在去记忆,最后再通过自己重新整合信息运用到自己的reflection作业写作当中去。
以上就是关于Reflection Essay写作的讲解,同学们在写作Reflection Essay的时候可以按照这样的写作思路去写,或许就可以写出一篇好的Reflection Essay。