essay写作格式规范需要注意哪些呢?对于很多同学而言,得到学术论文(academic essay)高分是件比较困难的事情。想要得到高分,首先要做的事情就是明晰什么样的essay能获得高分。因此,了解essay写作规范是一件至关重要的准备工作。那essay写作都有哪些格式规范呢?今天,小编从四个essay评判方向,分别是argument,organization,evidence和mechanic,为你解析在essay写作过程中需要注意的格式规范,帮助你获得满意的成绩。
![]() essay写作规范 一、Argument 第一条essay评估标准就是argument.一篇优秀的essay一定会明确地告诉读者:这篇essay想要表达什么样的核心思想/论点(what it wants to say)?为什么会产生这样的论点(why it wants to say it)?因此,在写作的过程中,需要时刻注意,你写的每一个段落都想给读者表达什么观点?你支持该论点的理由是什么? 以一篇经济类essay范文为例:Liquidity Has Been Known As The Ability Liquidity has been known as the ability of bank to fulfil their financial obligations when they come due. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1997) defined liquidity risk as the inability of bank to decrease in liabilities or fund up assets. A bank with insufficient liquidity is unable convert its asset into fund promptly without a huge reduction on the assets price. A bank which maintaining high liquidity is always welcomed by regulators as the illiquidity of bank assets has been considered as causes of banking failure (Financial Services Authority, 2002). Indeed, the increases in liquidity make banks less vulnerable to liquidity shock and therefore promote the creditworthiness of banks to higher level. A higher creditworthiness of bank could consider as an advantage to attract more demand deposit and accept more loans. Nevertheless, an earlier study of Wagner (2007) provided that an increasing in liquidity of banks not only change their stability but change their behaviours toward risk taking as well. The increasing in liquidity does improve the stability and profit of banks initially. However, it does not affect the probability of default as overall. The main reason is when a bank increases liquidity, it makes a crisis less costly for bank as well. A higher liquidity could be considered as reduction in the discount if bank loan needs to be sold in crisis. Therefore, banks tend to increase risk taking in order to gain higher profit. Meanwhile, the high stability advantage has been offset by new risks. Diamond and Rajan (1999) explained the bank role of bank as a liquidity provider to the depositor through liquidity creation. Liquid creation is essential in order to fulfill demand of liquidity by depositor at an inconvenient time and prevent a fire sale due to inadequate of liquidity. Banks lend out the fund it received from depositor and lend out to entrepreneur to earn interest profit. However, loans are considered as partial liquidity assets due to its low sale price before maturity. The liquidity risk arise when bank need funds to fulfill their financial obligation. In order to finance a large project with huge amount of money, bank could become intermediaries, whom called as banker. The banker can transform the illiquid loans into more liquid demand deposit (Diamond and Dybvig, 1983). The project would be financed by many banks or depositors. If any depositor has liquidity needs, the banker can refinance by issuing new demand deposits. Further, the conversion of illiquid loans into demand deposit could be considered as a shield to borrowers since it provides liquidity for both lender and borrower. Previous studies seldom focused on the impact of liquidity towards bank performance. This research study is therefore focus on the impact of liquidity towards performance of Malaysia Commercial bank. 在该篇essay的标题,作者明确表示了本篇essay的核心论点:流动性被认为是一种能力(Liquidity)。在作者的introduction中,第一句就再次点明了本篇标题。在introduction最后一句话也进一步说明本篇essay将具体论述什么核心论点(on the impact of liquidity towards performance of Malaysia Commercial bank.)。此外,第二段说明了为什么流动性是一种能力(A bank which maintaining high liquidity is always welcomed by regulators as the illiquidity of bank assets has been considered as causes of banking failure)。第三段引用早期对于流动性利弊的研究,之后论述增强流动性具体会带来哪些影响(改变银行的稳定性和风险承担行为)。 二、Organization 一篇优秀的essay在organization上指得是‘每一段都以一种连贯的方式来支持主要论点,并且有清晰的过渡,即指出了为什么每一个新段落都跟随着前一段。’仍然以Liquidity Has Been Known As The Ability这篇essay为例: A bank which maintaining high liquidity is always welcomed by regulators as the illiquidity of bank assets has been considered as causes of banking failure (Financial Services Authority, 2002). Indeed, the increases in liquidity make banks less vulnerable to liquidity shock and therefore promote the creditworthiness of banks to higher level. A higher creditworthiness of bank could consider as an advantage to attract more demand deposit and accept more loans. Nevertheless, an earlier study of Wagner (2007) provided that an increasing in liquidity of banks not only change their stability but change their behavior toward risk taking as well. The increasing in liquidity does improve the stability and profit of banks initially. However, it does not affect the probability of default as overall. The main reason is when a bank increases liquidity, it make a crisis less costly for bank as well. A higher liquidity could be considered as reduction in the discount if bank loan need to be sold in crisis. Therefore, banks tend to increase risk taking in order to gain higher profit. Meanwhile, the high stability advantage has been offset by new risks. 该essay的目的是研究流动性有哪些影响,那么第一段说明流动性对于银行有哪些有利的影响,而第二段用nevertheless进行转折说明流动性对于银行有哪些不利影响及成因。这两段的自然过渡体现了作者批判性的写作结构。 三、Evidence Evidence指得是一篇优秀的essay能够有具体的例子来支撑作者的观点或立场。同时,还能说明这些例子的来源及重要性。例如,‘Nevertheless, an earlier study of Wagner (2007) provided that an increasing in liquidity of banks not only change their stability but change their behavior toward risk taking as well. ’所举的案例是Wagner在2007年的研究。引用这篇研究的作用是为了说明作者的观点‘The increasing in liquidity does improve the stability and profit of banks initially. However, it does not affect the probability of default as overall.’。 四、Mechanics 好的essay在Mechanics上体现在正确的拼写和标点符号;准确的引用格式;规范化的语法和合理的措辞等。因此,在写完全篇essay之后,需要多多检查这些格式上的问题。 ![]() essay写作规范 以上就是essay写作格式规范的解析,说明了什么样的文章算是一篇优质essay。相信大家看完这些规范及示例后能够更有信心地写好一篇essay。写出一篇优质高分的essay需要在argument,organization, evidence和mechanics上有卓越的表现。因此,想在essay上得高分仍然是有些困难得。不过,本平台会为大家提供卓越的专业指导,帮助你渡过essay写作难关,更轻松地获取高分。欢迎咨询本平台,我们将为大家的学业助一臂之力,更轻松地取得理想成绩! |