After entering into the WTO, the Chinese fashion brand becomes more and more active in the international arena. The Chinese fashion brand is in the process of continuous learning and overcoming difficulties. Through the development of more than 30 years of the Chinese fashion brand, the gap between the western developed countries is narrowing down, especially in the 21st century. With the overall competence of Chinese strengthening, the cultural confidence and cultural conscious gradually moves into a new stage. Under this circumstance, Chinese tend to focus on the creative and the Chinese featured elements in design with more interest and proud. The Chinese fashion brand is mainly characterized by creative designs and economic materials, whereas on the one hand the Chinese designers gradually rule the fashion world, and on the other hand the Chinese designers face numerous challenges and obstacles in the design of fashion brands. The following part will discuss the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats of Chinese fashion brand.
中国时尚品牌在时尚界呈现出以下优点。第一,中国服装品牌的链条越来越成熟,竞争力越来越强。时尚品牌是外界了解中国发展的窗口。中国服装品牌以出口为主导。整个产业结构是以出口为基础的。随着定位的变化,中国服装品牌从出口转向内需。毫无疑问,内在必要性可以刺激中国经济的消费(魏周,2009年,第311-343页)。下图10显示了中国服装随着时间的推移而不断发展。这种发展表明,中国服装品牌正逐步走向成熟阶段。随着技术的发展,网上购物成为消费者交易的主要方式。电子商务是时尚品牌最有效的发展模式之一。但是,为了跟上机遇的步伐,中国时装设计师需要了解经济、社会和人口结构的变化,这些变化塑造了消费者的形象和购买方式。(Yuval和Max 2012)中国发生了许多变化:收入增加、城市生活、高质量教育和更大的流动性。经济概况的变化已经并将继续是形成消费人口统计的最重要的一点。中国人致富的速度是惊人的快:2010年到2020年,城市消费者的家庭可支配收入将翻一番。The Chinese fashion brand presents the following merits in the fashion world. First, the chain of Chinese fashion brand becomes more mature and more competence. The fashion brand is a window for the outside to know more about the development of China. The Chinese fashion brand takes export as its main leading direction. The overall industry structure is on the basis of export. With the changing of the positioning, the Chinese fashion brand has been changing from export to inside necessity. There is no doubt that the inside necessity can stimulate the consumption of the Chinese economy (Wei & Zhou, 2009, pp.311-343). The following figure 10 shows the increasingly development of Chinese clothes with years. This kind of development shows that Chinese fashion brand is gradually changing into a mature stage. And as the development of technology, online shopping is a main way of consumer’s transaction. E-commerce is one of the most efficiently developmental patterns for fashion brands. But to keep pace with the opportunity, Chinese fashion designers need to understand the economic, societal, and demographic changes shaping the profiles of consumers and the way they purchase.(Yuval and Max 2012) Many changes take place in China: rising incomes, urban living, quality education and greater mobility. Changes in economic profiles have been and will continue to be the most important point in forming the consumer demographic. The speed of Chinese getting richer is dramatically fast: each household disposable income of urban consumers will double between 2010 and 2020.
Figure 9 Sale records of Chinese clothes from 2006 to 2015
Second, Chinese fashion brand undertakes momentous and tremendous transformation and revolution. Since the opening-up in 1978, the Chinese economy and society undertake numerous changes in every industry and there is no exception in the Chinese fashion brand (Chen et al., 2014, pp.150-160). In the past thirty years, China has witnesses the equivalent outcome as the foreign countries in one or two centuries. The design of the fashion products is more adaptive to the consumers in design and it can also direct the sense of beauty and enhance the consumption mode of consumers. Once the consumption mode changes, it is necessary to change the products into a carrier to serve the whole service value, among which the good design and creation is a way to pass the sense of beauty and the outlook of the designer.
