Society Essay:不滥用药物分析 滥用药物是当今生活中很常见的现象。有很多物质被称为滥用,最常见的被滥用物质是街头毒品。其他滥用物质包括医疗处方药丸紧随其后的酒精。如果过度的消耗,什么都可以被滥用,这也包括药物。药物滥用被定性为不寻常的行为,因为这是对滥用物质的限制。 有两种常见的药物滥用类型是正常的,用轻浮的方式使用物质,不能沉迷于此,这些人要么停止使用这些物质或得到沉迷于这些物质滥用。第二种类型的人沉迷于这些物质。通常人们认为他们可以随时克制住毒瘾,但是很难发生类似事件。人停止住上瘾,他们觉得自己没有它却无法生存。若没有外界的帮助,这已经到达了一个失去了完整的控制和无法走出此状况的阶段。通常情况下,人可以在一段时间内控制,但这种控制改变了立场,它们之间有一个回转控制和无法控制。这可能会继续无限次,除非人接受外界的帮助。
人开始经历一个漂移对生活的消极方面和生活变得困难的人最简单的方法。这种瘾是可以克服的,如果这个人愿意接受别人的帮助,这可以帮助他们重获幸福的生活,摆脱上瘾。 There are two types of substance abuse and they are the normal, frivolous way of using substances without getting addicted to them, these people either stop the use of these substances or end up getting addicted to these substance abuse. The second type is the people who are addicted to these substances. Normally people think that they can get out of the addiction whenever they want and this is not something that happens. People end up getting so addicted that they feel they cannot survive without it. This is the stage where one loses complete control and is impossible for one to recover from this stage without outside help. Normally a person can gain control once in a while and this control keeps changing stance and there is a gyration between control and no control. This may go on for an infinite time unless the person accepts outside help.
Substance abuse is something that is really dangerous and once addicted it is very difficult for that person to lead the normal life he/she has been once leading. The person starts experiencing a drift towards the negative aspect of life and it becomes difficult for the person to live life the easy way. This addiction can be overcome if the person is willing to accept help from others and this can help them regaining their happy life free of addiction. If a person you know is addicted to any substance then putting that person into treatment in a substance abuse facility is probably the best option available. It s not an impossible task to make that person get relieved of his addiction and walk freely as a normal person. Also the task is not very easy. The person in treatment needs all the moral support that can be given and the person should be made to understand the importance of living a life free of addiction. Normally a person addicted feels that he/she should stay away from people and it is our responsibility that we take care of our beloved ones and make them feel that we care for them and make available all the facilities that is required to relieve them from the addiction.
The time spent in a substance abuse facility is precious as the person coming out of it comes back as a normal human and leads life like they once did. Not many people feel confident about their recovery while some go in with a mindset of recovering from the addiction. Even after recovery many people have not felt it positive to walk back and lead a normal life owing to the time they spent during the addiction. The bottom-line is that treatment given to an addict results in two things. It either makes them or breaks them it is depending on how they take it and with what attitude they went into the facility that matters. Individual treatment is something that has to be given to every drug addict and this is required because the level of addiction and the way they were introduced to this substance might change from one person to the other. Hence it is required that each person is individually spoken to and dialogue is made with the addict. This is done because the therapists have only this way to know more about them and thereby find a way to recover from this addiction.
Also one cannot recover from addiction without a moral support from people close to him. Thus the staff attending the person needs to decide on who the visitors are going to be and the type of conversation they are going to make with the person. This is the most important phase as the person needs to gain self esteem and self belief that he/she will be able to recover from this addiction. There are addicts who understand their problem and feel the need to discuss their problem with a professional. It is to be kept in mind that these addicts need to have a good rapport with these therapists. It is only by a combined effort of the addict and the staff that they will be able to come out of this addiction. The first thing that one must look into while investigating for substance abuse is the person s performance in doing tasks. The next thing to check is the person s behavior with people around him. There is variety of behavior changes that one can notice if a person is under influence. It can be a low morale, arguments with the co employees, lack of memory and other signs. All this might indicate that a person is under influence or is in a state of hangover. The next thing to be noted is the physical signs. These can mostly confirm a person s influence over a substance. The first thing is to note whether the person s eyes is bloodshot or watery. Then check whether the co ordination of his body parts synch and also look for co ordination in speech. Also if the person shows extreme fatigue or extreme stimulation then the person might be under influence of a substance.
