Executive Summary执行摘要
In recent years, as people living standard enhancement and the pursuit of spiritual and cultural life, outdoor sports gradually showed its unique market prospect and huge economic value. As a consequence, the business is set up to the outdoor activities store called Star Camping Store in the industry.
星光野营是一家集射击运动、狩猎、钓鱼、野营、海洋、服装、鞋类和户外生活方式于一体的户外专卖店,是星光野营店产品中最便利的户外零售商。除了顶级品牌的露营装备外,我们还为新来的露营提供教练服务,另外,客户的目标是从初学者到专家,为新来的和用过的枪支、弹药和装备提供最佳的选择。Over the range of the products of the Star Camping Store ,Star camping is an outdoor specialty store on shooting sports, hunting, fishing, camping, marine, apparel, footwear and outdoor lifestyle which makes us the most convenient outdoor retailer. Besides the top brand camping equipment, we also provide the coach service to new to the camping.In addition, thetarget of the customer is planning provide the best selection of new and used firearms, ammunition and equipment from beginner to expert.
The form of the business is based on the sole traders. In the guideline of the government, as a sole trader, i run my own business as an individual. I can keep all your business’s profits after you’ve paid tax on them. In addition, I can also employ staffs who arecoaches, sealers and manger etc.
In the operation of the business, the owner should be I who am operate by a team. In the future, 10 stores should be opening over the state, on the purpose of the business, the Limited Liability Company should be registered for the target of the cooperation to be a shareholders.
Selective portfolio of products, can attract more people's purchase desire, primary and secondary distinct, arouse the purchase desire of people, find a spot to stimulate customers rely on the force.
为了在网上和商店的广泛开放,所产生的资金是必要的经营。就所产生的资金而言,贷款是日常商店经营所必需的。最初的投资目标是在商店和在线运营中投入200万英镑。In order to widely opening the store and online, the arising funds are necessary for the operations. On the purpose of the arising funds, the loan is necessary for store operation on the daily base. The original investments are target at the 2 Million Pounds in the operation for the store and online operation.
In the financial plan of the borrowing, the interest rate is drawing from the bank. The term of the borrowing is up to three years which is the category of the long-term liability in the balance sheet. The interest is paid on the monthly basis.
This significant part of the money should be applied to the production and internet setting for the selling, staff employments and other respective for the funds. To the wealth of the shareholders, the owner is dedicated to disclose the financial information to the shareholders. Catch the trend of the tourism opportunities in the UK, the large development of the outdoor activities; try to provide the free experience to the younger generation to get the chance to get close to the nature.
There was a close relationship with the universitystudentcommunity;it would like to introduce the camping activities.
General Company Description
Star Camping is dedicated to provide natural experience to the camping lover and persons who are willing to close to the nature, far from the city and relax.
Business Structure:
The form of the business is based on the sole traders. In the guideline of the government, as a sole trader, i run my own business as an individual. I can keep all your business’s profits after you’ve paid tax on them. In addition, I can also employ staffs who arecoaches, sealers and manger etc.
Company Financial Goals and Objectives:
Financial Goals
Achieving profit in the fourth year.
Second store would open in Sixth years from the foundation of the shop
Financial Objectives
Increase revenue from selling the equipment
Decrease costs from the direct sales
Improve the quality of the service.
Brief Description of theBusiness:
Star camping is an outdoor specialty store on shooting sports, hunting, fishing, camping, marine, apparel, footwear and outdoor lifestyle which makes us the most convenient outdoor retailer. Besides the top brand camping equipment, we also provide the coach service to new to the camping.
The target of the customer is planning provide the best selection of new and used firearms, ammunition and equipment from beginner to expert
Camping and caravanning refers to holidays that use tents, trailer tents, touring caravans, caravan holiday homes, park homes and motor homes as accommodation.According to the Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS), £18.1bn spent by British residents on domestic overnight tourism, £19.1bn spent by foreign visitors. That means that camping and caravanning industry is a huge financial market in the United Kingdom (UK). However, the official figure of the registered company is up to 208,880 VAT registered businesses in England in tourism sectors in 2011, so that there are so many competitions in the industry.
