首先我们要先看一下格式要怎么写才可以把文章写的有逻辑,首先我们要有一个最基本的格式就是“汉堡”格式,intro(开头),body(正文),conclusion(总结),下面的文章是十分经典的四段式文章,开头一段,正文两段,总结一段,接下来我会带着大家来细看范文。 首先这是一篇读书报告,读书报告是要稍微讲下剧情但是又不能没有自己的想法,标题可以在后续再取,但是需要有一个thesis(中心思想),中心思想需要在开头的结尾表明,在这篇文章明确地表示“The essay will be talking about the consciousness and unconsciousness of protagonist as flaneur.“(这篇文章将会讨论男主角有意识和无意识的浪子行为)并在第一段简单的介绍文章的大概背景和内容(取决于文章的长短,原文的介绍可长可短,尽量控制在一段以内讲完) ![]() Women or Wife? Consciousness and Unconsciousness As Flaneur. One Evening in the Rainy Season wrote in 1929 by Zhecun Shi, who was a journal editor, literature translator, yet was most known as a Chinese author with his modernist short stories. The story was talking about a monologue which describe the mental activity of a young married office man met a beautiful girl while they were taking shelter from the rain in Shanghai, which was one of opening harbor. Whereas people who lived in Shanghai had higher level education and open-mind thoughts. The essay will be talking about the consciousness and unconsciousness of protagonist as flaneur. 由于文章讲的是有意识和无意识的行为,分成两段来展开说明,下面这段讲的是有意识的行为,正规一点的要求教授会希望每一段有两个quotations(引用)来加强自己的说法,不然教授会觉得说明力不足,由于是读书报告,也需要引用到一些原文中的句子来展开自己的想法 The protagonist became aware of his own unusual starts from the question he asked himself twice before and after the young women first shows up in the story: “why didn’t I walked to the other side of the street at the moment I could have crossed?”(Lau & Goldblatt, 2007, p.118) and “but why didn’t I cross over, and continue on my way home?”(Lau & Goldblatt, 2007, p.119) These two lines made the encounter with the young women destined. Besides, the protagonist consciously think about his wife, yet still gave himself the reasons to approach her: “before me was standing a beautiful companion, and the one in the midst of difficulty; lonely … It was quite simply for these reasons that involuntarily I edged up to her side,”(Lau & Goldblatt, 2007, p.119) it is not difficult to find that protagonist was interested in the girl as the flaneur. Besides, the monologue when protagonist guessed the background of this familiar-looking girl, who he thought was his very first girlfriend and excited about the reunion. However, the protagonist was tortured by the contradictory between his “first girlfriend” and wife: “I’d married. I hadn’t seen her again. She must have grown even prettier….”(Lau & Goldblatt, 2007, p.122). As a result, the thought of protagonist was easy to distract: “he thinks about his youth, the next he recalls a Japanese painting brought to mid by the image of the woman battling against the storm,” (Wang, 2012, p.21)the protagonist continually thinks about the girl from the very beginning consciously which like flaneur elsewhere. On the other hand, protagonist also had some unconscious actions to cover his “sin” and guilt. The first action was lowering the umbrella: “unless people intentionally bent down, they wouldn’t be able to see our face.”(Lau & Goldblatt, 2007, p.121) The reason he lowered the umbrella is he was afraid that people recognized him walking with a young woman but not his wife. The second action was at the end when he went home he did not recognized the path that he and the young woman walked was the path that heading back home. At the end, the young woman came to be in the protagonist’s house, “I recognized the woman who had been leaning on the shop counter and eyeing enviously bot me and the young women,”(Lau & Goldblatt, 2007, p.124) can illustrate the guilt of protagonist unconsciously with his own imagination. In addition, he told the lie to his wife for why he came back late which also the natural protection of human-beings when they met difficulties. 结尾的时候就是总结一下前面两段的想法,一定要换句话再把中心思想在写一遍穿插在结尾里。 ![]() In conclusion, the monologue from the married men during the time can represent the shock after westernized in Shanghai, the tradition and open-minded thoughts made protagonist paradox which he tried to approach to the young woman even he was married. The story explores the “multiple wats in which the representation of women is framed by the male perspective.” (Rosenmeier, 2010, p.67)The guilty conscience he had and the lie he told to his wife are also contractionary which can prove the protagonist as the flaneur, yet still have conscience to resist the temptation from the outside. 总结:写文章的时候需要上课多听教授更偏爱哪点议题,尽量往教授的喜爱去靠,例如女教授一般不反感看到女权的题材,通常教授喜爱的题材分数都不会太低,另外不要把作文写的特别复杂,有几个观点写几段的body,每个都要平均分配字数以免“头重脚轻”。引用也是十分的重要,在写文章前可以先去找相关资料并确保她是否能成为你有力的例子,比先写文章去找相关资料还简单。 |