大多数学术工作的基础是撰写一篇ESSAY的能力。尽管这听起来很明显,但这是大多数学生都需要提升的技能。我们中没有一个人天生就有能力撰写一篇能够有效解决给定主题的ESSAY,并充分支持有证据的论点。不用担心,因为这些技能是可以学习的。本文着手定义撰写主题ESSAY所需的所有主要技能,无论您是获得主题还是选择自己的主题ESSAY。 您需要撰写的ESSAY类型在一定程度上取决于您从事的特定领域,但是一般的结构要点对所有主题都适用。写一篇好的ESSAY的第一个也是最重要的方面是研究ESSAY的问题。对问题进行仔细分析作为好的ESSAY基础的重要性不可高估。尽管如此,令人惊讶的是,有多少学生简单地写下了他们对某个学科的了解,却没有提到问题的实质。同时,在论证的过程中,请确保您继续进行核对,以查看是否在回答问题,而不仅仅是发泄关于给定主题的所有知识。 ![]() 在开始撰写之前,您都需要研究批评意见。如果您被分配了一个主题,那么将为您概述诸如文本选择,字数和样式之类的内容,但是,如果您是“从头开始”,则需要自己做出这些决定,而只需更改它们即可以后如果您的研究表明需要覆盖除您最初计划之外的其他领域。 1. 重新思考标题 Having thought carefully about what you are being asked to do the next stage is to ensure you are not committing plagiarism. Plagiarism is a major concern and it is easy to do without meaning to. It's simple to forget where your ideas start and someone else's end. Try to strike a balance between finding evidence that supports your own ideas and those which appear to contradict you. A good essay will present a balanced case and display an awareness of all points of view (within reason), not just those that agree with your own! It is a good idea to compile an alphabetical list of all books used during your research stage as this will save time with your referencing and bibliography later, as you will have kept track of where you sourced your evidence. Remember to present this in the academic style required by your school as, for example, there is a considerable difference between Harvard referencing and MLA. We recommend that you seek advice on the referencing style required before starting your research. A good tip to remember when referencing is that, although most referencing styles will allow for the use of abbreviations, the first time a book is quoted the full details should be given. 2.1 Introduction 介绍 无论选择哪种方法,请记住,介绍是考官将要阅读的第一条陈述。同样,这听起来很明显,但是许多学生对介绍感到粗心,要么说得太多,要么说得太少。一个好的介绍清楚地列出了您对该主题的回答以及您将如何表达该回答。 It is commonly agreed that quotation should be omitted from your introduction as this is where you are going to say what your response is, not that of others. Remember to keep your introduction short and to the point, ending with a 'feed' into the opening paragraph of the main body of your essay. 2.2. Main Body 主体部分 在论文的主体中,每个段落都应基于论文主要主题的一个独立(但相关)方面。 Following the plan, you made earlier, write each paragraph as though it were under a sub-heading to the main title and supplement each of your points with the evidence you have collected. Students are often unsure about the length of paragraphs but, although there is no hard and fast rule, it is a good idea to keep them to four or five sentences. 支持您的陈述是至关重要的,就文学论文而言,也应分析这些证据。 This means that you should comment on individual words and/or phrases that seem to be of particular interest or importance. Analysis of this kind should not only get you extra marks but may also suggest additional lines of thought which may be helpful, if relevant to the main argument. 论据不应太长。 Never quote more than a few lines at most, except in exceptional circumstances, and ensure you adhere to the referencing style you have been requested to use. It is usual to indent longer quotations and set them out on a separate line, single-spaced, following a colon. Shorter quotations, of one line or less, should be incorporated within the text and enclosed with quotation marks. 尝试在文章主体的每个段落结尾加上下一个“钩”,即介绍下一个段落主题的想法。 Follow this up by opening the next paragraph with reference to the link, this will help your essay to flow better and seem to be establishing a pattern which will ultimately lead to your conclusion. Paragraphs should move on using the basis of furthering the argument. This can be achieved in several ways: Sequential writing顺序写作 - where one event follows naturally from another Elaborative writ精巧的写作ing - where you develop a point made previously Contrasting/comparing对比/比较 - where an idea contradicts or questions a point in a preceding paragraph这些只是一些想法。还有更多,您的选择可能取决于您要构建的论文/论据的类型。 2.3. Conclusion结论 结论应该是您的论点的总结。 It is not uncommon for students to lose marks by presenting an abrupt conclusion (usually due to a shortage of space) which can overlook the implications of the overall argument, its future development, or unavoidable contractions/omissions. It is acceptable to use quotations in conclusions but do not introduce new ideas at this stage. By now, your reader should have been given such a strong sense of your central argument and no further information is necessary. Your conclusion is space to give generic context to your specific thesis and to tie up any loose ends which you feel have occurred during the writing of the essay. 