The researcher was of the view that the aims and objectives of the study was gong to be achieved if the descriptive researcher method that includes the use of surveys to collect data was used. In this sense the researcher was also of the view that considering the quantum of resources financial, material and time available this was the best method. This is against the fact that the correlational researcher method and the experiment method were also considered but did not meet the expectation of this study
The Design of the Study
The researcher designed the study in such a way that its conclusions and findings were going to be based on an analysis of both quantitative researcher data which was collected by the administration of a questionnaire and qualitative researcher data which was collected via an interview. The study was also designed in such a way that the findings were as results of an analysis f a primary data to be carried out and an analysis of secondary data which was collected from a list of academic books and journals.
The Population of the Study
In this study the population of study was considered to be all those are directly connected with the tourism industry in Jiaozuo in their respective capacities. These included regulators, managers, workers and consultants in the tourism industry. Five areas segment were specifically identified and it included the theme park, the hospitality, the travel and tour, the regulators and other workers. The sample was selected from these segments. Since the population was not so large the researcher selected a sample of one hundred for analysis but in the end only ninety six respondents were successful. The researcher selected the sample in such as way that ten of them were to be interviewed while the rest were to be reach with the questionnaire.
In selecting the sample the researcher was particularly interested at ensuing that there is a reasonable representation of all the parties or different groups that are represented in the population. To this end the quota sampling method was employed to aid this task.
The Design of Data Collection Instrument
The data collections as indicated in this study were the questionnaires and the interview. This was because the researcher designed the study to be based on an analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. The questionnaire was designed to collect the quantitative data whiles the interview guide was also designed to collect the qualitative data. In designing the questionnaire which was the main data collection instrument the researcher was torn between adopting a closed ended question approach or an open ended approach to questioning. After careful consideration of the factors that are involved in this researcher and the work of other researchers that had been done in this are the researcher was of the view that questionnaire with a closed ended line of questioning was more useful and beneficial in this particular instance. Firstly it was possible for the process of data collection to be simplified since the respondents were only tasked with ringing a code that they agreed with. Secondly it was going to facilitate the analysis of data as codification was less difficult using closed ended questions. The most important factor was also in the fact that when a closed ended questioning approach was used it was going to help the researcher to collect the views of the respondents in a graduating manner especially if it is used in conjunction with the Likert scale measure. This means that the researcher could collect information at various degrees such as strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree and so forth. This was what informed the final choice of using the closed ended questions but in a number of limited instances it was not possible to use only closed ended questioning. In such instances some open ended questions were employed.
The researcher was also mindful that a questionnaire that is to long would be boring and may be very difficult to get the attention of the respondent to act accordingly. In this vein the researcher ensure that the questionnaire was short enough even though very rich in questioning to the extent that when it was imposed during the process of validity and reliability test it did not last for more than ten minutes for it to be completed. The interview guide was not too differently designed from the questionnaire apart from the fact that it had more closed ended questions that enabled the respondents to freely express their views. There were also questions that were particularly targeted at certain persons. |