Third, the development of Chinese fashion brand presents the self-improvement and prosperity of the Chinese culture (Cody, 2015, pp.90-92). For instance, in the 2014 APEC the Chinese style –Tang Clothes is popular around the world, showing the traditional Chinese elements in design as well as the soft power of China. The emergence of Chinese elements and Chinese signs demonstrate the discourse more of China. Under this context, it means when the economic development reaches a new stage, it can demonstrate the culture conscious and culture powerful (Wei & Zhou, 2009, pp.311-343). Under this circumstance, China is gradually joining into the world and the world knows more about China. In this combination and integration, we need to use the overall value to judge the fashion standard. From the above mentioned, it can see that Chinese fashion brand presents its own feature in some degree and its international position enhances greatly. The outlook of Chinese fashion brand is promising and optimistic.
Figure 11 2014 APEC with traditional Chinese clothes
However, after entering into the WTO, the great contrast between the backward of the Chinese fashion brand and the well-developed of the western countries presents. These kinds of difficulties mainly show in the following aspects such as leading the fashion, positioning the market, the predication and discourse power. First and foremost, fashion leading ability is weak (Tavoletti, 2009, pp.655-670). Second, the power to control the market needs to improve and it is hard for them to position the market. In the former part, it mentions that there will be probably 3,000 new shopping malls opening in the next 2-3 years (Yu, 2011, pp.11-19). Driving this expansion of retail space is the Chinese Government’s focus on accelerating domestic brand’s consumption in order to reduce the reliance on manufacturing exports. It is an important policy and opportunity to the development of Chinese fashion design. However, how to use this opportunity is a question ahead. Currently, some developed countries strictly restrict the anti-dumping act of the Chinese products. Hence, it can see the positioning of the Chinese good needs to focus on the high level consumers rather than the lower ones.
Third, the predication and discourse power is far behind the western countries. The discourse of power of fashion brand is still in the westerners’ hand (Chen et al., 2014, pp.150-160). The development of Chinese fashion brand is far behind the former. Thus, if the latter wants to narrow down or even surpass the former, it needs to enhance its cultural power and soft power.
China as the second economic entity in the international arena possesses a large market share, and the consumption presents more vigor and competitiveness (Yu, 2011, pp.11-19). The design of the Chinese fashion needs to keep pace with the development of the world and maintain its own features.
Chapter 6 Uniqueness of Chinese fashion designer brands
With the interaction with the foreign countries, more and more Chinese fashion brands come out. The Chinese fashion design brand is unique with its own characteristics. This part will analyze the fashion design industry in China from the aspects of complicated fashion consumers, identity recognition, fashion select-shop and business channels in details.
The sophisticated fashion consumer in China
The Chinese fashion brand is different from that in the foreign countries. For instance, the long established brand in the foreign countries may change its designer but its essence will maintain (Wei & Zhou, 2009, pp.311-343). With the opening-up, Chinese industry changes from planned economy into the market oriented economy. The fashion brand undertakes the tremendous changes, especially since the 1990s when many important domestic companies alter its development in the domestic market changing from processing into brand marketing. However, with the foreign brands come into Chinese market at the same time. The market competition becomes fiercer and fiercer (Cody, 2015, pp.90-92). Meanwhile people’s consumption sense becomes mature and forms the buyer market, many companies realize that it is difficult to satisfy the necessity of the clients with higher psychological needs. Under the new market competition environment, China's clothing enterprises to win is the key to the new batch of management ideas in the original way of product competition, is a “strategic turning point” for clothing also. At this point, costume design also has been basically formed, the designer is really up to mention agenda important. At home it will be represented by “Shanshan” enterprise costume design as the soul of the brand and industry performance is an important factor. Invite designer to join, and caused a designer whirlwind, fashion designers are unprecedented attention, government departments are also know the industrialized costume design, expect to designers and brand the binding energy of accelerating the formation of China's garment industry, the national brand to the world, to become an international brand.#p#分页标题#e#
How do fashion designer brands in China communicate their identity
For a long time, little attention is paid to brand promotion, the style of the products and the high-end products. This means in the fashion design, China needs to make full use of the resources from the traditional ones to the modern ones. Confronting this circumstance, the designer needs to take the courage to perfect its marketing strategy and enlighten its clothes. Today, while in buyer's market, the quality of the product is basically equal, and it needs something besides texture to create the added value. In the current Chinese industry clothing is also in the development of the period, really needed the intervention of design concept, the omni-directional to shape our brand, in the management idea, in line with international standards on the factors of production and way of behavior, regardless of each other in the market, and orderly competition, and has a long way to do this is we Chinese clothing designer (Tavoletti, 2009, pp.655-670). Our government departments and professional institutions for the development of clothing design, the implementation of brand strategy has been working hard.