I believed that more persons are willing to get to the nature, the Camping and caravanningwould be getting popular in the UK. In addition, the industry could be more competition in the markets.
Catch the trend of the tourism and getting to the nature, the camping would like to spark in the economic growth, with the more investing in the healthy and far from the city.
Products and Services
The camping equipment as the categories of shooting sports, hunting, fishing, camping, marine, apparel, footwear could be indicated as follow:
Top new brand camping equipment selling is offered in the store. Renting is also available to the new to the camping. Besides that, the coach service is also provided in the store.
Marketing Plan and Sales Forecast
Market research
Economics for decision-making
According to the Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS), £18.1bn spent by British residents on domestic overnight tourism, £19.1bn spent by foreign visitors. That means that camping and caravanning industry is a huge financial market in the United Kingdom (UK).
In the future, the store would like to take 1% of the total share of the total markets. In the part of the business, the target market is locked on primary to professor level. In the central of the business, the employees are mostly suffered the sub-health in the process of the working, they are willing to close to the nature. Furthermore, the growth trend of the camping and caravanning is high.
In the demand of the camping and caravanning, the high demand from the market is from the university and community, so that the store would like to increase the sales on the camping. In the cooperation with the university, the coach service would be highly demanded.
In the consideration of the camping store, the high capital costs, high production costs, high market costs, consumer acceptance and brand recognition and Training and skills. In the central of the factors involved in the store open, the general selling price of the equipment is over 100 Pounds in the store, so that most persons are willing to sell in the store.
Product or Service
Features and Benefits
The once is free in the process of the coach.
The camper can get the benefits from the experience on the camping.
Getting close to the nature
Product/Service 1: Coach Service
Main Features:
Getting touch with the new to the camping, so that they are accompanying with camper in the process of the camping. In addition, they are experienced the safety trip with the coacher in the trip.
High quality of the tents;
The cheapest within 10 KM of the all stores
Main Features:
High quality and safety
demographic profile:
Age groups
__14_% over age 32
Source of information:http://www.outdoorfoundation.org/pdf/research.camping.2014.pdf
___60_% of Female
___40_% of Male
Source of information:http://www.outdoorfoundation.org/pdf/research.camping.2014.pdf
List your 2major competitors :( Names and addresses)
Blacks (http://www.blacks.co.uk/)
Go Outdoors (http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/)
How will your products or services compare with the competition?
Use the Competitive Analysis table below to compare your company with your two most important competitors. The first column highlights key competitive factors. In the column labelledME, state how you think your customers would evaluate you using a simple scale of 1 = poor, 2 = average, 3 = good, 4 = excellent. Then mark with an X whether you think this factor will be a strength or a weakness for you. Thenanalyzeyour two major competitors from the customer’s perspective. In the final column, estimate the importance of each competitive factor to the customer from1 =indifferent to 4 = critical.
Table 1: Competitive Analysis
Summarise your competitive advantages and disadvantages
Competitive advantages
The store location which is near the university
The expert in the camping
High quality and cheaper
Clear strategies of the management on the store
Competitive disadvantages
New to the industry
Staffs are new who lack of the training is
The quality of the service
Niche Market
Briefly define your niche, your unique corner of the market.
The original promotion would be advertised through the newspaper and radio. In addition, the promotion would be done among the customers which are valuable resources for the promotion. Furthermore, the old clients would get the discounts from the continue buying from the camping equipment.
In the beginning of the university orientation, the promotion could be arranged in the university orientation.