2.4 Referencing 参考文献 学术工作需要参考。 Put simply, this means declaring the sources which you have used as part of your research, evidence, or justification for your arguments. Referencing is vital, both to improve the strength of the arguments you make, and to ensure you are not plagiarizing the work of others, in any academic work. 引用样式有很多不同的种类,遵循课程或模块手册中提供的特定指南非常重要。 Some of the most popular referencing styles are Harvard; Footnotes; APA; OSCOLA; and Oxford. In general, there are two common formats for referencing styles: author-date and notes-bibliography. The author-date system provides the authors surname and date of publishing in the body of the work, for example. The notes-bibliography referencing style consists of footnotes or endnotes which are numbered and correspond with a superscripted citation number in the body of the work, this is then followed by a bibliography which provides full details of each footnote or endnote. If you're struggling with referencing, refer to your module handbook first, in order to find the correct style, and then take a look at our referencing guide for the necessary style. Other pages related to this section: APA Reference Generator Harvard Reference Generator Vancouver Reference Generator 2.5 Writing style写作方式 您的大学极有可能就论文的写作风格设定更多指导方针。您应该在提供的说明中找到所有这些指南,请注意,大学之间存在相当大的差异。 There are, however, some rather common stylistic instructions that you will more than likely be provided as most universities require essays to be typed and double-spaced using size 12 font in 'Times New Roman'. One instruction that you may not be provided is that, as a general rule, you should not write in first person unless specifically asked to do so i.e. avoid the use of phrases such as 'I think' or 'in this essay I am going to'. Rather, allow your essay to reflect a personal perception whilst being presented in an objective manner. It is useful to look at how professional writers construct essays to gain style tips though remember, do not plagiarize under any circumstances as this is sure to be detected. Plagiarism is also unfair on the writer whose ideas you are stealing, and ultimately, is self-defeating. It is also important that you do not use colloquial (slang) expressions, stick to Standard English throughout. Lists are not a good idea, either, unless the essay specifically requires them, as they can appear to be rushed or a truncated way of presenting a lot of information without sufficient explanation. Be careful to note any guidance on the information required on your cover sheet - this often includes, your name, the module, your candidate ID and the lecturer's name. 3. Final checks最终检查 论文完成后,请通读以检查错误。 As mentioned above, it can be useful to ask someone who has not seen your work to proof-read it for you. You can also try reading your work aloud as, when reading, we only tend to see what we expect to see and typographical errors can easily be overlooked. Correct any errors before handing in your work, otherwise you are throwing marks away.#p#分页标题#e# 确保已正确引用所有引号,并根据要求您遵守的风格要求完成了参考书目。 Your bibliography is very important as evidence of your research and wider reading, and to demonstrate that you recognize the importance of acknowledging sources. A bibliography should never be a rushed, last-minute task, but rather should evolve naturally, as your research does. As previously stated, noting full publication details of every book you consult at the time will help enormously with this. Other pages related to this section与本节相关的其他页面: How to Format a Bibliography And finally. Remember that your essay is a response to a suggested idea. Different academic disciplines will, of course, require different content but no matter what you are writing about your argument should be clear, coherent, well-referenced, and appropriately structured. You need to follow any instructions carefully, especially those relating to style and word count. Bear in mind that, although you are answering a question, you are writing to engage a reader's interest so try to combine thorough, factual, research with an engaging and interesting style - it is your aim to compile an essay that will both inform and entertain. Think of the engagement of your reader's interest as a challenge which your essay will meet. Remember, your essay will be one of many that is read by your tutor/teacher/examiner and making your work stand out is an obstacle to overcome! 