Fashion Select-shop in China
Whether enterprise has its own design staff, the brand eventually are closely linked and designer, no designer, no brand. This but some enterprise rely on imitation, copy of famous brand designs to sustain their own business, or wrap a registered trademark of the processed products as a brand (Tavoletti, 2009, pp.655-670). At present our country has not own fashion guru and well-known brand, this is the root cause of our country export clothing added value. In order to meet our country's economy fully into the international division of labor and the challenge of the economic cycle, improve the competitiveness of the apparel industry at home and abroad market in our country, must emphasize the intrinsic relationships between designers and brand management and designers are encouraged to study the brand, corporate culture designer.
Net business in China
If we just stay on phase of processing for others, then the processing advantages must be temporary. Chinese clothing added value is low, the main reason is the difference in design ability, own brand into the international market. Design is the use of a variety of technology companies throughout the whole process of a kind of cultural value orientation (Cody, 2015, pp.90-92). In modern high-tech and high emotion under the condition of mutual promotion, to achieve product economic value, aesthetic value and social value of the total goal, must improve the design level, training designer team, build atmosphere penetrated into all areas of design, the outstanding position in the work. From the enterprise, the design is the creative mind, and the brand is also the cornerstone of fashion of intangible assets. Besides, the development of design in fashion can reflect the civilization of a country.
Online stores
The contemporary science and technology are rapidly changing the traditional way of clothing consumer goods production and trade. People with the help of modern technology to make innovative thinking to a bigger space extension, extend to a more rigorous logic structure. Microelectronics technology and the wide application of information network, make the thought process and shorten the production process, the designer directly become consumers, consumers can also be in the thousands of miles away to participate in design, people can go to the market judgment, get creative inspiration from different regional culture, using a variety of new materials, scale benefit processed in different parts of the world, and is characterized by rapid response to build international global network of design, production, marketing, this lead to international cooperation and interdependence between countries' economic increasing, the traditional sense of the national comparative advantage into competitive advantage among enterprises.
Nowadays with the booming of the Internet and the rapid development of information, there are some new forms shed lights in the fashion brand, such as net business, online stores, mobile sales, etc. Figure 12 shows the trade scale of Chinese fashion brand from 2008 to 2014. The online transaction increases year by year. The market scale of online shopping for fashion clothes adopts C2C and B2C as the distribution methods. The transaction scale of C2C uses the total amount of products’ value and B2C uses the sale amount for accounting.
Figure 12 The e-business of Chinese fashion brand from 2008 to 2014
Information era, not only changing the production, but also changed people's way of life, people's conceptions and frequently, greatly affects people's consumption concept. On the one hand, people can use the new science and technology is becoming more and more accurately track people physiological experience and aesthetic experience of clothing. On the other hand, consumers and the global information network and fast caught the world fashion trend, make the diversification of their choice at any time. In international trade, the choice of consumer is increasingly from material compare to fashion innovation. Subsequent design culture becomes the soul of modern garment industry competition. International exchanges and cooperation is the complementary advantages all countries and regions, an important means to improve the common.