According to consumer preferences for outdoor sports, their physical condition and their income situation are subdivide the market into three parts. Age between 25 to 35 years old crowd are generally have fixed income and passionate young man, they dare to challenge, to seek stimulation, take part in some outdoor sports club, and is very keen to outdoor sports, and would rather spend high price to buy consumer goods, for this part of the people need to configure the high standard, the product with high performance, this part of the consumer will be total share most of our positioning as the important market; For 35 to 45 years old people, they are generally successful, outdoor activity as a pastime, high demand for outdoor products without the former, we put this part of the crowd as the time of the most important market; The rest of the population, the demand for the product, the product performance requirements is low, the corresponding products will be less, we as a secondary market. All the products, our quality will be the same, just different types and performance, will not ignore the quality problem for these reasons, this is one of our major premise
Promotional Budget
The estimated promotion of the camping store, it could be 1000 Pounds.
(1)New product pricing: moderate pricing
New with old concept, new products just entering the market, the response may not be very big, price should not be set too high, first resonate, make use of the product life cycle, and then price can promote the new product, to occupy the market for a long time.
(2) Product mix, pricing, product pricing of choose and buy
Selective portfolio of products, can attract more people's purchase desire, primary and secondary distinct, arouse the purchase desire of people, find a spot to stimulate customers rely on the force.
(3) Discount pricing strategy: quantity discounts
Buy a certain number of outdoor products, can enjoy a discount worth looking forward to, not only to satisfy the customer the price, also can improve the business, the main sales so as to achieve win-win situation.
(4) In the mind a pricing strategy: an integer pricing
Based on the psychology of the buyer, let them to buy items from time to time, "a penny a points goods, price is good" feeling, so as to improve the image of the product, bringing consumers enjoy a high quality.
However, the product is dedicate to
1. To build a suitable for consumer product portfolio
Most of the top domestic consumers don't need special equipment, cost-effective domestic outdoor brand positioning and more fit. , on the one hand, most of China's consumers have little requirements for outdoor brands, and these products perfect on the function, but not necessarily conform to the Chinese consumer spending habits. All of these domestic outdoor brands provides a broad market space for development.
2. The progress of technology and technological level, promote the development of outdoor industry
From a certain sense, consumers are more rely on high-tech goods, outdoor supplies, outdoor products in addition to the improvement of the overall market development, the people's living standard and the change of the concept, technical change on the development of outdoor has played a very important role. The technology revolution has changed the performance of the product, the product performance improvement to win more and more consumers, so as to promote the development of the outdoor market.
Proposed Location
Location can be determined under the following matters:
City centres: This area is general commercial center, downtown, business activity is frequent, better business atmosphere, this location is known as "land of treasure land", and we all know that retail stores, the most important thing is to position the city flow update soon, if commodity flows slowly, may be obsolete before dress didn't sell, this is the store open in the downside of the city.
Convenient traffic areas: convenient transportation is the first condition of consumers shopping, the general said that if. Shop near the bus station, or the customer walk time after 15 minutes of shops can consider.
The high population density areas, because the market purchasing power = population +, given consideration of the two, we are in the site selection also consider purchasing power of residents in the area.
Traffic street shops, in these streets, traffic, more customers to patronize the store, but to consider street traffic, there are also some terrain or traffic impact, for some traffic, all because of the traffic arteries and passenger traffic is a place to work, is not very good selection of clothing store address.
Blocks of similar shops gathered: to sex of choose and buy goods, such as sports clothing, if you can focus on peer "cluster" section, or block, is more conducive to business, because business stores a lot of similar products, it is best to form the sports goods street, customers have more opportunities here compare and choice, and it's easy to form certain business circle, can attract more customers, to a certain extent, increase business circle, and traffic.
Take consideration of the proposed locations, the final location could be located near the university, which are fully open to the university students and their parents.
Distribution Channels
We are dedicated to provide the equipment to the clubs for the university students. One of the distribution channels is taking the advantage of the store location.
Besides store location, online selling is still available to the public in the camping equipment.