Also one should have a keen look into the person s belongings and should carefully check if the person is in possession of any materials such as syringe, needles, pipes, lighters, etc. if a person is using such items often then there is a higher probability that the person is addicted to a substance. Continuous consumption of these drugs and alcohol may lead to not only deterioration in health they also lead to decline in a person s social life. It may weaken relationship and may depreciate a person s respect in a community. It will lead to weakening of relationships with loved ones and let down rapport with colleagues. Taking into account these entire effects one must consider throwing away the addiction from such substances in order to maintain their health and ensure constant participation in social life. Thus one must plan and look for the type of treatments they are going to take in order to recover from this addiction. The most important step involved is detoxification which ensures good recovery. The dosage injected into the addict will not affect body organs as they get out of the body quickly. There are two types of detoxification. One is inpatient detoxification and the other is outpatient detoxification. The inpatient detoxification should only be done in a rehabilitation center or in a hospital. This is because the type of detoxification used varies and it requires special facilities to be administered into a person s body. This is generally recommended for people who have been addicted for a long time while the outpatient is for people with mild addiction but this also requires a professional who can administer is safely.#p#分页标题#e#
While overcoming the addiction it is important that we have enough information on the withdrawal symptoms that one will face. Once they start kicking in one should know how to deal with them and what kind of remedies one should take in order to get out of the pain without getting into addiction again. The most common reason that recovered people come up with is that they heard a rumor which claimed that consumption of a particular drug enhanced the self esteem of a person and make the person feel better by striking the person s pleasure sensors. The substances consumed provide different types of sensation and each varies with the substance. Moreover there are many people who choose the consumption of restricted substances with the hope that they will be able to come out of the stress and tension they have in their life. The stress caused could be due to emotional problems or due to workload. The abuse of substances due to stress related reasons is the most typical reason for a person becoming a habitual consumer of abused substances.
In today s world as it has been seen many times teens and adolescents are the ones who have been affected most defenseless to these substances. Though this age group has been the most vulnerable the other people of this group are also equally susceptible. Substance abuse is not an age related problem it can affect any person of any age. Even people who are icons and are considered mentors by many are exposed to substance abuse as they face a lot of stress and related problems. These substances are responsible for producing certain neurotransmitters in the brain and this brings about a feeling of being drunk and feeling high. It can also make a person feel relaxed or feel highly excited. Because substances like this produce such neurotransmitters and produce certain emotions it becomes difficult for a person to live without these emotions and craves for more thereby creating an addiction for such substances.
Fortunately for people who are addicted to such substances there are facilities which help them to get rid of these addictions. It is entirely dependent on a person whether he will come out of the facility a responsible person and the one who he really was. These facilities are available to anyone who wants to get rid of these addictions and if the person feels he can get rid of the addiction and co operates with the therapists in that facility then there is a great possibility that the person comes out a renewed person. There are many ways that a person can be treated for substance abuse and the most common method used is detoxification. Detoxification is the process of administering certain chemicals into the body which try and remove the substances and then get out of the body. The detoxification agent used is not addictive and it gets out of the body quickly. There are two ways in which a person can be detoxified the first is inpatient detoxification and the other is outpatient detoxification. Inpatient detoxification generally is done in hospitals and rehab centers and they require certain equipments to be administered. They are normally for people who have been addicts for a real long time. The outpatient detoxification is for mild addicts and it does not require equipments but the administration should be done by an experienced therapist.