Clothing design is a complex and systematic project, a timeliness strong work, execution level and professional level the demand is higher. A brand for the product planning to product has a lot of work, the majority of transactions for designers, or is given priority to with designers, have a plenty of data analysis, have a plenty of market research, have a plenty of drawing, have a plenty of proofing tracking, have a plenty of fabrics and design identified, etc., which involve the participation of designers (Tavoletti, 2009, pp.655-670). Costume design career in today's China is more and more mature, more and more tend to standardize the operation, every link has a scientific operation, strict standards, is no longer as before by experience, take it easily. Costume design affairs work according to the different scale, there are a variety of forms, big companies will set up a design center, academic affairs division of labor is clear, operation sequencing. Medium companies set up a design, design, proofing integrated operation (Cody, 2015, pp.90-92). Small company's organizational structure is not so complicated, relatively simple, effective, one will more hats. But no matter which kind of form, the enterprise must have internal coordination, closely cooperate to strengthen communication between different departments, and make design affairs in an orderly way.
Mobile sales
With the development of mobile phones and telecommunication, lots of people prefer the new shopping way which is mobile phone shopping. The 3G and 4G accelerate and provide more chances for people to use this convenient way to purchase the things they want. From the questionnaires conducted by the author, it can see people’s willingness on the location selection for purchasing. While buying, people focus on the various brand selection, style choice, reputation of the brand, price, decoration of the shop and the location (Wei & Zhou, 2009, pp.311-343). Among the 71 interviewees, they consider these elements have an important influence on their selection. From this sense, there is no doubt that the reason why more and more people love to purchase on the internet because they have a larger scope of selection on the above mentioned elements.
Figure 13 Comparison for shopping for details see in the questionnaire in the appendix
Figure 14 Shortcomings of Chinese clothes shops compared with the foreign ones for details see in the questionnaire in the appendix
From the questionnaire conducted by the author in Figure 14, it can see there are some shortcomings of the Chinese clothes shops compared with the foreign ones. The customers are not satisfied with the limited styles, brands, order, shopping experience, quality, publicizing, and reputation of the Chinese clothes shops. Thus, it sets lights for the Chinese one to work hard on the exploration in the market development.
Figure 15 The efforts made by the real shop in the future for details see in the questionnaire in the appendix
From Figure 15, it can see the reason why lots of customers love the online shop rather than the real shop due to the following reasons. The location of the real shop becomes a barrier for the clients to purchase the things they want in a tight time schedule. The shopping experience in some real shop is time killing however the online shopping can save lots of time and efforts. The quality of the real shop is preferred by the online shop because the online one cannot let the clients have the real feel and touch of the fabric. The decoration of the real shop can attract or derivate the preference of the clients because the clients have its own taste and sense of beauty which may be different from the one of the shop owner. The publicizing way of the real shop might be various such as afternoon tea or the meeting of the famous stars, which is an attractive part of the clients. The online shop cannot provide this kind of promotion activities. Thus, it can see both of the real shop and the online shop have its own merits and demerits. The clothes owner can use various forms to promote its products in order to make huge profits.#p#分页标题#e#
Figure 16 The ways to enhance the Chinese atmosphere for details see in the questionnaire in the appendix
Towards the current ways to present the Chinese features in decoration, this paper also conduct a questionnaire on the ways to enhance the Chinese atmosphere in order to attract more clients. From figure 16, it can see that 96% of the interviewees consider that the old city theme can make them consider and feel the Chinese sense of beauty. The old Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, etc. is engraved in the heart of people which means that is China and which is particularly different from the other countries. These are the symbol of China.
From the above mentioned discussion, it can see that the Chinese fashion design presents its unique features. First, various Chinese elements, such as Xiangyun, dragon, etc. are added into the design which offers more choices for Chinese people to select. Second, the fashion designers is a window for people to know and understand China. Third, there are more channels to publicize and sell the Chinese fashion products with the development of telecommunication and e-commerce whereas the mobile shop and the online shopping become more and more popular among younger generation in China.