Sales Forecast for the First Year
Operational Plan
Production/Service Delivery
Open outdoor shops investment in 120,000 pounds, mainly for the first time purchase need larger teams. Rent out, followed by stores. It is reported, as long as the business is not bad, can recover the cost of investment in a year. GeneralOutdoor products customers, usually friends, as well as a link between friends, it formed a virtuous circle, Growing consumer groups. Therefore, to find a like-minded outdoor enthusiasts do partners, means finding group of potential consumers. Most importantly, if don't understand operators for outdoor sports, just sell products, but no professionals to promote it, promote it, store it is difficult to develop. Keep good relationship with my partners, year-end according to investmentProfit ratio distribution. The employee is responsible for the daily operation and management (such as purchase, sales, etc.) of the shareholders, the monthly wage. Outdoor useGeneral goods store business hours from 10 am to 10 PM, need three to four clerk.#p#分页标题#e#
At present, with foreign brands or outdoor products. Foreign brands with a long history and good quality and favoured by camping Lovers of favour. But because of the price expensive foreign brands, high fee, purchase channels is complex, so the purchase cost is alsoHigh. Domestic outdoor products manufacturer, although just beginning, development soon, have emerged a two strong companies.Outdoor goods store can choose agent for a product, will contribute to a stable supply of goods and the quality of our products and also minimizePurchase cost.
Number should not be too big, should in the brand and model on the pursuit of diversification. Footwear and wild food belong to poor durability of items,Outdoor goods store in addition to guarantee product quality, should also be on the number of reserves. From the perspective of the larger, because the package and classWild sleep products is very important big outdoor sports products, so customers to take when the choose and buy such thingsCareful comparison and choice. Package type and sleep products is big, the price is too high, the business is big profit point. In the openOutdoor goods store, want to establish good flagship product. The survey found that most of outdoor goods store area was the bigProduct occupies.
Through professional financial software for finance, stock management and product sales tracking, can greatly reduce the shop goodsService management workload, thus reducing management costs. Sales and purchase will have a graph display; below a certain numberWill go into some of the goods. Considering the order according to the sales situation, also can according to different channels for the same prices of the goods,Choose the more appropriate price and the quality of the goods. In this way can better control the cost, and to find a good supply channelsAlso is the key of winning the competition.
Production Variable Costs
Materials Cost
All products are all purchased from the companies who are direct manufactured the main products for the camping equipment. In the part of material costs, it was comparable low in the camping equipment market in the competition.
Fixed costs
Normally, fixed cost could contributed to license fee, renting ,uutility fees and other essential fees to open camping equipment store.
First of all, considering traffic and parking is convenient can choose in the business area. Shop area of 30 square meters or so commonly, if rents are cheaper, can expand business area, increase the exchange area a bar type, posted pictures taken around the multi-worlds, regularly publish travel guide, become a "word" donkey "experience exchange.In addition, we don't have to the pursuit of luxury decoration, as long as can conform to the outdoor shop can negotiate business commodity characteristics. Decorate should have new meaning, of course, this will make customers feel comfortable, and store room is best can be bigger, so it is more convenient to guests about how small tent and so on common sense.Second, outdoor shop decoration is very important, a store will attract people, a lot of ways is the adornment of the store. People often say which store as soon as I see I want to go in, this is a very important reason, especially the donkey, and consumption, along with the mood is very important to these tend to see it. Strive to do decoration simple, simple, natural, generous, has a unique style.
The access to the store could open the disable access to the store. In addition, the lending lable is necessary for them for leading.
Legal Environment
In the UK, the license is only legal requirement to enter into camping store, so that the first step is to get the license from the government.
All staff should be well train before facing the customers, not only in the store, but also on the internet.
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Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold Forecast (12 Months)
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In the recording of the inventory of the store, the method of the inventory could use the first in first out method to record. The order of the products could be based on the monthly basis, so that inventory would like to record on the timely base.
Store operators will also be influenced by seasonal and the annual winter and summer is off-season, the number of travel. At that time, store should organize some outdoor sports theme activities, travel products exhibition, characteristic souvenir consignment, etc., maintain popularity.
All suppliers are manufactures, there are no lists for the suppliers in the store.
