essay怎么写?有格式范文吗?essay写作对于除过留学的同学申请非常重要,面对学校老师的严格审评,很多同学会踩坑。本文为大家分享了相关的要点及建议,可以参考一下,尽量少走弯路。 一、essay写作流程 首先,花15分钟时间选定你想体现的特质value。 其次,找一张空白纸,分为两列,左侧标题为“My values”,并列出3-5项关键词,如好学、自然、音乐等。另一列对应着你的每一项特质写出你的具体描述,比如,对应好学,你可以写“我经常研究维基百科上的难的文章直到凌晨3点”。记住所有你的描述都应该让人觉得很有画面感,就像回想电影里的镜头一样。 然后,把你的描述按一定顺序组合,可以按时间顺序排列,比较自然。注意在写作过程中你要突出你的value,但自己绝不可以明确指出关键词。 将每一段用恰当的语言连接起来,如果按时间顺序写那可以用“A few years later…”或“When I entered high school…” 等时间词连接。 最后,重点描述一下你的某些特质,这些特质最好是无论进入任何大学任何专业都不会轻易改变的。 二、essay写作建议 1、扩展您的身份方面,例如您的宗教,文化,种族,性别身份,亲和力团体等。到目前为止,您的身份方面如何影响您的生活经历? 关于这方面如果写你估计可以写出二十篇论文,探讨您身份的二十个不同方面,该如何选择? 首先集思广益,讨论各种潜在的话题。最初,尽量不要判断自己的想法;只是将很多潜在的想法记录在纸上-您的身份方面以及它们影响您所做工作的方式。 当您掌握了一些资料后,请考虑哪些故事重点介绍您将如何为某某校园和您的职业生涯做出贡献。内容要有针对性,某某学校最终要寻找的是有活力的学生,这些学生将在他们的学校和世界上发挥作用。因此,请确保您的文章重点介绍您的身份和生活经历如何有助于您的独特和创造性思维,以及影响您周围世界的激动人心且与众不同的方式。 2、如果您可以改变有关居住地点的一件事,那将会是什么,为什么? 您可以讨论您的房屋,家乡,甚至您的国家或全球。要提到你超越希望和改进的梦想,同时指出某某学校的具体资源和机会,这可能有助于您在不久的将来解决这些问题。 3、描述您视为社区建设者的人。该人采取了什么行动?他们的工作对您的生活有何影响? 招生人员希望了解您如何将他人的影响纳入您的生活和世界观,以及您愿意接受新的想法。通过讨论激发您以不同的方式思考世界或采取某些特定行动的人,您可以表明,当您与同学互动时,您将准备好在某某学校成长。确保专注于这如何使您成为一个更好或更富有成效的人,表明您将为某某学校和整个世界做出贡献。最终,这就是某某学校希望看到的。再说一次,如果您自然可以在本文中提及某某学校的任何方面。 最终建议:对于这些某某学校的补充Essay,请选择两个问题,以展示您将为某某学校校园和更广阔的世界做出多么出色的贡献。如果您很烦恼,请记住,最适合您的问题是您感觉最兴奋的问题。这些论文总是给招生人员留下最大的印象。 三、essay范文参考推荐 My story is not a story; my story is a fingerprint, both distinctive and exclusive, that makes me unique. My story started in June, 1997, and has taken place primarily in Monroe, Michigan. Sixteen years later, my story, filled with both good and bad times, is about to take transition into a new chapter. But this chapter, like most others, must be read with the context in mind to visualize the whole picture. 我的故事不是故事;我的故事是一枚指纹,既独特又独一无二,它使我独一无二。我的故事开始于1997年6月,主要发生在密歇根州的门罗。16年后,我的故事,充满了好与坏的时代,即将过渡到一个新的篇章。但是这一章,就像大多数其他章节一样,必须在阅读的时候把上下文放在脑海里,这样才能看到整个画面。 Coming from a mixed African American-Caucasian background, I grew up near the border of the poverty line, but I tried not to succumb to the societal stereotypes of many other African Americans. I didn’t participate in or promote any heinous or felonious actions; additionally, I made certain that I made education my utmost priority. As of today, my friends find it astonishing that I don’t curse under any circumstances. My father would be glad that I kept up this moral integrity, but sadly he passed away this year in early December. Even though this still fills me with grief and mixed emotions I always try to remember his axiom of “always – keep your head up.” He was a great man, whose words served to support me through the harshest of times. Switching off to a more joyful subject, my years as a 4-Her were very influential in my upbringing. I started off as an 8 year old explorer, with my family already being involved in 4-H, and I am still an active member. Being involved with certain crafts and animal projects, 4-H taught me many skills like: leadership, speechmaking, and perseverance. Most importantly, 4-H gave me the courage to try new things-despite the risks. Without 4-H, I wouldn’t be involved in as many extracurricular activities like quiz bowl, wrestling, Interact Rotary Club, Upward Bound, freshman ignition mentor, and National Honor Society. As a supplement to this, I was also able to do various other programs like: College 101 (U of M), MI HOBY (student leadership) and various other undertakings. Being so involved in many organizations, I saw the plethora of opportunities before me to take some kind of leadership role. Through 4-H, I started off shy and timid, but eventually I was voted in as group treasurer in 2012; the subsequent year (2013) I was group president. For Upward Bond, I strived to be a model participant, and now I’ve been attending the state student leadership conference for two years (our program has only been involved for two years so far). In NHS, I am currently the group treasurer, yet I plan to run for its presidency this upcoming election. At school I am a member of our Student Co某某学校il, organizing and running various school f某某学校tions, with aspirations of taking a leadership role in the next academic school year. I choose not to be a class officer for my graduating class simply because I don’t have the spare time. “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” —Mark Twain. This quote serves as an overarching guide to how my life has played out. I didn’t exactly grow up dirt poor, but I did mature enough to see that we weren’t fortune 500 either. The world never owed me anything; the world only gave me what I took from it. Nothing was ever given to me, so I have had to work hard and preserve through all of life’s road blocks-no matter how big the challenge was, I always kept my head up. Knowing this, I can accurately see what I need to do in order to get anywhere else in life. The first step, though stupendous and life changing, is to make it to college in order to pursue what I want in life. “别到处说世界亏欠了你。这个世界不欠你什么。它先在这里。“马克吐温。这句话对我的生活是如何展开的是一个全面的指导。我并不是一贫如寒,但我已经足够成熟,知道我们也不是世界500强。这个世界从来不欠我什么;这个世界只给了我我从它那里拿走的东西。没有人给过我任何东西,所以我必须努力工作,克服生活中的所有障碍——无论挑战有多大,我总是保持昂起的头。知道了这一点,我就能准确地看到我需要做些什么才能在生活中取得别的成就。第一步,虽然是巨大的和生活的改变,是为了追求我在生活中想要的东西上大学。 以上是essay格式范文参考, |