
The CEO of the Apple has announced a share buybacks plan to meet the need of the excess cash on 19th of March, 2012, which is similar to the situation in 2004 for the leading software company Microsoft. In addition, IBM has made the same decisions in the 1980s (Abuaf, 2012). Recently, IBM has announced the other share buyback plan in April 2012; the goal is to increase the dividend. Why these famous companies are making these decisions on the share buyback?
In the article, the author has looked at the performance of the Apple over the last few years in the Balance sheet on annual report of the Apple. During the Fiscal Year 2011, the amount of the cash has dramatically increased by $ 31Billion globally, the oversea operation has contributed the totally $ 24 Billion which was approximately 80% of the Apple’s operations. Apple also said that, a large amount of cash in the overseas, and if repatriated, money to pay a hefty tax. Officials said, the fund dividend and stock repurchase plan will be from domestic cash reserves.In addition, the Apple still generated another $ 16Billion in the first quarter in Fiscal Year 2012. That means that, the apple has the sufficient money to operate the Apple locally and overseas. How to deal with this huge amount of the money? The duty of the senior manager such as CEO is to allocate the capital sufficient, which means that distributed the capital, other words, pay the dividends or share buyback.
In the CEO of Apple’s plan, the $45 Billion of its domestic cash are spent over the three places, in the terms of the dividends whichwere more than 10 Billion, share repurchases and net-share-setting vesting restricted Stock Units.
What is reaction after the announcement? Of course this announcement has attracted the attentions of the new investors; the stock price is as higher as $705 on September 21, 2012. The reasons are that the Apple is willing to pay more dividends and shares buybacks. However, on April 19, 2013, the share price is as lower as the $385 over the time, which is close to the half on the higher price $705. In addition, on the balancesheet, the current value of the liquid asset is reached 121.3 Billion and $10.7 Billion in Cash and cash equivalents. Furthermore, $18.4 billion in short-term marketable securities, and $92.1 billion in long-term marketable securities are disclosed in the Fiscal Year 2012. From the Figures on the Annual report, the senior manager CEO is allocated the capital to the long-term marketing securities. Apparently, the share buyback plan is only be benefit in the short-term rather than long-term, because the potentialshareholder would like to benefit in the long time, they also paid willing to keep shares with them. At the same time, the Apple has also announced the plan to return capital to the shareholders that is a total of $100 Billion by the end of calendar 2015.
During this time, the Apple has considered the new plan $100 Billion the largest single stock repurchase program. To face with the dropped shares price, senior managers’ duty to allocate the capital structures over the time to meet the need of the current and potential investors. At the same time, the rating agencies should fully oversight the capital structure over the balance sheet and share price over the time. If the capital structure is reasonable, they would like to supportive; if not, they are not supportive.
The company share repurchase in normal times, not just at the beginning and the end, return over a period of time effect and price fluctuations. Effective measures of repurchase, how successful company in the stock repurchases time. It accounts for the difference between the repo rate of return on investment and market performance based on the buyback strategy. Under the company to buy back shares price movements have a validity of positive repurchase; those who buy these trends have a negative image.
Lazonick (2013) stated that Apple has announced that it plans to use the “battlefield”, a dividend and stock repurchase plan. The program will be more than three years of implementation, and using of about $45,000,000,000. The company will start a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share. Executive Officer of Apple Tim Cook has stated that the move will give existing shareholders of current income. A 10 billion USD of stock repurchase, at the same time, it will begin in fiscal year 2013, began on 30th of July. The main purpose, apple said, is to neutralize dilution from employee stock purchase plan for future grant employee stock effect. In 2012 apple paid a bonus of $2.5 million in the fourth quarter, for the first time since the company dividends in 1996, Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs returned to the company after 11 years of absence. The company also paid a bonus of $2.5 million in the first quarter of 2012 ( as of 29th December). In 2012, Apple’s board of directors authorized the executive buying back up to $10 billion of the company’s stock of the beginning of 2013 fiscal year. In 2013, in the first quarter, Apple made nearly $2 billion of share repurchase, about ten percent nominal dollar earlier than all the company repurchase, most of the repurchase was completed in the “Apple” era between 1986 and 1993.

“Apple pans part of the cash to make our business a great investment, by strengthening the research, development and acquisition; it opened a new retail store; optimize supply chain strategy and capital expenditure, and established our infrastructure.” Even with these investments, Apple can maintain a strategic opportunity. Apple will launch the dividend and share repurchase program.
As can be seen in the Appendix A, the Figure has defined that the share price is as much higher in 2012, therefore, the investors’ confidential is the most important in the investment markets.
Abuaf, N. (2012). Excess Cash and Shareholder Payout Strategies. Journal Of Applied Corporate Finance, 24(3), 39-54. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6622.2012.00388.x
Lazonick, W., Mazzucato, M., & Tulum, Ö. (2013). Apple’s changing business model: What should the world’s richest company do with all those profits?. Accounting Forum, 37(The Apple Business Model: Value Capture and Dysfunctional Economic and Social Consequences), 249-267. doi:10.1016/j.accfor.2013.07.002