Set up club's fundamental purpose is to develop and expand its members, through various forms of activities, let your member closely united around on his own club. Do members will become the main outdoor shop to buy, the price under the condition of equal mass, nature priority is the outdoor shop products.
Credit Policies
In general, the determination of credit term are fixed, such as half a year, a year, according to different regulations, system has a fixed pattern. In fact, for the subject of "credit", deadline is the second, the credit itself is important. So, pay attention to how "credit" status, whether, according to the credit status to adjust period, and related to the, is the most important.
For example, the customer the situation worse, can accord its operation condition adjustment period, to shorten. Customer is in good condition, and even to ascend may be increased under the condition of invariable in term of credit and so on.
Credit term refers to the enterprises in selling products to customers to pay full payment deadline. Determine the enterprise accounts receivable credit term is the marginal revenue within the credit period (the difference between the sales revenue and variable costs) and its marginal cost (cost), if the marginal benefit is greater than the marginal cost, extend the period of credit scheme is reasonable.
Managing Your Accounts Receivable
A receivables aging looks like the following table:
Managing Your Accounts Payable
A payables aging looks like the following table.
Management and Organisation
Set up club's fundamental purpose is to develop and expand its members, through various forms of activities, let your member closely united around on his own club. Do members will become the main outdoor shop to buy, the price under the condition of equal mass, nature priority is the outdoor shop products.
Outdoor products shop customers are mostly travel enthusiasts, to attract customers, in addition to good service, organize some activities is also very necessary, it is an effective channel of gathered popularity, the accumulation of customers. Suggest set up an online club, attracting travelers to join in the form of membership, provide consultation service for free travel route, equipment, plan, organize the members to carry out the tourism activities on a regular basis.
Store operators will also be influenced by seasonal and the annual winter and summer is off-season, the number of travel. At that time, store should organize some outdoor sports theme activities, travel products exhibition, characteristic souvenir consignment, etc., maintain popularity.
Professional and Advisory Support
In addition, through professional financial software for finance, stock management and product sales tracking, can greatly reduce the store work of financial management, thus reducing management costs. Sales and purchase will have a graph display, they will go into some goods below a certain number. According to sales order, also can according to different channels for the same prices of the goods, choose the more appropriate price and the quality of the goods. In this way can better control the cost, and to find a good supply channels is also the key of winning the competition.
Break-Even Analysis
The breakeven analysis formula actually involves the use of several formulas. The first items that are necessary for an analysis are the fixed costs, variable unit costs, expected unit sales and unit price. Using the expected unit sales and variable unit costs you can compute the total variable cost as:#p#分页标题#e#
(Total Variable Cost = Expected Unit Sales x Variable Unit Costs).
Once you’ve established the total variable cost you can calculate the total cost by adding it to the fixed cost:
(Total Cost = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost).
Within the breakeven analysis you will also need to provide the total expected revenue. The formula for this uses the expected unit sales multiplied by the unit price:
(Total Expected Revenue = Expected Unit Sales x Unit Price).
From the total revenue you can calculate the profit or loss. The final formula in a breakeven analysis is the breakeven point. This is expressed using the fixed cost, unit price and variable unit cost:
(Breakeven point = Fixed Costs / (Unit Sales Price – Variable Costs))
So that, breakeven point can be calculate as follow:
Personal Financial Statement
As a consequence, net worth of personal financial value is 6,450,000 Pounds, which was paid on personal income tax law. In addition, the income is apparently and legal from the earnings.
Business is a sole proprietorship entrepreneurs most seemed to take it for granted for the first time. Structure is based on an owner. On paper, it is an extension of the people. When they are called "the sole proprietorships, it includes the married couple (and sometimes family members). Paying tax is the file of a joint return arrangement C (from the business profit or loss) and SE (self-employment tax). Main advantages are simple (easy) and the tax rate is based on your personal tax bracket. The main drawback of increased from expanded liability risks and difficulties.
