最近听到有留学生在社交平台上吐槽:在写assignment的时候,最难的不是写什么内容,而是如何写一个合适的开头段。开头段难写,应该是所有留学生公认的吧。如果写的简单,会使论文看起来不够深入、专业;而如果写的过多,有可能造成“头重脚轻”的问题;单刀直入的In my opinion,I agree…觉得太过简单粗暴;而花式开头又不知该从何入手,很苦恼。今天小编就大家探讨一下开头段落最常用的“漏斗式”写法,先来看看写作指南中关于开头段的具体要求: A good introductory paragraph does several things: It makes the reader want to read the essay—激发读者兴趣 It tells the reader the overall topic of the essay—概述话题 It tells the reader the main idea (thesis) of the essay—阐明主旨 所以,通常一个合格的开头段必须能清晰地体现如上三个层次,进而能在第一时间让读者抓住题目的核心话题点,并勾起其继续阅读的兴趣。 Q:什么是“漏斗式”写法? “漏斗式”写法是指开头段的写作按照从大范围到小范围、从概括到具体的“漏斗型”模式展开。 ![]() “漏斗式”开头段一共需要写3句话: 1. 话题背景句:开头提供概括性背景信息引入话题 2. 改写题目句:过渡到具体话题,对原题加转述改写 3. 我的立场句:最后阐明自己的立场 举个例子: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Score 5范文: In a lifetime, we are bound to meet many people, we get on well with some of them and they become our friends.(引入话题:Friends) As we grow up we meet new people and make new friends but it does not imply that they will replace our old ones.(转述题目,new friends or old friends)That is why I disagree with people who think that keeping old friends is more important than making new friends.(表明立场,disagree) Q:每句话的具体写法和注意点是什么? 我们再来用一个题目来分析“漏斗式”开头段落的具体操作步骤: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. Step 1:引入话题 (introduce the topic) ①审题并找到题目的题材关键词,如Education,friendship,environment problems等; ②可以进一步探讨该关键词的常见相关定义、具体分类类别来介绍话题、题材的概念; ③或通过描述与该题材关键词相关的一些社会现状、现象、问题、趋势等内容来引入话题。 如教育类话题下,我们通常会提及社会竞争激烈,increasingly fierce competition in the contemporary society;科技进步发展对人才的需求,increasing demand for intelligent individuals who can contribute to the development of modern technologies等来后续引入到人们对教育越来越重视,从而带出具体的教育类话题,如课程设置,教学方法/理念等具体题目话题。 例如本题Topic Keywords: University Education, Course selection,我们可以写成: In general, all university courses can be divided into two kinds: liberal arts and science, which both serve as an impetus to the development of society. Step 2:改写原题 (paraphrase the topic) 注意点:准确贴合题意,使用丰富恰当的词汇及表达方式,对原题中的具体信息,观点等内容进行同义改写,让读者清楚的知道本题论述的争议点是什么。 【Sample】Lately, an interesting discussion has arisen about whether all university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not related to their major. Step 3:表明立场 (my statement) 注意点:直截了当的表明倾向性立场。注意对“我认为”的表达,尽量避免使用“I think”、“I believe”等比较俗套的短语,可以使用比如“From my own perspective”, “I am inclined to”, “I am prone to”等表达方式。 【Sample】From my perspective, I am a big fan of science and I fully advocate that basic science courses are a necessity for every university student. My reasons and examples are as follows. 总结 要用好该方法,必须注意两点: 第一,开始的背景信息不能过于宽泛笼统,须抓准话题题材关键词; 第二,讨论文本的具体话题时要紧贴题目的要求,准确进行同义改写。 漏斗式写法在限时考试作文中由于其清晰的结构组成,明确的语言目的,广泛的话题适用性而成为了广大学生所倾向的开头段落写法。诚然,“漏斗式写法”并不是独立写作开头段的唯一方法,我们通常还可以使用提问、驳斥、叙事、名人名言作引语等其他途径来达到引入话题,引发阅读兴趣的目的。 |