论文题目:(请见附件,有四个题目,老师可自选容易写的) 伦敦时装学院MA 申请材料:Written Assignment 申请伦敦时装学院硕士课程的申请人需要提交至少一篇1000-1500字的英文命题论文,并需要列出所申请的专业领域的参考书目。 论文主题从以下四个题目中选择: 1. 当今时尚产业里最重要的变革因素是哪些? To assist us in selection of candidates for postgraduate study, you are asked to prepare a written assignment (in English) of about 1000-1500 words on one or more of the following topics: • What are the most important factors for change in the fashion industry at present? Please answer with reference to your chosen pathway - these are Fashion Design and Technology, Fashion Journalism, Strategic Fashion Marketing, History & Culture of Fashion, Fashion Footwear, Fashion Accessories or Fashion Photography. Support your assignment with a list of references to any research sources you have consulted.