Organisational Transformation in Practice
Assignment Planning Document
An example, provided by Dr Lloyd Gray…
"My feelings in situations of change and uncertainty arouse anxiety. In week 2, I felt confused by the exercise. I began to internalise feelings of powerlessness and insecurity". This is what Melanie Klein calls introjection (1959). I became embarrassed about this, and tried to hide my emotions. I noticed however, that I began to see others as bad who were in positions of authority. This is what Melanie Klein (c.f.) and Bion (1961) termed splitting.
I demonstrated self awareness (Goleman, 1998) and began to ask others around me for support. For example by, ……..
Module participants’ might, for example, wish to use Gibbs’ six step framework/ reflective framework.
1: Problem & context – describe the experience
What was the context of your experience?
What leadership behaviours/ styles did you perform or experience?
In what ways did you experience personal and interpersonal change?
2: Self awareness - Feelings and thoughts
What was your experience of change?
What was your experience of leading and/ or following?
3. Evaluation
What do you feel went well for you during the experience?
What do you feel went badly for you during the experience?
What happened that most surprised you?
What happened that contradicted your prior beliefs?
What happened that confirmed your prior beliefs?
4. Analysis
How did you respond to, and cope with, the experience?
How did the group function?
What enabled or limited the groups’ effectiveness?
What does the experience suggest to you about your strengths?
What does the experience suggest to you about your weaknesses and opportunities for development?
5. Conclusion – alternative courses of action
What might you do differently as a result of your experience, and your reflections on it?
6. Action plan – vision
What will you do to become more effective, and continuously develop, within a group workplace context?