Also there is the twelve step method to recover form substance abuse. This task involves twelve tasks which a person must follow in order to recover from drug abuse. When a person follows the twelve steps the person learns that addiction is something he can control and one can recover from addiction only by abstaining from it. It teaches the addicts to learn from their previous mistakes and makes him correct his mistakes thereby making him a better person. It lets him boost his self confidence and self esteem and makes a person feel no different from a normal human being. Normally people feel that they can come over their addiction and feel that the will not consume it the next time. But every time they fall for the addiction .And ultimately achieve a state where they have no control over the addiction. There are five stages in which a substance abuse gradually develops into and addiction. The first stage is known as experimentation where people start thinking that trying the substance once might not lead them to addiction. Normally experimentation starts at a very early age and at this age people might not know the effects of these substances. There are also other reasons why a person starts using these substances and it could be stress and related problems. The next stage deals with the regular use of these substances as one is not able to resist the emotions that they trigger. It could either be a happy feeling or sad one. But people just don t want to lose it and start consuming it regularly. The next stage deals with the over use of the substance and this is the stage where a person gradually starts losing control. The final stage of the or nearly the final stage is dependence in which the person is not able to survive without the substances and the body starts demanding for more and more of that substance.
The final and the ultimate stage is addiction which makes the person get addicted to the substance and thereby lose any resentment that the person has towards that substance. There are many substances that can be abused and they are illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and legal drugs such as alcohol, prescription pills and many other drugs. The initial reason for a substance reason for a substance abuse might be for fun or it might be for gaining emotional pleasure due to personal problems. It can also be for the fact that there might be stress and related problems and hence to relax a person may indulge in substance abuse. When a person indulges in substance abuse he/she feels a deep desire to continue consuming it. And it thereby becomes an addiction. Substance abuse can change the behavior of a person. Can change his perception of judgments and can create imbalances in physical control over the body and speech.
The negative impacts of substance abuse can be seen at substance abuse facilities. Here the addicts face the withdrawal effects and are seen suffering of pain and poor health. One can clearly see the trauma in these people and the desperation to get hold of that substance. The body becomes numb and at times the person goes into a depreciated condition. People tend to forget their aim in life and they forget reason for living. It can change a person s mood immediately and the person can become violent and harm the people trying to tend them.#p#分页标题#e# Mostly there are people who want to avoid telling people about drug abuse within their families. It mostly involves parents who don t want people knowing about their kids involved in substance abuse and thereby don t take proper care of this alarming matter and do not even admit them into a rehab center. Substance abuse has a profound effect on a person s health and is not something that must be left unattended to. It has adverse effects on the physical and mental health of a person. It changes a person s behavior and affects the person s stance and also affects the way he speaks. Their perception of things changes and at times they have a sudden change in emotions and they get too violent and harmful.
There are various treatment programs that are available to treat people addicted to substance abuse. The programs provided are either residential or are outpatient treatment. The treatment period normally ranges from about a month two three months. The time period mostly depends on the level of addiction. These treatment procedures mainly treat the inner man present in a person. It helps a person regain his very own self and helps him realize the mistakes he made and makes correct the mistake. But evaluation of substance is not as we think. It is a tedious process and normally doctors don t opt for this process they can find out about a person involving in substance abuse without any test s but just to satisfy people they go for this evaluation. But it is recommended that a person undergoes this test in case a person is being admitted to a rehab center. The test is common in every place and the test is called CAGE test. The test at first looks very easy and one feels that it is not very difficult. There are four questions that is involved during a CAGE test. The first question that is asked is whether a person has ever had the intention to cut down on drinking? Has the person ever been annoyed by the criticism they face towards drinking? Has the person ever been guilty about drinking? Has the person ever had a drink in the morning? Based on the answers given by the person the doctors can decide whether the person is addicted to drugs or not. There are many other methods to evaluate if one is abused to a substance or not. The many methods available are the MIST method, the MAST method. These methods are highly efficient in finding a person s addiction towards addiction to a substance. Based on this it is decided whether he should be admitted to a rehab or should he be sent to a outpatient treatment where one is treated in their home only. The rehab centers are also dedicated and they provide the right type of treatment based on the level of addiction and the rehab gives an assurance to bring back that person to normal and help him recover from that person s addiction.