Guidelines for the English Studies Students: Written Assignments
You are supposed to submit assignments:
• printed on paper (standard, white)
• Times New Roman 12 font (unless otherwise specified by your teacher),
• double space (unless otherwise specified by your teacher),
• standard margins,
• left justified alignment,
• title centered (unless otherwise specified by your teacher),
• your name / course name/ instructor’s name/ date (unless otherwise specified by your teacher) in the header (the upper left-hand corner of the first page) ,
• the first line of paragraphs indented (use the Space Bar),
• page numbering (the bottom right-hand corner- unless otherwise specified by your teacher)
• longer papers (for example, seminar papers): create a title page (a model title page enclosed)
The teacher has the right to reject assignments that are improperly formatted.
12•Times New Roman字体(除非你的老师另有规定),
• You are supposed to use academic sources; essays without lists of sources and in-text citations (footnotes in Chicago Manual of Style) will not be accepted.
• Sources should be documented according to one of the styles: MLA, Chicago Manual of Style or APA. Be consistent and use one style and not a combination of two or more.
• Each style has its own specific regulations concerning the formatting and documenting criteria. For more information, check this link:
Each detected case of plagiarism leads to failing the course. If you are not sure what plagiarism is, check this link
Remember! Always follow your instructor's guidelines.
Formatting the Title Page of Your Paper
• Do not make a title page for your paper unless specifically requested.
(name and surname)
(student number)
Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej
Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Tytuł pracy
B.A. Seminar (title)
Course instructor
Warszawa 2011
Essay Grading Criteria
(based on:
Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, Fourth Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, 2006.
Williams, Joseph M.: Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace. Longman, 2002.)
Essay organization
Is the paper on an academic topic related to the studies in the English Department?
Is there an introductory paragraph?
Does the introductory paragraph follow an introductory pattern?
Does it end with a clear, well organized thesis statement?
Is the thesis statement worthy of development?
Does the paper have a concluding paragraph?
Does the conclusion either paraphrase the thesis or summarize
the main points?
Is there a final comment (if appropriate)?
Are the individual paragraphs clearly related to the thesis?
Is the organization of the paper readily apparent (is the paper coherent)? Do the ideas flow logically from one another, or are they presented seemingly randomly?
Is the organization appropriate to the paper’s subject?
Paragraph organization and development
Does each paragraph have a topic sentence?
Are the paragraphs of appropriate length to develop the topic sentence ideas?
Are there sufficient concrete details, such as quotations or examples, to support each point, or are the points stated without support?
If the paper calls for analysis, does it analyze, or just describe?
Do the sentences in each paragraph show cohesion?
Do the paragraphs use techniques of coherence (repetition of key words, consistent use of pronouns, transition signals, logical organization?
Do the paragraphs have unity?
Are concluding sentences used where necessary?
Do the sentences have characters as subjects and actions as verbs?
Are the sentences concise, without unnecessary verbiage?
Does the sentence organization support the desired emphasis?
Grammar and mechanics
Is the paper generally free from errors of
and usage
of the sort discussed in class?