指导澳洲Term paper,Term paper on Malpractice
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In the healthcare industry the biggest problem that is never-ending is malpractice. Where
you have physicians and people in the health care profession who are failing to do their
duty as caretakers and lifesavers. The standard of care is what is top priority, but when
you have doctors or health care professionals causing injury whether temporary or
permanent or eventually causing someone’s death someone is liable for that. Annually
doctors and health care professionals pay thousands and thousands of dollars in
malpractice insurance premiums which has caused many doctors to retire early from their
careers because of the rising cost of insurance which is putting them out of business.
Malpractice is beyond a medical procedure error, but malpractice suits have been taken
out in other areas as well from sexual misconduct to incompetence and misprescribing
medications that have caused severe side effects that caused physical and mental damage
or death. There are cases where doctors have sexually assaulted female patients on the
exam table when under a heavy dose of anesthetics during a medical procedure and being
drunk or high while performing minor and major surgical procedures. People have sued
because there are cases where people were examined and x-rayed to discover that they
have a surgical tool imbedded in their body that the doctor didn’t remove during the
surgery that was performed. A case that was reported was someone had an appendectomy
operation and the doctor who performed the surgery was legally drunk and didn’t realize
that as he was closing up his patient she had a pair of scissors used to cut sutures with
imbedded in her gastrointestinal tract. Doctors can make life threatening errors like
dropping surgical instruments into a patients body and stitching them up not realizing
they’re stitching up their instrument stuck inside of someone at the same time.
Many doctors make errors because they’re not updated on their area of specialty
including their board certification of their medical specialty. Many doctors are losing
their medical license because of minor and major errors that cost not only themselves, but
the hospital for which many procedures have taken place at millions of dollars in legal
指导澳洲Term paper,Term paper on Malpractice
settlements with the patients and/or their families who file lawsuits against the doctor and
hospitals. Many hospitals suffer greatly financially because malpractice suits create rising
costs for many health care facilities and hospitals. The biggest suits that come are the
ones stemming from neglect and nursing homes get these kind of malpractice suits all the
time because the standard of care is so poor mainly in inner cities and places where the
patients are declared low income or poor. Many of them are put into the care of doctors
and nurses who just care for them because they’re just another patient instead of
dedicating his or her skill to the quality of care that every patient is entitled to receive.
Malpractice occurs everyday in all parts of the country and world especially in places
like many foreign countries where it’s not regulated and documented by a medical board.
The state and national medical boards here in the United States get reports every of a
doctor or nurse’s negligent behavior on the job caring for patients. Nurses take up the
bulk of where doctor’s leave off basically cleaning up the mess and dealing with the
scraps. Nurses don’t cover each other in areas of neglect and malpractice which results in
a lot of high turnover rates in the nursing field. That turnover rate is due to nurses losing
their license or quitting due to occupational stress that comes with the job. Malpractice
指导澳洲Term paper,Term paper on Malpractice
issues come up mainly when doctors and nurses are not alert when they are dealing with