International Investment
• International Portfolio Investment (typically short-term) is the passive ownership of foreign
securities such as stocks and bonds for the purpose of generating financial returns.
• Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (typically long-term) is an internationalization strategy in which the firm establishes a physical presence abroad through acquisition of productive assets such as capital, technology, labor, land, plant, and equipment.
• Transfer of assets to another country or the acquisition of assets in that country.
Growth Rates of World GDP and World Exports
Leading Countries in International Merchandise Trade
FDI Inflows into World Regions
Dramatic Growth of FDI
• Developed economies= e.g., Australia, Canada, Japan, the United States, and most countries in Western Europe.
• Developing economies= e.g, Parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
• Of particular significance is the growth of FDI into developing economies despite widespread poverty and less investment capital than advanced economies.
The Globalization Debate
Is the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent global economy a good thing?
• Supporters believe that increased trade and FDI mean lower prices for goods and services, greater economic growth, higher consumer income, and more jobs.
• Critics worry that globalization will cause job losses, environmental degradation, the cultural imperialism, exploitation by global media and MNEs.
What is an MNE? – Characteristics
什么是跨国公司? - 特点
A large company with substantial resources that performs various business activities through a network of subsidiaries and affiliates located in multiple countries.
• Substantial direct investment in foreign countries (not only export).
• Active management of these offshore assets (not simply holding them as a passive financial portfolio).
• Managing integration of ope rations located in multiple countries.
MENs: Where do they come from?
“Triad” nations:
The United States, Japan and high-income economies in the EU; often used synonymously with G-7 nations.
Geographic Location of MNEs
Why Study International Business?
• A contributor to national economic well-being.
• A facilitator of the global economy and interconnectedness.
• A competitive advantage for the firm.
• An activity with societal implications.
• A source of competitive advantage for you.