写一篇好的ESSAY的能力是一项很难掌握但并非不可能的技能,一旦获得,甚至可以成为一种享受:“祝你好运”! ![]() 范文 Brand management project: Jetstar Airways Introduction Jetstar Airways was established by Qantas in 2003 and is an airline that put an emphasis on low cost airfares (Seatmaestro, n.d.). Jetstar’s idea was to have an airline that provided cheap airfares an no frills for their customers. There were also other airlines that were targeting consumers looking for inexpensive flights. This was being done by Qantas’s competitor, Virgin Blue. Jetstar Airways, along with Jetstar Asia, Jetstar Pacific and Jetstar Japan are part of the Jetstar Group which is one of Asia Pacific’s fastest growing airlines (Jetstar, n.d.). In 2004, Jetstar commenced its domestic operations in Australia (Jetstar, n.d.). The following year, Jetstar started operating flights to Christchurch, New Zealand from Sydney Australia. It wasn’t until 2009 that Jetstar offered domestic flights within New Zealand. In 2006, Jetstar showed Australia their innovation by being the first airline to allow their customers to select their seats when booking their flights (Seatmaestro, n.d.). Jetstar’s innovation didn’t stop there, in 2010 they went on to be the first airline to offer Apple iPad’s for inflight entertainment (Seatmaestro, n.d.). Seeking new ways to offer customers an enhanced experience, Jetstar introduced 5 turboprop Bombardier Q300 for their New Zealand regional services in December 2015 (Seatmaestro, n.d.). Today, Jetstar’s fleet across Australia and New Zealand consists of 72 aircrafts (Jetstar, n.d.). Jetstar had a rocky start when they launched in New Zealand. There were delays to their flights on the day of the launch and months that followed (Bradley, 2015). Along with the delays, they faced public backlash with customer complaints coming in strong. A website and Facebook page were created for disgruntled customers to share their complaints and urge others not to fly with Jetstar. “Between flights not departing or arriving on time, extra fees, no free food, and customers saying that they were receiving poor service, their reputation in New Zealand was not the best.” (McQuillian, 2015). In response to the many customer complaints, Jetstar put their focus towards changing its image in New Zealand. This change to the brand involved communicating with their customers how low-cost airlines operate, promoting their increased functionally and contributing to the New Zealand environment. This promoted the Jetstar brand as more mature after its rocky start six years prior in 2009 (Bradley, 2015). Internal Elements of the Brand Brand Vision Jetstar’s brand vision is to “make the world more accessible” (Jetstar, n.d.). This vision sets the tone of Jetstar’s culture, expressing that they are an affordable airline. The vision communicates their aspirational goal which is to provide an opportunity for people to fly wherever they want, whenever they want at all times at a very affordable and realistic price. (Jetstar, n.d.). This sets Jetstar apart from their competitors and defines why they exist. After Air New Zealand announced that they were dropping its New Zealand regional flights prices, Jetstar were quick to respond. Sticking to their vision, they offered consumers to beat any fare by 10% . Values Jetstar’s brand values are “being safe and responsible, being efficient, having a consistently can-do attitude, working as one team, being passionate about enjoyment and genuinely caring” (Jetstar, n.d.). These values attribute to the culture of Jetstar. They underpin positive behaviors that distinguish their brand. These values also support Jetstar’s strategic vision to be the best low fare airline (Qantas Group, 2018). Beliefs A brand belief is something that people can admire and respond to, a way to connect with consumers (Bembridge, 2012). Jetstar’s brand beliefs are diversity, collaboration and inclusion (Jetstar, n.d.). These beliefs are a strength to Jetstar as they enable people to feel as though they belong and are valued regardless