Essay如何写?有格式范文吗?Essay格式对于初到国外留学的学生们来说是一件比较头疼的事,国外大学对于作业的形式都是有一个相对比较严格的essay格式要求,比如今天我们要讲的5-Paragraph Essay五段式的短文,这是essay格式中比较常见的一种形式。下面请跟着我们的小编一起来学习一下如何写一篇五段式的essay.
![]() Essay格式范文
A 5 paragraph essay is the simplest and most usual form of essay. The basic structure contains an introduction, three paragraphs forming the main body of the essay and a conclusion summarising the main thesis of the essay. 导言部分简要阐述了论文的主题,以及论文的考证方法,以引起读者的注意。介绍应该非常简短,通常不应该包括引语。这是一个好主意,以一个句子结束介绍的主要观点,第一段在主体作为一个'钩',因为这增加了文章的流程。 The introduction briefly states the thesis of the essay and the method to be used in the essay to examine and prove the thesis in such a way as to engage the reader’s attention. An introduction should be kept very brief and should not usually include quotations. It is a good idea to end the introduction with a sentence introducing the main point of the first paragraph in the main body as a ‘hook’ as this adds to the essay’s flow. 正文第一段包含了作者认为是本文的重点。 这一点应该得到有力的说明,并有令人信服的支持性证据。这一段应该用引言结尾的“钩子”来保持论点的连贯性,并用类似的“钩子”来引出第二段(这些钩子的使用增强了整体的凝聚力。) The first paragraph of the main body contains the point that the writer considers primary to the thesis. This should be stated strongly and with convincing supporting evidence. This paragraph should pick up the ‘hook’ which the introduction ended with to maintain the flow of the argument, and end with a similar ‘hook’ to lead into paragraph two. (The use of these hooks throughout enhances the overall cohesion.) 第二段要么是第二个最有力的观点,要么是对第一段观点的补充,并对其加以扩展和扩大。 它将再次包含支持所提出观点的证据,并在第三段中引入一个“钩子”。 The second paragraph contains either the second strongest point or a follow-up to the point made in paragraph one, extending and enlarging it. It will again contain evidence to support points made and a ‘hook’ leading into the third paragraph. 第三款遵循第一款和第二款确定的模式,即点或续加补充证据。 如前几段一样,它将从第二段的“钩子”开始,但过渡到结论的“钩子”应该向读者表明这样做是为了结束论点。用这种方法表示总和总是有用的。 The third paragraph follows the pattern established in paragraphs one and two i.e. point or continuation plus supplementary evidence. As in the previous paragraphs it will begin by picking up the ‘hook’ from paragraph two but the transitional ‘hook’ into the conclusion should flag to the reader the intention that this is drawing the argument to a close. It is always useful to give indication of summation in this way. 结语部分是对论文的总结。 虽然在这一阶段不会包括新的证据,但允许使用报价。结语部分对全文进行了重述,总结了三个要点,并指出了进一步研究的方向。以一个强有力的陈述作为结尾是个好主意,给读者留下这样的印象:这篇文章在特定参数和完成感的限制下完成了论文。 The conclusion is a summation of the thesis of the essay. Whilst no new evidence will be included at this stage, it is permissible to use quotation. The conclusion to the essay should restate the thesis, summarise the three main points and indicate the direction that further study might take. It is a good idea to end with a strong statement that leaves the reader with the impression that the essay has fulfilled the thesis within the limitation of the specific parameters and a sense of completion.
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