国内教育体制和英国最大差异之一应该就是评分标准了。我们的许多评价标准都会被量化,很多作业、考试也都题目化,对错一目了然,得分情况基本无异议。而在英国,很多作业考试都是以论文或者开放式题目的形式进行,得分的高低,很大程度上取决于教师的主观评价。如果essay写的很好,但观点不被任何,也是不能得高分的。这也使得Essay要想的高分,除了内容要有闪光点,还要打动老师。那具体如何才能打动老师呢?首先我们来看英国essay的评分标准。 一、英国essay的评分标准 评分标准细则: 1.Whole Text:Task achievement 2.Structure & Argument: Development of ideas/argument Paragraph structure and coherence 3.Academic Conventions: Acknowledgement of sources In-text citations Reference list 4.Use of Sources: Understanding of sources Selection of sources 5.Cohesion: Range & Accuracy 6.Grammar: Range & Accuracy 7.Lexis/Vocabulary: Lexical Range & accuracy Discipline-related language Use of language 老师改完你的 draft 以后会发给你一个表格,每一栏会把你得分的区间高光。 英国打分不像国内是满分制100分,而是百分数,分级情况40%及格,40-50%中等,50-60%良好,60-70%优秀,70%以上是excellent。关于这个评分,不同学校,不同专业要求,不同老师喜好,老师打的分可能要写差别,有些老师高些,有些老师严些,本科和研究生好像也是有点区别的。但是70%以上确实是很好的,用我一个老师说的话,一个年级的平均分大概在50-58%之间,出现75%甚至80%甚至90%以上的一定要有第2个老师打分确认。 根据这个表格和老师的 comment 来修改和完成 essay,最终分数也会有一个这样的表格高光每一栏,如果对分数有疑问可以发邮件问老师,根据评分标准,每个评分标准得分综合为你的最后总分。 二、英国essay的格式要求 格式要求 Double-Spacing: Your text should be double-spaced. 有时候要求1.5倍行距,老师会说 Font: Arial Font Size: Titles- 14 point/ Main Body Text- 12 point (Use the same font size and font style throughout your assignment.) Page Numbers for Essay: Each page should be numbered at the bottom on the right Reference List for Essay: At the end of your essay put the sub-heading ‘References’. List in alphabetical order all of the materials you have referred to in your essay Cover Page for Essay: You should include a front cover page for your assignment. The Language Centre’s cover page is on the VLE in the assessment folder 三、如何写好英国essay 选题和题纲 关于选题,因为老师会给一些题目范围,可以从中选择自己比较了解的写,不过在写的过程中碰到无法解决的问题,不妨换个题目重新开始,不用一条路走到黑。 确定题目以后,需要写个题纲理清思路,大致分配一下各部分的字数,下面是一个关于 food security 的 sample. Essay outline Introduction - Context – why is this topic important? - Definition of key terms: food security, developing countries,developed countries - Overview of the essay structure - Your position / stance / view Main body 1 Factor 1 Not-for-profit regulatory systems Definition Developing countries - examples Developed countries - examples Similarities / differences Factor 2 (as factor 1) Factor 3 (as factor 1) Factor 4 (as factor 1) Main body 2 Section 1: Developing countries – comparedifferent factors Section 2: Developed countries – comparedifferent factors 这个plan比较简单,可以按自己的文章结构加东西变得更详细,写完 plan 就可以收集材料写 draft 了。用的最多的就是 Google 学术和学校图书馆网站,当然也可以在图书馆看纸质的书。 Referencing 首先,严格的学术论文不能出现 I think, in my opinion, my points, we, us,等等体现自己主观观点的词语和观点,因为我们作为学生毕竟不是一个领域的专家,还不能够在这种学生作业中出现自己观点,尤其作为主观点讨论。如果确实有自己的观点,就要拿捏分寸,放得位置(通常临结尾),说的分量,怎么说,个人建议,千万不要又说自己的观点,又很傻的用 I think 等明显不专业的词语。 除非论文的要求里有结合 your own experience 来谈。 再说简单的,也是中国学生初到英国最为不习惯而又要最为学会的——引用Referencing 一学即会的几种常用引用格式: 间接引用 ·It is noted (Lucy, 2000;Lily,2001) that..括号内作者姓Family name,作品年代 ·Lucy(2000)has said that··作者说,作者姓,紧接着作品年代 ·如果是两个作者 Lucy and Lily(2000)have argue that··· ·如果是多个作者Lucy et al.(2000)suggested that··通常情况如果作者过世,用过去时动词,否则不用 ·如果没有确切的作者,作者姓名用文章所在单位,比如BBC,比如某书的名字 xxx (2000)defines·· ·如果没有年代,则括号(no date) 特别特别强调和注意:区分直接引用!! 上述省略号内的内容是你用自己的话复述作者的观点,你可以总结,你可以用你的理解重新拆分句子结构重新组织语言表达作者的写的内容,这是间接引用。如果你是直接一次不差的引用,而是直接引用,及copy,则 ·Lucy (2000, p8)explains that ‘···’.引用里面是你直接抄的内容,括号内要注明这段内容的在书籍里面的位置,即页数即可。 注意哦:写好的文章会传到论文检测系统,文章里超过20%内容直接copy,你的文章就被视为剽窃,老师都不会看你的文章,直接重写,或者说严重,直接0分处理了。