of their differences. Understanding that everyone is unique and implementing an inclusive ethos has worked well as a business strategy for Jetstar. Jetstar works hard to meet the needs of their customers and also the well-being of the Jetstar staff. (Caballero, 2016, as cited in Llopis, 2018). Therefore, these beliefs aid Jetstar’s brand as authentic and open. Language the Brand Commonly uses The language that Jetstar commonly uses is reinforcement of their low-costs. In their advertising, public relations and social media, they are constantly re-iterating that they provide low fares which makes the world more accessible. Jetstar use this language to help execute high-impact communication with their consumers about their affordability. This language helps to develop the feeling and understanding that with Jetstar you get only what you need and pay for in order to keep fares low and the world at your fingertips. The tone of language that Jetstar uses to establish their brand personality is upbeat colloquial. Their ads are casual and fun, using everyday people with the odd joke to engage with their audience. Brand Behavior As Jetstar focuses on leisure markets, their customers only pay for what they need. They do not offer anything additional such as tea and coffee without the customer having to pay for this service. This behavior is how Jetstar keep their flights at low-cost . As well as providing low-cost airfares, Jetstar also strive to provide high level of customer satisfaction in everything they do (Jetstar, n.d.). To achieve customer satisfaction, Jetstar have a 10-point customer guarantee; Your safety is our highest priority We commit to provide the lowest fares with our ‘Price Beat Guarantee’* Our team are always here to help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week We’ll let you know your choices if your flight is changed before you travel We’ll keep you updated and provide options if things don’t go to plan on the day You will get what you paid for You can have confidence in how quickly we will respond to an issue You can have confidence in how quickly we will refund your money We share your passion for protecting our environment We commit to the privacy of your personal information (Jetstar, n.d.) Theses 10 points center around providing open, and honest customer service. Listed at number one on the 10-points is safety. Safety is something Jetstar take very seriously and have as their highest priority. “Safety is of the utmost importance and there is always ongoing effort to improve and ensure injuries, illness, accidents and incidents are prevented. This is done by implementing successful safety management systems, high caliber processes and a robust safety culture” (Qantas Group, 2018). This behavior of Jetstar has seen them ranked as one of the top 10 safest low-cost carriers in the world for 2018 as rated by an aviation safety and product rating website Airlineratings.com (“World’s safest airlines for 2018: Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin Australia”, 2018). Another way that Jetstar uses to provide customer service is adopting latest technology. They were the first airline to provide online seat select and offer inflight entertainment on iPad. More recently, they have adopted artificial intelligence technology to provide their customers with a virtual assistant. Jetstar’s virtual assistant, Jess, can answer customer queries immediately. “We acknowledge that time is precious for all of our customers and Ask Jess is a great tool that quickly and efficiently answers any questions that our customers may have (Koczkar, 2018, as cited in Jetstar, 2018). Jess operated on both the Jetstar website and Facebook page. Launching these technologies helps Jetstar to deliver to their customers. In conclusion, Jetstar’s brand behavior is based on their customers and on safety. #p#分页标题#e# Customer Perception of the Brand Although Jetstar’s strategies are customer focused, they do not have the reputation to follow. Customers perceive Jetstar as a budget airline that doesn’t care for their customers. In 2017 Jetstar was rated the worst airline in the world in a global study based on over 100 airlines (‘Jetstar rated worst airline in the world’, 2017). In the article “Jetstar rated worst airline in the