Assignment 1. Individual work, 20% of marks Write a reflective report on the leadership, teamwork and project planning that took place in your team during the Water Resources Project. I am looking for a concise summary of your experience during the initial two weeks and the writing-up period in week 3, combined with an assessment of what you have learnt from doing the project and how it has contributed to your personal and professional development. Please re-read the notes on Project leadership and management in your WRP handbook, which give you guidelines on what should be included in this assignment, and please include references to relevant literature.
Assignment 2. Group work, 80% of marks This assignment is closely related to the technical feasibility study undertaken during the Water Resources Project. Your consultancy company has been asked to prepare a detailed advisory brief for the National Assembly for Wales on the best way to provide water for the proposed new town Hywelfynydd in mid-Wales. The Assembly members will use this information to help them decide whether or not to go ahead with the plans for the new town. Please note that the NA has decided that all companies involved with major construction projects in Wales will comply with the Considerate Constructors Scheme, so you should take this into account in the relevant sections. The brief will comprise the following: 1. A business plan, to include: 2. A detailed project plan, to include: 3. A pre-construction Health and Safety plan, prepared according to the guidelines provided. This must comply with all the relevant legal requirements and cover all the H&S issues pertinent to this scheme. Please note that section 1 involves more work than the other 2 sections and my marking scheme is weighted to reflect this. The marks are weighted as follows: section 1- 55%, section 2 – 25%, section 3 – 20%. You will work on this assignment in groups of 3 students, chosen by you and agreed with me before you start work. I will assume that all members of the group have contributed equally, and allocate marks accordingly, unless you advise me otherwise. Please use the attached sheet if you wish to provide information (individual or joint) about the relative contributions of your group members. If there are any serious ongoing problems in your group I advise you to let me know as early as possible as it is much easier to sort out early on.
Please complete the table below to provide your assessment of your own contribution to the CES3 group assignment and that of your fellow group members. Make your assessment in the form of the percentage contribution of each person, including yourself, to the overall work of the project. The total must add up to 100%. You may add comments in the table if you wish, and any additional information should be provided in the space below the table.#p#分页标题#e# This form is confidential and will be used only to help me assess the projects. If you wish to discuss any particular problems that arise please come and see me. Sally Heslop
Names of group members
Total 100%