另外就是再次强调,用了别人的观点,一定要说是谁的,什么时候的,不写清楚,也是种剽窃,而老师打分时,这部分通常和这语言分占到20%。 Referencing的另一大头——Reference 即引用文献清单(有些课程要求是参考文献Bibliography,两者差别,Reference清单内容全是文中所用内容的出处,而参考文献是包括你看过的所有资料,即便没有在文中使用过。到底用Reference还是Bibliography根据老师要求而定)。 引用格式包括这个Reference的书写有不止一个版本,我们用的是一个叫哈佛系统的Reference书写格式。不同引用格式在作者名字,还有些标点,字体格式上有一定的出入。注意作者名字,字体,年代,文章名字,来自书的名字,报刊名字。 Eg. 引用Book BAUMAN, Zygmunt and MAY,Tim (2001). Thinking sociologically. Oxford, Blackwell. 如果你看的是电子版Book BAUMAN, Zygmunt and MAY,Tim (2001). Thinking sociologically. [online].Oxford, Blackwell.Book from Netlibrary last accessed 29 April 2012 at:http://(不写完了,格式就是这样) 引用来自权威网站#p#分页标题#e#Online BBC NEWS (2011). Work to begin on new £10m swimming pool in Wakefield, 4 June. [online]. Last accessed 15 November 2011 at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-13654153 引用来自学术Journal ZHANG, Jianli, WANG, Zhangming, and XU, Jinyao (2008). Capital possession and grassroots sport participation. Journal of Sports and Science, 29(4), 10-14. 文章来自学术Journal,读的是电子在线版 BAMBERY, Chris (1996). Marxism and sport. [online]. International Socialism Journal. (73), 35-55. Article from Socialist Review and International Socialism Journal Index last accessed 15 November 2011 at: http://pubs.socialistreviewindex.org.uk/isj73/bambery.htm Critical thinking 再说一下 Critical thinking,这是说看待一个问题,应该从不同人,不同角度去看,事情并非总是非一即二的二元论。 The following questions may be usefully asked about any text you are reading: Purpose and background Why are you reading this text? What is your purpose? What type of text is it: research report, essay, textbook, book review? What do you know about the subject of the text? What else has been written on the subject of the text? What controversies exist in this area? How does this text fit in? The author and the text Who is the author? What do you know about the author? What authority does the author have? Who is the intended audience? What is the author's purpose? Why has the text been written? What is the source of the text? Is it reputable? Who is the publisher? What reputation to they have? What is the date of publication? Is it appropriate to the argument? What is the writer's attitude towards the topic? What conclusions are drawn? Evidence used Is there a clear distinction between fact and opinion? Is evidence used to support arguments? How good is the evidence? Are all the points supported? In an experimental study, was the sample size adequate and are the statistics reliable? Are there any unsupported points? Are they well-known facts or generally accepted opinions? How does the writer use other texts and other people's ideas? Are the writer's conclusions reasonable in the light of the evidence presented? How do the conclusions relate to other similar research? Assumptions made What assumptions has the writer made? Are they valid? What beliefs or values does the writer hold? Are they explicit? Look at the language that is used, e.g. active/passive verbs, nominalisations, pronouns, ergative verbs, articles, etc. Look for emphatic words such as it is obvious, definitely and of course. Look for hedges: possible, might, perhaps. Look for emotional arguments, use of maximisers: completely, absolutely, entirely, or minimisers: only, just, hardly, simply, merely. How else could the text have been written? 能想完这些问题,再也不用担心自己没有 Critical thinking 啦~~ |