As a boss, you will all the assets and liabilities in your own name. Although business can have another name, this type of structure is not separate you from the commercial law of obligation. The DBA (doing business) submitted to the local financial supervisor's office, your business name registration. If you are being sued, this will be a direct attack, your personal assets. Non-business items (house, property and savings) are at risk.
This is the main disadvantage of a sole proprietorship. We live in a society where quickly accused by the court and try to restore. Processing and maintenance of ownership of the only one way is to buy liability insurance. Many home insurance policies provide a match under an umbrella liability policy, check with your insurance agent. Keys can also be in many industries.
There are many ways to protect your assets through trust and retirement portfolios. Unfortunately, many individuals go naked, hope for the best.
The tax records required. Net profit (or loss) is simple. Business income accounted for part of the family income. The main difference is that, as an investor, you need to pay the contribution of social security and medicaid. Most of the single owner enterprise quarterly estimate tax documents.
In many tax rate, operation of an advantage is optional. Business related expense deduction, which can be offset by other revenue. The two important conclusion is that a home office and car mileage. Even allowed to offset the loss for your business and your claim tax otherwise you pay for a second income. However, I do want sooner or later you make money. It is unwise to lure the audit has been losing money.
In the personal financial statement has indicated that financial status has enough money to pay off the potential debts.
Start-up Expenses and Capitalization
As discussed above, startup expenses could contain the expense such as promotions, renting and license legal expenses.
Nowadays, sports goods production of high-tech, design a variety of special type of outdoor travel supplies, greatly improve the safety and comfort of outdoor activities. But these new products, new consumption concept needs to continuously introduce, promote, can be more people recognized and accepted. Recommends entrepreneurs through their own websites or professional media propaganda, can also be combined relevant departments such as rock climbing, mountain mass activities, in activities to promote products.
Financial Plan
A balance sheet is one of the fundamental financial reports that any business needs for reporting and financial management. A balance sheet shows what items of value are held by the company (assets), and what its debts are (liabilities). When liabilities are subtracted from assets, the remainder is owners’ equity.Use the start-up expenses and capitalization spreadsheet as a guide to preparing a balance sheet as of opening day. Then detail how you calculated the account balances on your opening day balance sheet.
In financial accounting, a balance sheet or statement of financial position is a summary of the financial balances of a sole proprietorship, a business partnership or a company. Assets, liabilities and ownership equity are listed as of a specific date, such as the end of its financial year. A balance sheet is often described as a "snapshot of a company's financial condition". Of the four basic financial statements, the balance sheet is the only statement which applies to a single point in time of a business' calendar year.
A standard company balance sheet has three parts: assets, liabilities and ownership equity. The main categories of assets are usually listed first and typically in order of liquidity. Assets are followed by the liabilities. The difference between the assets and the liabilities is known as equity or the net assets or the net worth or capital of the company and according to the accounting equation, net worth must equal assets minus liabilities.
Another way to look at the same equation is that assets equal liabilities plus owner's equity. Looking at the equation in this way shows how assets were financed: either by borrowing money (liability) or by using the owner's money (owner's equity). Balance sheets are usually presented with assets in one section and liabilities and net worth in the other section with the two sections "balancing."
A business operating entirely in cash can measure its profits by withdrawing the entire bank balance at the end of the period, plus any cash in hand. However, many businesses are not paid immediately; they build up inventories of goods and they acquire buildings and equipment. In other words: businesses have assets and so they cannot, even if they want to, immediately turn these into cash at the end of each period. Often, these businesses owe money to suppliers and to tax authorities, and the proprietors do not withdraw all their original capital and profits at the end of each period. In other words businesses also have liabilities.
In the potential of the balance sheet, the assets equal liabilities plus owner’s equity, so that the total asset is 1030000 Pounds.
Evaluating the Plan
Evaluation tools: financial ratios
Liquidity ratios
Current ratio: is calculated by dividing total current assets by total current liabilities.
4.35 have indicated that the owner has enough money to pay off the current liabilities.