Development potential of local fashion designer brands in China
During the past decades, Chinese consumer was keen on the luxury goods and foreign brands, the clothing market in China is dominated by the fashion brands from Europe and America, China is represented as the biggest market for luxury products’ consumption. Increasingly, Chinese fashion brand is facing a change: ‘Made in China’ is replaced by ‘Designed in China.’ According to Vincent Grimaldi (2006), China’s status as the largest manufacturing country in the world has given its domestic fashion designers a low profile internationally. (Ferrero-Regis and Lindgren 2012) However, nowadays Chinese creativity moves to the center stage and the country changes as a leading consumer market with brands of domestic origin strengthens. (Parker & Hermans, 2004, pp.231-255) With the higher necessity of people around the world, more and more people love to beautify themselves providing a good opportunity for the development of fashion brand in China. Besides, the promising economic growth provides numerous momentous for development fashion brand as people with higher purchase power. In this part, the development potential of local fashion designer brands in China will be analyzed in the following aspects, such as a team, fashion centre, support and sustainability.
Since opening-up, the fashion brand has achieved great progress whereas the production, consumption, import and export develop rapidly. The Chinese fashion brand gradually becomes mature because it changes from lower pursuit to a higher pursuit, and from labor cost one into quality, creation, product research and development, brand merits, culture merits etc. 2015 is the key to the industry adjustment upgrade, the subtle changes in the industry will be the future of the apparel industry in China to have a profound impact (Wei & Zhou, 2009, pp.311-343). The following part will analyze the potential of Chinese brands in details.
Potential of a team
The success of the Chinese brands means an unforgettable achievement of the Chinese fashion brand teams. These teams change its focus from a reserved and conservative one into a new and fashionable one. Since reform and opening up, China's garment industry has been a rapid development, our country become the world's clothing production, consumption, import and export power, clothing brand development. The development of Chinese clothing brand presents a clustering, whole category, the characteristics of multiple brands, internationalization. At present our country has formed a multiple regional industry cluster, men's wear women's clothing, Ningbo, Shantou underwear, such as Shenzhen Junan jeans, Haining leather, etc., within the region with a strong matching ability, forming resultant force for brand development. (Parker & Hermans, 2004, pp.231-255) Now has a group of our country has a well-known clothing brands, such as younger, judger, admiration, 3 guns, red, yellow, blue, etc., formed a strong market competitiveness. Many brand is still in the original single category on the basis of brand extension, to the development of category, such as red bean extend from men's clothing, home textile, household extends from hosiery underwear, anta extend from sports children's wear, etc. In brand development, more brand according to a specific brand of customer group, such as the manager ME&CITY brand of meters, Peacebird owns Beth Fort, Pagani, Yurakucho, Magic, Vogue, and many other brands. In the aspect of international development, domestic brands are also effective non-ferrous, bosideng set up shop in the UK and in Europe market, Lee Lang men's appearance in Milan fashion week. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the appreciation of the Chinese and foreign trade export market situation, the influence of foreign trade export processing enterprises with independent brands, expand the domestic market, has achieved certain results. First, the clothing consumption upgrading trend obviously, consumers more high-grade bazaar, the brand’s flagship store, rapid growth in demand for high-grade garments. In terms of clothing brand, brand also began a new round of upgrades, pay attention to vogue, high quality, and promote the brand culture, from product competition to the competition of culture (Wei & Zhou, 2009, pp.311-343). Second, the Chinese fashion teams devote heart and soul into establishing the brands with Chinese characteristics. According to China's clothing brand research center, China currently has more than 10000 apparel brands, market concentration is low, but also constantly emerging brand to join, international brands are also accelerate the layout of the domestic market, a variety of factors lead to an increasingly competitive market. As a huge resource market, in 2007, China had become the world’s top producer of merchant ships. Many industrial goods, varieties of services, and abundant of low-cost labor force, these advantages make cheaper Chinese products. Textile industry as one of typical labor-intensive industries, labor-costs is an important element in producing process. According to the U.S. Wernevr International Consulting firm’s “International garment industry hourly wage Report (Yu, 2011, pp.11-19): China's labor price is $0.96 per person per hour, integrated ranked 48th place globally. The providing data shows that the Chinese labor force is highly competitive, while the self-supported market resources enable the domestic fashion brands more competitive. At the same time in the domestic market channels, marketing costs have increased, such as clothing brand will face more and more fierce competition situation.
