Suggested Format
(2) Literature review: Discuss relevant studies that have been done on that topic (not necessarily on a contrastive nature); (3) Present new data (it could be your own data, or you can consult several other speakers to make a stronger/more objective claim); (4) Present generalizations of the data (can you see any patterns?); (5) An explanation/an analysis, if possible. 格式系每段兩端對齊,首行壓縮一個字符;每兩段之間空出一行;字體我們這邊一般是統一用Times New Roman,小四字體;每次出現例子最好單獨分行列出;最後嘅reference用APA格式列出。這個就系主要要求了。最低字數2000,超過不會扣分,關鍵系意思表達清楚,例子能夠證明論點,還要有解釋和分析。 可以比較英漢語法的任何一個方面。國外期末作文,屬於開放式命題,給了大範圍,具體小主題是自己定的。還有,這種小作文是不用寫abstract啦,因為不是畢業論文。 |