毕业论文 Format Contents Methodology (2000字)(the methodology section informs the reader what overall research methodology you adopted- and why –and what research tools (or methods) you adopted to gain and analyse your result. It also describes the participants involved (how many/how they are were selected/their characteristics etc. It also an opportunity for you to present an objective reflection on the limitations of the methodology and methods used. This is important, as all research has its limitations and there is no shame in admitting this; indeed, it will be expected of you.) “Literature Review”和“Methodology”部分的字数可以根据需要调节 问题 1. 在 Introduction 里, Research Methodology 是总结写还是具体写?如果是具体写, 希望把“Research Methodology” 放到独立的一个部分写. 2. 第二部分的 “The social background of citizen photojournalism”和第三部分的“How news photos are contributed to news organizations”是指“Literature Review”吗? 3.我想知道具体用的 “Research Methodology”是什么?用的是“first data” 还是 http://www.ukassignment.org/ secondary data”? 是 “qualitative” 还是 “quantative”? 4. 第四部分的 “Cases studies of the adoption of citizen photojournalism in China’s news organizations”是指 “Discussion”和 “Data Analysis”吗?#p#分页标题#e# 5. 在分析数据的时候有图表或表格吗? 答:有描述性的图表 1. 在Introduction里, 1.1 希望是“The definition of citizen Journalism, citizen photojournalism and photojournalism. 2.在Introduction里的“Research methodology”希望是简单的介绍一下. 3.在research methodology 部分希望还有“research ethics”.