Potential of a fashion center
Another potential of the Chinese fashion brand is the fashion center. In the past, the fashion center is fixed in several places, such as Beijing, Guangdong, and Shanghai, however, there are more and more fashion centers with the development of higher fashion necessity. As a consumer society, the textile and clothing industry in China has grown rapidly, in 2009, the textile industry’s output was making a profit of 336.6 billion, and 70% of the profit was generated from the domestic market.(Zhang 2012) This huge domestic market has made a lot of organizations transfer their focus on the domestic consumer. From the sources of BCG China Fashion Research Survey 2010, the annual apparel consumption of urban consumers age 14 to 45 was RMB 1,150 per capita. The consultancy Boston Consulting Group anticipates that the Chinese fashion market will grow threefold to more than RMB 1.3 trillion by 2020. From the contract to the domestic garment industry brand development is the inevitable trend of garment industry development. Chinese clothing brand research center study found that the development of the emerging countries on international apparel industry all follow from OEM to brand development pattern, such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan and other places of the apparel industry first and do OEM production, when the industry accumulation to a certain extent, naturally began to create their own brands, such as Japanese created the international brands such as KENZO comes now. The development of garment industry in China is also from first production country, and then to consumption, and then developed into a brand power. At present, China's garment industry to accelerate the transition from OEM brand development, also has the realistic objective cause, mainly is the appreciation of the Chinese and foreign trade market, the increasing pressure, foundry profits more and more thin, clothing business transformation and upgrading, to create their own brands, access to brand value. At the same time, our country's economy will continue to maintain relatively fast growth, under the active fiscal and monetary policy stimulus, domestic demand market and stable growth. With the acceleration of urbanization process, in particular, the second and third tier cities and rural market consumption upgrade, clothing consumption market growth rapidly. This also prompted domestic clothing enterprise to create its own brand, take the domestic market.
Potential of support
The support of various sides is the enduring backup of the Chinese fashion brand. On the one hand, the new technology is the most powerful one. According to China's clothing brand research center, China currently has more than 10000 apparel brands, market concentration is low, but also constantly emerging brand to join, international brands are also accelerate the layout of the domestic market, a variety of factors lead to an increasingly competitive market (Lee & Ostberg, pp.128-143). At the same time in the domestic market channels, marketing costs have increased, such as clothing brand will face more and more fierce competition situation. At present, China's garment industry has the development goal of "clothing powers", and "fashion power" must begin from the technology, brand, culture, and the transformation industry, improve industry. Specific to the implementation strategy, is moving from contribution rate of science and technology and brand contribution on the two areas. It is necessary to improve the contribution rate of science and technology is to make the Chinese clothing industry step by step to stand in the commanding heights of science and technology in the field of global apparel, with science and technology to create market opportunities, with science and technology create value benefits. Companies want to use the most advanced technology to arm themselves, to increase investment in research and development. On the other hand, the development of e-commerce is another powerful tool. Since 2007, the clothing retail network obtained the explosive growth, clothing became the first big online retail category. E-commerce has made a number of network brand, such as Vancl, Green Box, etc., and integrating the traditional brand also channels, expanding retail network, promote the innovation in brand upgrade. (Lan & Zhu, 2014, pp.156-174) E-commerce will vigorously boost brand development. Plus, China is on the way to the core place of the world’s fashion design stage. The fashion design industry in China is showing signs of transferring to its “Made in China”label to“Designed in China”reputation, . An emergent boom of Chinese fashion designers with globally educational experience such as Ma Ke, Uma Wang, Qiu Hao, Wang Yiyang, etc. have been invited to the Paris Haute Couture Week since 2008. The rapidly economic boom in China drives domestic Chinese consumers become increasingly interested in local independent designers as their sophistication in desiring the aesthetic elements of a distinctive fashion-style increases.(Tiziana and Tim 2012)This revolution enable garment manufacturers and retailers to transfer their attention to the newly fashionable Chinese consumers.#p#分页标题#e#