Quick, or Acid Test, Ratio: this ratio does not count the sale of the company’s inventory or pre-paid obligations. It measures the ability of the firm to meet its short-term obligations without liquidating its inventory.
have demonstrated that a strong indicator of whether a firm has sufficient short-term assets to cover its immediate liabilities.The company has the sufficient money to pay off the debts.
Activity ratios
( Cost of Goods Sold)/(Average Inventory at Cost )=1.34
Average Inventory=(Beginning inventory+Ending inventory)/2=100,000
Analysis: Inventory turnover ratio: indicates how efficiently a firm is moving its inventory. It basically states how many times per year the firm moves it average inventory. In addition, the efficient of moving inventory is quick, so that the company has the ability to sell the products
Accounts receivable turnover ratio:
Accounts receivable turnover=(Credit Sales)/(Average Accounts Receivable)=0
Accounts receivable turnover ratio: allows us to determine how fast our company is turning its credit sales into cash.Accounts receivable turnover is given by the following
Accounts receivable turnover=(Credit Sales)/(Average Accounts Receivable)=0
In the beginning of the term, there is no account receivable, the customer should pay off all sales.
Accounts collection period=(Days per year)/(Accounts Receivable Turnover)=0#p#分页标题#e#
Average collection period: is the average number of days that it takes the firm to collect its accounts receivable:
Fixed asset turnover=(Net Sales)/(Accounts Fixed Assets)=5.35
Fixed asset turnover:indicates how efficiently fixed assets are being used to generate revenue for a firm. Fixed asset turnover is quick.
Total asset turnover=(Net Sales)/(Average Total Assets)=0.31
Total asset turnover:indicates how efficiently our firm uses its total assets to generate revenue for the firm.The ability of the earning is sufficient.
Leverage ratios
.Debt to equity ratio= (Owners Liability)/(Owners Equity)
Debt-to-equity ratio indicates what percentage of the owner’s equity is debt
Debttototalassetsratio= TotalLiabilities/TotalAssets
Debt-to-total assets ratioindicates what percentage of a business’s assets is owned by creditors.
.Timesinterestearnedratio= OperatingIncome/Interest
Times-interest-earned ratioshows the relationship between operating income and the amount of interest in pounds the company has to pay to its creditors on an annual basis.
Profitability ratios
.Gross profit margin ratio= (Gross profit)/(Net Sales)
Gross profit marginindicates what is used to determine how much gross profit is generated by each pound in net sales
Operatingprofitmarginratio= OperatingIncome/NetSales
Operating profit margin ratiois used to determine how much each dollar of sales generates in operating income.
.Netprofitmarginratio= NetProfit/NetSales
Net profit margin ratiohow much a firm earned on each pound in sales after paying all obligations including interest and taxes.
In conclusion, the ratios are indicated that the operation of the business is quite good. In addition, the owners have abilities to pay off the debts.
The advantage of the camping store can be summarized as follow:
1. With the improvement of people's living standard, people pay more and more attention to their health. To participate in outdoor activities, get some exercise is good for their health.
2. The city life rhythm makes many white-collar feel exhaustion of body and mind, to nature is a very good way to relax and recuperate.
3. Take part in outdoor activities can meet many people of all ranks and classes, you have no interest in an acquaintance happened under the relationship of become a good friend is also a lot of people.
4. For the current society, outdoor is a kind of new move, can let people especially white-collar people will experience the feeling of early adopters. And outdoor this two word, itself has a lot of appeal, and that's what people of a certain culture like the pursuit of things.
5. For many lone noble, to participate in outdoor activities can find their other half.
6. Participate in difficulty big outdoor activities is also a rich life, but is the test of endurance and willpower for you.
7. Take part in outdoor activities can let a person the real return to nature, get real relaxation. Why this, now more and more people are playing outdoors, so the outdoor market all the way. But the growth of the outdoor shop far cannot satisfy the market's gains.
So the outdoor shop has a large living space and development prospects.
The investment should be considered in the Star Camping Store.