反对的观点 Anatol Dutta and Christian Heinze consider the English legal regulations and, moreover, comprehensively examine the legality of anti-suit injunctions in protection of arbitration agreements from a European legal perspective in light of EC Regulation 44/2001. In their article “Anti-suit injunctions zum Schutz von Schiedsvereinbarungen”, Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 2007, 411, they similarly argue for applying the principles of the ECJ decision in Turner and thereby conclude a breach of EC Regulation 44/2001.http://www.ukassignment.org/ in “The Impact of EU Law on Anti-suit Injunctions in aid of English Arbitration Proceedings”, Civil Justice Quarterly 2007, 358, Ben Steinbrück adopts the specific perspective of arbitration law and reasons why the decision as to the effects and scope of English arbitration agreements may not permissibly be monopolised by English courts.