Potential of sustainability
The Chinese fashion brand concentrates on the novel notion, i.e. sustainability. The green revolution also sweeps into the fashion brand. More and more designers prefer to use the environmental friendly materials to make clothes, such as low carbon materials, etc. On September 20, 2009, the day the world earth day, by the environmental protection agency, Jane Goodall Low carbon clothing (Beijing) environment culture exchange center, Li Ning Company (28.5, 0.70, 2.40%), Teijin group institutions such as the common organization about “low carbon clothing” seminar, creatively proposed the concept of “clothing rings”, pioneered dress new environmental protection concept, calls for more attention to the clothing of carbon emissions. According to introducing, this activity is one of the innovative concept of environmental protection of rings “clothing”, this is based on the understanding of tree growth rings, with clothes carbon index is put forward, the use fixed number of year of each clothes uniform, life cycle of annual carbon emissions and carbon emissions (Lan & Zhu, 2014, pp.156-174). Second concept is “low carbon”, can let everyone in the process of all clothing consumption of lower carbon emissions, and more than a garment, and increasing the utilization rate of each dress. Both the concept of green innovation put forward to explain to the public wearing clothing “low-carbon fashion” and reduce carbon emissions, the relationship between a call to start from wearing “low-carbon fashion” to join the environmental protection in the trend of fashion. With the advent of the era of low carbon economy, low carbon economy concept is a product of keep up with the demand of The Times. So clothing enterprises build a low carbon economy mode inevitably is a breakthrough of revolution, is a new type of low carbon economic mode, accords with the sustainable development of economy (Zhang & Kim, 2013, pp. 211-244). Clothing enterprises should seize the low carbon economy bring good opportunity, change the traditional economic model, build a low carbon economy mode, improving the management of garment enterprises, technical content, new equipment, is widely used in the enterprise in low carbon fabric, independent innovation, low carbon production, make the low carbon concept into clothing enterprise interior, such clothing enterprise low carbon economic model will be more perfect, and green environmental protection, low carbon, yearning for the harmony of human and nature will become clothing enterprises to pursue the eternal theme of economic development (Lan & Zhu, 2014, pp.156-174). At the same time, the low carbon economic model will also be clothing enterprise economic development inevitable trend.
From the above mentioned discussion, it can see that a powerful team, the shift of the fashion centre, various supports and the notion of sustainability is the potential for the development of the Chinese fashion brand.
With the rapid development of Chinese fashion brand, the Chinese fashion designers witness the ups and downs of Chinese economy, which is the backup of the fashion brand. From the discussion, it can see that there is a long way from ‘made in China’ to ‘designed in China’ accompanied by the opportunities and challenges currently facing Chinese fashion designer brands.
On the one hand, this paper gets the following major findings for the opportunities of Chinese fashion brands. First, according to the SWOT analysis, the outside environment for Chinese fashion design is promising. Second, the Chinese designers concert more efforts for the creative designs with Chinese characteristics. Third, the Chinese designers keep pace with the development of the international arena. Hence, the Chinese fashion brands will create a new path in the future.
On the other hand, this paper comes to the following major findings for the challenges of Chinese fashion brands. First, the stereotyped mind is a barrier for the creation to the Chinese fashion brands. Second, the insufficient of discourse power in the international arena makes the Chinese fashion brand stagnation. Third, the development of the economy decides people’s mind as well as design creation.
To sum up, although there is a long way for the Chinese fashion to change from ‘made in China’ to ‘designed in China, the outlook is bright.
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