world” (2017), the Newshub reporter mentioned the study “found that more than a third of people who flew with Jetstar were unsatisfied with their service for a number of reasons. There were disruptions from flight cancellation and some passengers were having to wait up four hours after their expected departure time before they actually flew. In response to this study, Jetstar hit back claiming the study lacked veracity. There have been reports of people experiencing terrible customer service with one passenger being asked about her pregnancy when she wasn’t pregnant at all (McQuillian, 2015). Another common complaint about Jetstar’s service was their lack of punctuality with flights being delayed or cancelled. Despite this poor punctual reputation, Jetstar was named New Zealand’s most punctual domestic airline in 2013 (“Jetstar continues to back its performance—and try to change perceptions—with the Punctuality Promise”, 2014). In 2014 Jetstar offered their customers a $25 voucher if they were on a domestic flight that arrived more than 10 minutes after it was expected to. This voucher was available for eight days. This was a strategy that Jetstar tried in order to change people’s minds about Jetstar being an unreliable airline (Jetstar continues to back its performance—and try to change perceptions—with the Punctuality Promise”, 2014). Whilst Jetstar has made efforts to improve the way their brand is perceived; they still have a while to go before they will reach the required perception to match their values. References Bembridge, G. (2012, June 14). Can A Brand Belief Help You To Be More Successful In Today’s Tough Environment?. Retrieved from: https://tweakyourbiz.com/marketing/can-a-brand-belief-help-you-to-be-more-successful-in-todays-tough-environment Bradley, G. (204, December 17). Jetstar sheds low-cost image. New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/ Centre of Aviation. (n.d.). Jetstar Airways. Retrieved from: https://centreforaviation.com/data/profiles/airlines/Jetstar-airways-jq Jetstar continues to back its performance—and try to change perceptions—with the Punctuality Promise. (2014, September 23). Retrieved from StopPress: https://stoppress.co.nz/ Jetstar. (n.d.). Customer Guarantee. Retrieved from Jetstar: https://www.Jetstar.com/nz/en/customer-guarantee Jetstar. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from: https://www.Jetstar.com/nz/en/home?culture=en-NZ&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_Campaign=nz_always-on_Brand-|-Pure-Brand-|-Exact_Google_search&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy-WAvP-_4gIV2TUrCh2JcweoEAAYAiAAEgJnH_D_BwE Jetstar. (n.d.). Jetstar Airways. Retrieved from: https://www.Jetstar.com/nz/en/about-us/Jetstar-group/Jetstar-airways Jetstar. (n.d.). Life at Jetstar. Retrieved from: https://www.Jetstar.com/sg/en/careerportal/life-at-Jetstar Jetstar. (n.d.). What drives us. Retrieved from Jetstar: https://www.Jetstar.com/au/en/careers/what-drives-us Jetstar. (n.d.). Who we are. Retrieved from: https://www.Jetstar.com/au/en/careers/who-we-are Lake, D. (2019, February 26). Air New Zealand announces new domestic air fares. Retrieved from: https://www.newshub.co.nz/ Llopis, G. (2016, April 23). Is Diversity Good For Business? Retrieved from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/glennllopis/2016/04/23/is-diversity-good-for-business/#6aec91214a40 McQuillian, L. (2015, October 29). You get what you pay for, but does Jetstar deserve its bad reputation?. Stuff. Retrieved from: https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/travel-troubles/73470685/ Price war: Jetstar pledges to beat Air NZ airfares by 10 per cent. (2019, February 27). New Zealand Herald. Retrieved from: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/ Qantas Group. (2018). Business Practice Document. Retrieved from: https://www.qantas.com.au/ Seat Maestro. (n.d.). History of Jetstar Airways. Retrieved from: https://www.seatmaestro.com/airlines-seating-maps/Jetstar-airways/history/ SloganList. (n.d.). Jetstar Airways Slogans List. Retrieved from: https://www.sloganlist.com/airlines-slogans/Jetstar-Airways-Slogans.html World’s safest airlines for 2018: Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin Australia. (2018, January 05). Retrieved from: https://www.news.com.au/ |